» Bibles » TESTIMONY OF LOVE, Amos Raphael [top 10 books to read TXT] 📗

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I would like to thank all the people who happened to be at any point of my daily course of life, I dedicate this book to my lovely mama Emelita Mfugale and my Dad Samuel Raphael and all my brothers and sisters. Thanks to Agape Lutheran junior seminary and Edmund rice Sinoni high school where I got to grow my passion and green acres’ primary school were it was all planted. Thanks to the Schacht and Kiwia’s family for every support I can’t mention. But also not forgetting Eustace Moyo and Jackline Meela for being those people you can never make it without them, thanks to all members of Edmund rice class 2014 and students of information system management at The University of Dodoma and all USCF members. May the love of God be with you all and thank you is what I can say for now.




















Dear friend this is my Journal; written based on the thoughts I have had all these years. I have written them based on the theme of love and events that I have experienced and seen happening. I want you to read it not only to help you in your doings but because God has given you a gift even if you don’t know it yet. Everyone has to find that out for themselves and that’s why I want you to go through this book. The greatest feeling in this world is to love and feel loved, in this book I express the meaning and testify love in a great dimension of life. Love here stands to be the greatest testimony for the greatest testimonies of life are made out of love.



“The basic values are common to all religions: Compassion; solidarity and respect for the human person. While we may differ, we still share a common love of our families.






Physics entertainment theory states that “some specific sounds increase the rate of our heart beat”. That specific sound has always been the sound of love, fan enough it’s not a sound that only the ears can hear but a sound that the heart can feel its vibrations, making it beat faster creating happiness within us.

Cell phones kill bees, well I mean cell phones signals cause bees to lose their way home and they die. That’s what science has proven in 2011. Apparently Albert Einstein said “if all Bees in the world die exactly four years after that all men will die. Now this is not my point of discussion but it serves well the point that love is a testimony too broad in it context, it unites all of nature. Whatever one member of nature does, affects the other intensively and the damage respectively affects the entire nature including the cause. I chose a wired example in the chain MAN CELLPHONES, SINGLES, BEES, and MAN.

Love has a profound effect to all nature whether it’s between two people or the love of God who stands to be Love himself. the testimony that love gives has no dimension, it sees and touches too deep into a human’s heart, pain is temporal so is happiness but joy is something we earn to live with always.

in the year 1945 the 26th day of the month of Juliet, when the world war two was coming to an end, a cargo was delivered to ARCHIPEL DES MARIANNES by a crew of marine soldiers of the Indianapolis. They delivered the cargo not knowing it was something that would make us all today speak of what happened to Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan in the end of 1945, many lives were lost. One part won the war, the other loosed and surrendered, and the war was over. Why do I have to highlight this, well because we have to be aware that with the human nature that we have created for our self, we have learned to fight one another? And claim in order to be superior we need to have the power to eliminate others and silence them at any moment making us remain at the top. History speaks a lot, we have seen and heard of Adolf Hitler, Mussolini, and Id Amin, currently we have seen what happened to Libya, Iraq, Syria and we also see nations like Sudan and Somalia. All this events still have two perspectives, to some they are supported and to some they are cursed heavily and that’s where they get even worse.

this world has a lot going on and in every story that you find in the pages of the history of this world, you will always come across a testimony too great, these testimonies are always made out of love and the acts of love, even soldiers don’t fight for the hate of their enemies but the love of their countries and they call it an act of Velour. Because love is too strong to push us into doing things that might seem too scary, love is powerful than the fear of death, it overcomes every kind of fear and dares to do all. This is why the greatest testimonies are made out of the acts of Love and love himself is a testimony testifying within us with honesty and truth.

War has been a part of humanity in every age, fighting for power, riches, for rights and for freedom and there always seems to be something to fight for. We are humans and we are all soldiers at one point of our life, and we have to fight and in every war we need to develop a strategy behind the field of battle. We are all aware that death is part of life and the life we are given should never be taken for granted. The many battles we engage in today, be it money, control or matters of the heart, very few of us know how to fight the right way, or understand who we are really fighting against. To win any battle, you have got to have the right strategy and resources, because victories don’t come by accident. And here is where Love comes in and the testimony of love wins us every battle in life.


















Life is so unpredictable looking back, I couldn’t believe I could be doing what am doing, and I don’t regret my choices. They turned to be my happiness today.




(Proverbs 17:17) A true friend shows love at all times and is a brother who is born for times of distress.

(1Corinthians 13:4-8) Love is patient and kind, does not look for its own interests, does not come provoked, does not keep account of the injury, it bears everything, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, Love never fails.

Proverbs 4:7-8 says wisdom is supreme; therefore, get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.

Some words are worth hearing especially when spoken by the inner being, they are words that originate from truth than just a mere thought or feeling. My heart talks about peace talks about Love and is always concerned about those around me. Life felt worthy the moment we learn to Love someone else than we thought we loved our own self. I learned from the example of Christ giving myself for others and learning to express my Love to them.

Sometimes I tried to understand how the universe worked but I always got it wrong then I just knew, it never really matters how things happen but who makes them happen. For We are men made up of boxes, chambers of loss and trial, of hurt, Hope and Love. And yet no one is stronger than a man that can honest his past and use it as fuel and ammunition for his growth.

Most of times we find ourselves asking some delicate questions to nobody as if we don’t know that the being nobody doesn’t even exists. The truth could be, such questions can never get answers from anyone, somebody, someone not even everybody. As a result, such questions end up to nobody who in fact can’t answer and has never been there for once.

We humans forget one thing, some answers are only found within our conscious and these are answers to questions on what we wish, want, desires and of our true self. Most important, they tell on how our destinies should look like. We can be feed with all the advice and knowledge but whether we understand or not, use it or not, be who we want and desire or not. The answers to all this is nowhere than in our own self.

For we should Live our life that the fear of death can never enter our heart, chat no one about his religion, respect others in their views and demand they respect ours, love our life, perfect our life, beautify all things in our life. Seek to make our life long and worthy to our creator and of service to our people, that when our time comes to go home let’s be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, weeping and praying demanding a time to live our life over again to make it right to all we wronged but glorify the lord in our hearts that we are going back home.

You know “Even when God seems to have abandoned us he is watching, even if He seems indifferent to our suffering he is watching and when we are beyond all hope of saving he gives us rest as a sign to continue our journey.”

When I passed from boyhood to adolescence, I viewed life in pessimism and despaired of ever something of myself, but God’s love and care never deserted me I had confidence in his mercy. I had always desired to live in harmony with my brothers and sisters but my wish was always frustrated by the reality of the environment charged with malice envy and strife. Being a rebel I refused to surrender to this bitter reality and often tried to draw myself closer to my brothers and sisters but I collided with a high wall of scheming from what they called reality. But as a rebel I also deserted this family seeking Love in God’s wide word, and truly, the time my heart led me to understanding Christ, that was where I first experienced genuine love. Thanks be to God who never left me alone in emptiness and loneliness. Expression of love overflowed in my heart.

When you look into someone’s eyes you see your own reflection starring back at you, but I know there’s more than my own reflection there’s more than just that. I know it even if I can’t prove it because I can feel it, we leave so much behind in life our families, friends, countries and so much more. I suppose the whole of life in the end becomes an act of letting go but what always hurts the most is not taking a moment to say good bye.

I know of my hundreds of faults and I can never be perfect but rather I accept them and let Christ in his amazing love lead, I’ve a very weak heart and love is my greatest weakness am proud of my weakness and I don’t need to grow strong in it I only need to grow weaker and let God “Love” himself take over and be the love in me. Being loved doesn’t really matter but what matters is the love you feel for all

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