PROPHETS AND PROPHECIES, SUDHA RANI [free ebook novel txt] 📗

- Author: SUDHA RANI
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The zeal in GOD and the love towards his word made me to meditate more on The Word of God, the more I meditate the love towards God has increased. The Word of God is so sweet that you like to read it more, it gives you strength that you will not fear, it gives you courage that you will not be discouraged; it gives so much knowledge and understanding that you need not read any Encyclopaedia. The more I read and understand The Word of God the more I like to teach his love to others and that made me to write the book on Prophets and Prophecies.
The aim of writing this book is not that I have more knowledge but what the Holy Spirit has made me to understand the Word made me to write this book.
This is about the Prophets, what they prophesised, in which cities, in which kingdom and during which the kings. Through out the Bible Prophets were their and prophesised many times but all the prophets did not write the prophetic books. Only those prophets who were told by the Holy Spirit inspiration wrote the books.
It is important to interlink and read the Prophetic books along with the books of I Kings and II Kings because Prophets were their during the kings time and prophesised to them, warned them that if they do not obey and worship the living God, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon will come destroy the temple in Jerusalem and take them as captive, they also prophesised about our saviour LORD Jesus Christ his birth, death, resurrection, end times and the II Coming of Jesus Christ. (Acts 10:43 says “All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.”)
NOTE: When you’re reading this book you have to refer the Bible verses. This book is not about the history of prophets but about what they prophesised about Jesus Christ and how to read these prophetic books in a spiritual way and how to relate it to our life; it gives you knowledge on prophetic books but if you want to know more about them you have to read the Bible scriptures . READ IT AND HAVE A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY BE BLEESED…..
I PETER 1:10-11 & II PETER 1:19-21.
Prophets prophecies by the inspiration from God by the Holy spirit and tell the future things .A person who prophecies are called as prophets. In Bible prophecies have more value. They have been fulfilled without any mistake.
In Bible there are total 18 prophetic books. 17 in Old Testament and 1 in New Testament (Revelation).
Prophets can be divided into:
1. Major prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel.
Major prophetic books: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel.
2. Minor prophets and their books: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah & Malachi.
History of prophets:
There are many other prophets in Old Testament but they have not written any prophetic books.
Example: Aaron (Exodus 7:1), Elijah (I Kings 18:36), Elisha (I kings 19:16) etc.
In Old Testament time there were many false prophets who prophesised without Holy Spirit. In (Deuteronomy 18:10 ,18:22 )”If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the LORD does not take place or come true that is a message the LORD has not spoken “. (Jeremiah 29: 8,9 ; 23:21 ,14:14 ,29:9; Zechariah 13: 13,15; Ezekiel 13:10; Nehemiah 6:14)
1) Prophets who take money - Nehemiah 6:12
2) Prophets for food -Romans 16:17 Ezekiel 34:2-17
3) Prophets like dog – Isaiah 56:11, Philippians 3:2
4) Prophets like fox – Ezekiel 13:3-9, Acts 20:29
5) Prophets who lie – 1John 4:1, Ezekiel 14:9
6) False teachings – II John 1:10, II Peter 2:1-4
7) False vision – Ezekiel 22:28, 13:6, 14:9
8) False teachings against Apostles Doctrine –II Peter 3:17
9) False teachings against Jesus Christ – II John1:7
10) Those who spoil the church – Jeremiah 23:1, 2
11) Useless Prophets – I Timothy 1:3-8
12) Prophets who stamp the field – Jeremiah 12:10
13) Prophets who prophesise by Baal - Jeremiah 2:8, 10:21, 23ch, Psalms 50:16
14) Eating the food, stamping the rest – Ezekiel 22:24
15) Prophets but are wind – Jeremiah 5:13
16) Prophets greedy for gain – Jeremiah 6:13, Matthew 24:11
17) Prophets who are violent – Ezekiel 22:24
18) Prophets without wisdom – Hosea 9:7
19) Prophets who deceive - Micah 2:11
20) Prophets who take bribes – Micah 3:11
21) Prophets who are arrogant – Zephaniah 3:4
22) Prophets who are dishonest - Titus 1:11
Under the leadership of Moses the Israelite came out of the Egypt. They were wandering in the wilderness for 40 years because of their disobedience that generation people died in the wilderness. But as God promised them that he will give Canaan as inheritances to them so the next generation under the leader ship of Joshua went to the Promised Land.
After Joshua as leader there were 15 Judges to guide the Israelites there are: 1.Othniel, 2. Ehud, 3. Shamgar, 4. Deborah, 5. Gideon, 6. Abimelech, 7.Tola, 8.Jair, 9. Jephthah, 10. Ibzan, 11. Elon, 12. Abdon, 13. Samson, 14. Eli, 15. Samuel. (Read the book of Judges & I Samuel).
Some Judges also prophesised like Deborah, Samuel (I Samuel 19:20, I Kings 20:35, II Kings 2:3, 6:1, Amos 2:11, 7:14) etc.
In I Samuel 8th chapter Israel’s ask for a king so God told Samuel to Anoint Saul as king.
Prophets Prophesised during the Kings time, so we should know about kings. (Read I &II Samuel & I &II Kings to know about kings)
Israel’s 1st KING was Saul he ruled for 40 years
2nd KING was David he ruled for 40 years
3rd KING was Solomon he ruled for 40 years
From here the kingdom was divided into Israel kingdom and Judah kingdom read (I Kings 12th chapter full)
KINGS OF ISRAEL KINGDOM (These kings did evil in the eyes of the LORD)
Jeroboam - I Kings 12:25
Nadab - I Kings 15:25
Baasha – I Kings 15:33
Elah - I Kings 16:8
Zimri - I Kings 16:15
Omri - I Kings 16:21
Ahab - I Kings 16:29
Ahaziah - II Kings 1ST chapter
Joram - II Kings 9:15
Jehu - II Kings 9th chapter
Jehoahaz - II Kings 13th chapter
Jehoash - II Kings 13:10
Jeroboam II – II Kings 14:23
Zechariah - II Kings 15:8
Shallum - II Kings 15:13
Menahem - II Kings 15:17
Pekahiah - II Kings 15:23
Pekah - II Kings 15:27
Hoshea (last king ) - 17th chapter
KINGS OF JUDAH (I Chronicles 3:10-16)
Rehoboam - I Kings 12th chapter
Abijah - I Kings 15th chapter
Asa - I Kings 15:9 (He was right in the eyes of the LORD )
Jehoshaphat - I Kings 15:24 (He was right in the eyes f the LORD)
Jehoram - II Kings 8:16
Ahaziah - II Kings 8:25
Alhaliah - II Kings 11th ch
Joash - II Kings 12th ch (good king Repairs the temple)
Amaziah - II Kings 14th ch (good king)
Azaiah or Uzziah - II Kings 15th ch
Jotham - II Kings 15:32 (good king)
Ahaz - II Kings 16th ch
Hezekiah – II Kings 18th ch – 20th ch (good king)
Manasseh - II Kings 21st ch
Amon - II Kings 21:19
Josiah - II Kings 22nd ch (good king ,Law book was found and renews the covenant)
Jehoahaz - II Kings 23:31
Jehoiakim - II Kings 23:36
Jehoiachin - II Kings 24:8
Zedekiah (last king) - II Kings 24:18
JUDAH: Joel, Isaiah, Micah, Zephaniah, Jeremiah, Habakkuk, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi.
NINEVEH: Jonah, Nahum.
BABYLON: Daniel, Ezekiel.
EDOM: Obadiah.
Obadiah, Joel, Jonah, Hosea, Isaiah, Micah, Amos, , Zephaniah, Jeremiah ,Nahum ,Habakkuk
IN CAPTIVE: Ezekiel, Daniel
AFTER CAPTIVE: Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
Isaiah means “GOD WILL HELP” Isaiah was the prophet and writer of this scripture. He is from Judah family his father’s name is Amoz. Isaiah prophet’s wife was also a prophetess and he has two sons (Isaiah 8:3, 7:3)
He prophesise for about 40 years, during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah kings of Judah .He spend his life in Jerusalem .He saw four wars. He prophesised more about Jesus Christ than any other prophets. That is why Bible scholars call him as Old Testament Paul.
In book of Isaiah there are 66 books (It is also called as mini Bible). In first 39 chapters it is written about the punishment for sinners (The city of Judah was full of sin) the whole world was in sin they did not obey God. They did idol worship, adultery, murders, so he prophesies about the God punishment. The other 27 chapters are about repentance for their sin and whoever will leave sin the Gods grace and mercy will be their. So in the same way if we sin God’s will punishment us but if we repent and ask for forgiveness, our God is a merciful God he will forgive us. (Acts 2:38- “Repent and be baptised, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.”
Galatians 5:16-24-“So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature……….”
Ephesians 1:7 “In him we have redemption, through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace”.
Ephesians 2:13- “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ”.
Acts 10:43 “All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.”
(Other references Colossians 1:13, I John 1:9, Romans 8:1, Psalm 103:8-12)
Isaiah 6:8, 9 “Here I am. Send me!”
Isaiah 7:14 “ The sign of Immanuel ”
Isaiah 9:6 “ For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. ……”
Isaiah 53 chapter – Christ was pierced for our transgressions….
Isaiah 61:10 garments of salvation
Isaiah 63:1 who is this robed in splendour……
Isaiah 66:22 ”new heavens and the new earth that I make well endure before me”
Isaiah 28:16 “a precious cornerstone for new a sure foundation”
Isaiah 11:12 ”he will raise a banner for the nations”
Isaiah 2:6-22 “the day of Lord” “men will flee to caves in the rocks…. Shake the earth….
(17vers) the Lord alone will be exalted in that day and the idols will totally disappear
Isaiah prophesies more about Jesus Christ birth and death. That a virgin will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel, in (9th chapter) Jesus Christ is our Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. He had been pierced and crushed for our iniquities, by his blood our sins are forgiven, by his wounds we are healed, he poured out his life unto death and he bored the sins of people and is making intercessions for us. There is no person or an idol that can forgive our sins. It is only through Jesus Christ that we are saved (Galatians 5:1, Ephesians 1:7, and Romans 6:1-14)
In Acts 8:26-40 the Ethiopian who was reading the book of Isaiah at one point when he was reading the verse “He was led like a sheep to the slaughter, for his life was taken from the earth.” He did not understand the verse at that time the spirit of the LORD made Philip to appear near him. So the Eunuch asked him who is the prophet talking about, himself or someone else? Then Philip explained and told him that it was about Jesus Christ which the prophet which he rote 600 years ago. After hearing the massage the eunuch said to give him Baptism. This way the gospel was preached in all the towns. In the same way we the believers in Christ should preach the word of God and serve him. Amen.
SALVATION: ISAIAH 12:2, 12:9, 45:17, 49:8, 52:7-10, 59:16-17, 61:10, 62:11, 63:1.
Seven things that are forever or everlasting:
Isaiah 26:4 - Eternal Rock.
Isaiah 33:14 – Everlasting burning.
Isaiah 35:9 - Eternal happiness.
Isaiah 45:17 – Eternal
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