» Bibles » BITTEN, Guillaume Mwamba [red white and royal blue hardcover TXT] 📗

Book online «BITTEN, Guillaume Mwamba [red white and royal blue hardcover TXT] 📗». Author Guillaume Mwamba

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Hosea, let me pass. I don't want trouble!?” He pleaded and he was about to walk away when Hosea pulled him back.

       “Wait we are not done with you. You got some nerve to walk away from us dweeb?” Hosea thundered. “Easy, I thought the young man already told you that he doesn't want trouble Hosea, Obed, and Shadrach?” Michael discontinued them from pondering him on the ground.

      “Who-who say that?” Shadrach shattered after they glared at them and saw an angel next to Chris shining in the glory of God. Hosea and his friends began shivering in fear. “Please don't hurt us? We'll leave him alone!” Obed shattered.

“Promise kind sir!” Shadrach stammered and all three of them flee, but Hosea adds that it's not the end of it. “This is not the end yet, Chris!” He growled.

“Yeah, I can't wait to see you and thanks, Angel.” Chris thanked. “You welcome! So are you ready to answer the call of becoming the Slayer?” Michael informed.

“No way, Angel! See you later!?” The young high school student refused and marched away.

       Chris was walking on the sidewalk which was in the midst of Greenish Park after the Vampires appeared to him to all sides and started attacking him.

Then this mysterious strange supernatural power: boiled inside when he started beating them harshly. In a few minutes, Chris found himself, with this pointed wooden stick in his hand.

       Then Chris remembered years ago when he's sawing the mysterious girl who ran into the woods. Chris kicked the Vampire, who was before him in the poor bloodthirst Vampire collapse while vanquishing him with the sharpest pointed wooden stake.

       The Vampire turned into dust when the other one went behind Chris and grabbed him on his neck like she trying to choke him to death, but Chris struggles with all his might within and he flipped her before himself and stabbed the Vampire to dust.

      Chris regrets passing on the sidewalk in the midst of Greenish Park because it's was the longest battle ever fought, however, Chris didn't give up for you the only way you can get out there alive by turning all the Vampires to dust and he did.

After the fatal combats with the Vampires, please Chris began marching home without pains, but with some bruises till he arrived home that night.

    His father and his sister Ashley were waiting outside and Chris's father was sad to see son with bruises on his handsome face, but he glad that came home safe.

“Chris, my son you are welcome home and what happens to your face?” Joel interviewed.

      “Good evening father! Ah, he's bruised to my face? Well, it's just that I was engaging with this weird being they called themselves Vampires.

The Vampires were saying “suck every drop of his blood from the chosen one Slayer, so we can go free our master named Devon” which was weird. They came from Norway and attacked me! Look at this pointed wooden stick?” Chris explained.

      “Wow what an amazing story! Do you have Vampire Slayer?  Get your imagining story elsewhere even mother was better than you!” Ashley complained.

“Ashley and what do you explain this?  Just look at this sharpest wooden stick!?” Chris questioned while showing the stake to Ashley.

       “Ha ha ha ha, so it is true and you just call a stick-ha! Chris Slayers usually call it a stake!” She giggled. “Father and Shelley, I don't have time for you?” Chris snapped. “O- okay, Mr. Grumpy!” Shelley gulped.

    “Aha, yeah, Ashley, Vampires do exist and they can only attack those, who had the ordained symbol of God?” Joel exclaimed. “Yeah, I know that, Daddy!” She repeated.

     Good if you know that, but right now I have to go to bed; for tomorrow I had a concert to attend at Sharon’s and Simon's church! So I must go practice my song and play a keyboard!” Chris added.

    “What you're going to the concert tomorrow? Can I go too, cuz I need to see my song please?” Ashley pleaded while following him to his bedroom. “Umm, yes you can come too but we prepare tomorrow evening.

      Sharon’s and Simon's father are coming to pick us up!?” Chris nodded and Shelley was excited because she is going to shine. “Nope, I will take Ashley to the concert. I'll be free?” Joel excelled.

       Thanks, Daddy! Chris‘s little sister shrieked in laughter. In the same night, Chris was marching alone on the sidewalk after Sharon's and Simon's father drop him. When he met, three Vampires stepping on his way and charged him.

        One of them said to kill the Chosen Slayer. “Kill the Chosen Slayer! We need is blood to free our master from the sealing bondage by his mother!?” Cliven ordered. The two vampires charge Chris after he beat them to dust.

       Only one remained to engage with Chris, Cliven jumped so high and was coming toward Chris and almost strike the Vampire Slayer, but Chris dodged it while he flattened himself on the floor with a big thud. “Ooh, I supposed that leave a mark?” Chris teased.

     “Shut up, you just wait… I'll get you!” Cliven growled. “And how will you do,  while you flattened on the cold sidewalk-ah?” The young Slayer interviewed and stabbed the Cliven in the heart after he turned to powder.

       Sixty seconds as pass after Chris defeated Cliven and thirsty bloodthirsty Vampires, Michael reappeared before him. “Umm, not this again!? Angel, does God really want me so bad to be a Vampire Slayer?” Chris whined.

      “Yes, He does because the entire human population will be in greater danger especially you His child. I don't accept God's calls of becoming a Slayer, you, your loved ones, and your school friends: will be at mercy of the deadliest kind of darkness named Devon.

And if his free from the sealing dungeon, all human on the earth will be doomed! Right now Devon as sent some of his agents and they already suck some of your friend's blood. One more thing a certain teenage girl not from here will attend your school.

       You will be a target to your classmates, your bullies Hosea, Obed Shadrach and the others will be jealous of the supernatural strength within and a new girl, but no worries the Lord God will be by your side! There are planning from today always to Monday.

     They that were they will begin sucking blood from males and females because the time for them it is running out,” Michael explained and went back to heaven.

When the Archangel Michael had gone back to heaven, Chris reached the church in five minutes.

      Sharon and her brother were happy to see him after a while Ashley is younger sister came in. Chris came to sit next to Simon while Ashley sat with their father. “Chris, you are here?” Sharon excited.

         “Yeah, I am and I came with little sister Ashley because she wants to sing too and what time is the concert going to start?” Christ asked back.

“Ooh, so inpatient  Chris Cornerstone? I am Edwaricke Coppers! Edwaricke introduced to him while stretching the hand for his shake, but Chris refuses.

        “Haha, no thanks I don't shake hands with strangers and how do you know my full name?” He asked. “I don't know- hahaha!” He grinned after Chris saw his sharp laser pointy teeth. “Oh oh, they are here?

         Wait a minute a black outfit!? Oh no, Vampires are among us! So the Angel was telling me the truth and let's see one, two, three, four, five, and one more on the stage glaring at me!? Sheesh, it's creepy the way she is gazing at me!” Chris thought. “What wrong Chosen One, Vampires Slayer? Cat got your tongue?” Edwaricke tweeted. Chris glared at him without fear.

“Just why are you here to do Vampire? Is your evil plot of sucking humans blood to free your Master as began?” Chris informed. “Exactly,  looks like you are too quick to discover our mission then your late mother, boy?” Ed snorted in the mind teleport.

        “Your mother was a mighty combat she almost killed us all but I drink every drop of her blood when she defeated Devon and locked him into the sealing dungeon! Now we are here to drink every drop of your blood from your two friends and the students at your school.  Besides, we already captured two of your friends Hosea and Obed,” he laughed.

      “Oh no, not going to happen! I want to let you pierced your pointy teeth into my friend's bodies!” Chris answered to Edwaricke with his supernatural powers after he froze in fears and shuddered.

       “Impossible! Just what kind of child are you- huh? Edwaricke shivered yet Chris looked at him angrily and was interrupted by the spokesman. “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen? I like to invite the Chronicle siblings, Sharon and Simon!” Pastor Mark called after the Chronicles siblings went up front.

        Chris looked next to him, Edwarike was not in his seat. He saw him heading out the front door, so Chris stare around for his family when he spotted them sitting in back seats.

       Chris ran as fast as he could towards and reached them in time. “Chris, my son what is it?” Joel interviewed. Father.

When Sharon and Simon called my name, tell them that Ashley should go first!” Chris explained. “I still don't understand your son?” The old man informed.

        “I'm going to kick some vampires bottoms! He nodded and marched off towards the door, out from it, and was walking into the hallways. “Hello, is anyone around here?” Chris shouted yet no one answer. Back of the concert service Sharon and Simon began introducing, Chris and his younger sister Ashley.

“Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I like to introduce you to one of our best friend who went to the restroom. And he will be here very soon, but I like to invite his little sister to sing for us.

        Please welcome Ashley Cornerstone!” Sharon introduces while I Ashley was marching toward the stage and reach it just in time. Chris was walking for hours into the dark hallways with his flashing light after he heard a screaming voice.

       So Chris followed the screaming voices in laughter, elsewhere, the vampires drink every drop of blood from humans, who turn to dust and they were about to suck the blood of Hosea, Obed, Christa, and Sam.

       They were laughing really happily when Chris discontinued them from piercing through his friend's necks to suck their blood.

While wearing a white hoodie, which covered all his face the only thing they can see it's the mouth.

       “I believe that won't be unnecessary Abelian, Edwarike, Nance, and Ambien?” Chris distracted them.

“Urrgh, the Chosen One Vampire Slayer- is she still alive? I thought to you killed her, Edwarike?” Rebellion grunted.

         “This is not the last Vampire Slayer? This one is new and Charity Cornerstone’s son. And be careful don't play with this one, because he's more dangerous than his mother!?” Ed shivered.

        “Grrr, look at you fools!? You shaking before the human?” Abelian roared after he gets ready to engage with Chris hand-to-hand. The young Christian boy took off his hoodie and the battle began.

   Chris engages Abelian hand to hand in combats when he was flipped so hard on the floor by him. Chris screamed in pains while he was lying still without moving. The others triumphantly hurray for Abelian, that he defeated the most deadliest Vampire Slayer while putting Chris into the ancient coffin.

  “Ah, you see the boy easy to beat!?” He shrieked in laughter after running off with Hosea and others ran into another hiding place, where the Vampire Slayer cannot find them. At the same time when they reached the hiding room where the Slayer cannot find them, they immediately pierced through their necks and began sucking their blood.

        In the ancient coffin where Chris was being put and Abelian covered it, he opened his eyes and discovered him mean to go into the pitch dark place. “Where am I? This place so dark and I can't breathe?” Chris thought. “I have to get out here! Before I am dead without defeating Devon with his evil schemes!?” He talked to himself.

      Chris Cornerstone was struggling for

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