» Bibles » TESTIMONY OF LOVE, Amos Raphael [top 10 books to read TXT] 📗

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those around you.

There is a scary part of life, the part that you’re scared to be truthful and silence becomes your language. I don’t want to die a failure, that I didn’t try hard enough for something and didn’t do my best, knowing I was created to do it for his glory. Though some scary part is putting your ideas out 333athere what if you crush and burn. When you know the truth you don’t need a million to admire, you only need one and maybe we can’t love widely but love deeply but is that not more than most of us should get. You don’t get to choose if to get hurt in this world but when you have a saint that hurts you, then you can, and then you do love your choices.

It’s true sometimes we feel so weak but be glad life is the happiest thing ever though most of times we might spend time at a corner shed some tears. To make them worth we shed them while saying a prayer and for sure when we come out we come very strong than before feeling more admirable and even appreciated full of glory. Miss Khadija our class teacher once asked this when I was a kindergarten student “what do you say to your father when he comes back home?” each student gave their answers when it was my turn I smiled and said “I don’t have a father” she smiled back and said no son you have one I know him his name is God go ask your mum and she will prove it. I went back home and asked mum “is it true that God is my father? Yes, she said but who told you that? Teacher Khadija I answered. She opened the bible and told me a story of creation and even told me of a man named JESUS then she narrated.

God created you but I a mother and your earthly father are only images to represent God. She told me lots of stories on God and this Loving JESUS. She also explained on Heaven and Angles to a point I imagined what heaven looked like. And this is where I really knew God these words changed a lot in me they are the words that planted love in me.

When I look at myself physically I use the mirror I don’t actually look at me but on the mirror and in it I see my own image it’s reflecting, all the time it gave me the correct image in the wrong direction that was left to right (reverse) of what was real of me. Cause that’s how it defines things not any other way, and when I wanted to use my own eyes to see me I would actually close my physical eyes and imagine of what I looked like I saw myself a very different person from what all other people see me, then to express the way I saw myself I called the way I saw my self-dreams and vision.

Surely the way we see our self and how others see in us is very different we see reality designed in us but the rest of the world see the outcome of what we do and act upon they don’t see who we are they actually see the product of who we are.

I pray that a time comes when Christian’s turns to true understanding of living fully satisfied in their Lord. As their faith and those misinterpreting Islam pave a way to the world’s peace case, religion was not meant to destroy earth but sustain it.


We are born with a purpose hundreds mention it but millions don't really understand it. We are the highest of God’s creation with extra ordinary capabilities there is nothing we can’t do, the problem is, we don't know what to choose to do because we are not satisfied with our strength, knowledge, education and we are not even sure if what we choose is ever going to satisfy us any way. That in the end we end choosing a lot of things that and we end with no stand I don't mean we can’t do lots of things at once but we can achieve the best if we know exactly what we choose and fight for it with all might.


  It’s stupid to think you can’t swim only because you never did it before it’s wise to know you only can’t swim because you didn't have time to learn then get to learn and start swimming. Before you started driving a car never meant you can’t drive it only meant you have to learn to and now you drive. Humans are unique and so are you and me. We should learn to be satisfied in our uniqueness in our home families and nations and bring the world at peace but that's never going to be possible if we don't understand working on our uniqueness. Stand choose anything at your level work on it learn in it and it will lift you up to the peak of the world.



For centuries the greatest lie has always been its not enough. There is not enough for everyone, this has led to competition for living resources, breaking out of wars and hatred among people. We even live in expectations of the shortage of water, gas and oil, then how wont our selfish nature which is not what we are created with but actually what we have learned and made it who we are at the moment manifest.

The truth is there is more than enough for us to live for we don’t all need the same clothes, food, wife, husband or any other thing. Every community and its people have their own preferences and choices but the problem comes, we don’t really know who we are, we define our self in terms of others and see our self the same way as those we found living the moment we were born. Not knowing our creation was for a different purpose from the rest, otherwise there was no need for us, God shouldn’t have wasted his time duplicating people but everyone has a different purpose and different needs to accomplish his or her purpose, and in this case we need each other to access these needs. Thus selfishness isn’t part of the story, and the scarcity/ not enough theory exists because we are selfish making all of us depend on exactly what we see, but in reality there’s so much more we are not trying to see. The, I want to be like a certain person and the copy cut strategy is what makes us conclude its not enough for us all, and that becomes evidently true and science and economics can prove that to be a fact, some facts never existed unless humans made them exist.

Because it seems that what our neighbor has, was supposed to be ours so that we could also be successful, if one starts a business and succeeds we feel he used the one possible alternative we should have used on the first place, we fight to be recognized, praised and respected. Because we were born seen successful people with that honor, then we think that’s success. As a result, we would like to see others down while we remain on top. It’s all a lie there is more than enough if you get to know and understand yourself.

Have a seat, imagine who you are and wish to be, get to understand your abilities be creative in achieving them, loose the spirit of fear and create the love of success in you. You will realize there is more than enough to live for, and it is even abundant that the world can’t even consume it all.

Life is all about what you see in yourself. Not really what others think of you. How can they see reality in you if you don’t even realize it yourself? When you realize what you really need to do and have in life, then life sums up in LIVING IT or LEAVING IT. It’s either you act on it or you don’t completely, it’s your life anyway the decision is all yours to do or not to do.


Love wrote “troubles are there to shape our lives. You have to face troubles to help/make you get strong. Don’t ran away from trouble, face them! You never know, but you will get to understand that God did allow misfortunes to shape you into something perfect. Though we get disappointed, they make us face the path of no return, this is because we will never get weary but we are strengthened. The more troubled we are, the stronger we get.

Some people believe that, having/facing trouble makes us draw near to God or solutions to what challenges us. It’s during this time people try to seek God with all limits. They use all strength to find solutions when they are extra troubled. We all need comfort and we then realize were to get our comfort and shield. What else could one want in times of trouble than comfort and if it’s the only way to make people seek truth and solutions one may say thanks be to the Troubles.” By (JUCKLINE MEELA)

love is therefore challenged by the greatest lie that “it’s not enough” and the things we so called “trouble” for its either we are selfish or we live with troubled souls, or with hearts that are too harsh to bear with those around us including those who happen to wrong us.






















“The society introduced God to me in the name of religion but in the course of life I understood it was not about religion,


My story began on the night of 1st May 1993, a night that mama said “ooh lord, thank you for giving me such a beautiful baby boy” with tears of joy flowing down her cheeks.

My mum was and is a Christian. I remember as a child, she spoke many of times about a God that Loves us so much, listens and redeems. Even though I never really understood what that meant by then. Sometimes I saw her doing a wired thing, she brought her arms together, bowed her head and knelt on the floor then she began talking silently to herself and not long I would see drop of tears as they hit the floor gently. It was not easy for me to understand all that. She called that prayer.

She would always say, this is the way people talk to God. And this is how we are filled with love, she also said we need love to accomplish everything including being happy. And we can talk to Love himself personally for God is love himself. This is how I learned to pray. She taught me, prayer was not a series of words to be said to God, but prayer was simply pouring our inner begin to God in honesty. The words didn’t matter but the state we put our self with God at that moment, the state that allows us to talk to him and allow him to talk to us. Then she said as you take your time and express yourself to God in prayer is the same way you should take your time and listen to HIM.

during my childhood we lived near an orphanage I was a single parent family kid, bearing in mind my mum was not that wealthy or able to support the two of us with everything the family needed, but still there was a heart of concern for others and that’s what she taught me. I spent almost all of my time living with the kids at the center, they were all of my age and it was the thing and place I loved to be all the time, there was no greater feeling I had or we had as when people came to visit us

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