» Bibles » God Who Cares? (Atheist), DeYtH Banger, VeNgeR GrEenTag [book club books TXT] 📗

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fuck 'em… thy wrong!  Abraham is 909… this is some kinda a bullshit and now comes circumsiced!


Visions… big numbers of age… Sarai… strange names… strange characters… I still curious, who the hell has accepted the request for publishing this book?

Ishamael… 13 years old fuck… we got young fuck… we don't know how he become that age… probably he is a illustratotion for my dick, with little more purpose.
This Sodom… plot… soap opera… home… family drama shit!


Comedy: Bible (4)

 By DeYtH Banger

Definetly fat and wrong!
This here is walking semen, nothing insulting… nothing bad… that's biology. Go get clasess of knowledge!


"“What is the point of my life?” This question cannot have haunted many people in earlier centuries; they were too busy scratching out a living, providing food and shelter for their families, fending off threats to their health and security. But now that we have pretty well solved the most pressing problems of staying alive, and have the free time to reflect on what it all means, we are assaulted at every turn by a flood of information about the apparently meaningful lives of a lucky few—doctors, judges, guitar heroes, sports stars, billionaires, celebrities, politicians, explorers of ocean depths, and conquerors of the highest mountains. If we can’t all have glamorous lives—if we can’t all be famous for even fifteen minutes—what is the point, really? Why should we care about anything?
The best answer today has been the best answer for millennia: find something more important than you are, and devote your life to it, protecting it, improving it, making it work, celebrating it. But doesn’t this usually require joining forces with others, finding a supporting organization with a clear vision? Yes, it
does, and for centuries the premier options have been religions, made all the more irresistible by one of the great master strokes of advertising: you can’t be good without God. There may well have been a time when this was practically true, when the only feasible path to a life of importance (and we all want our lives to be important) was to be a member in good standing of one church or another, one temple or another. Step One in the project of having a meaningful life was to be God-fearing. Those who weren’t God-fearing were seen as disreputable, untrustworthy, sinful, defective, empty."

- Dan Baker

"The term “God-fearing” is a fascinating fossil trace of ear lier times, when the standard or default conception of God was as an anthropomorphic Protector of Us (but not Them), Merciful Judge, Witness to our sins, Appreciator of our praise and our incessant declarations of undying loyalty. And that largely obsolete conception of God was itself a direct descendant of earlier conceptions of gods that were genuinely frightening, because they had to be appeased, and were far from loving or just or even good. How strange that the term should survive today with so little recognition of not only its obsolescence but its embarrassing history of oppression!
Wake up, folks! Listen to what your holy texts actually say! Among the delights of Dan Barker’s book are the succession of startling juxtapositions, looking at our religious practices through the eyes of a quizzical Martian. Did you realize that all Christian ministers are essentially slave traders, prized for their ability to soothe and cajole their flock of slaves into ever more submissive obedience, and even getting them to pay their keepers."

- Dan Baker

"Asking, “If there is no God, what is the purpose of life?” is like asking, “If there is no Master, whose slave will I be?” If the purpose of life is to become a submissive slave, then your meaning comes from flattering the ego of a person whom you should despise."

- Dan Baker

I don't want to fuck around with ugly truth… but the truth is that bible is teaching how to obey without asking and becoming slave!

"The historical Jesus is nicely compared to the historical Paul Bunyan. (Was there a huge lumberjack in the North Woods who inspired the tales? Maybe. Does it matter?) Then there is Barker’s darker demonstration of how religion compromises our moral judgment, by telling a story of utter depravity and eliciting a judgment from an audience that this was the deed of a moral monster, and then changing the names and circumstances oh so slightly and turning it into the horrific tale in the book of Job. As Richard Dawkins has so vividly and memorably put it, in The God Delusion."

- Dan Baker

"The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.
Some people have found this assertion unforgivably rude, but if they pause to reflect on what the tales from the Old Testament, read literally, actually tell us, how can they not acknowledge that it is a fair assessment? Barker’s ingenious exercises of imagination draw the point to our attention in a…"

- Dan Baker

"But then he shows how surprisingly easy it is to be a good person! Yes, you can learn to ride a bike, and yes, you can become a good and meaningful person without bothering yourself with all the dark confusions and contradictions imposed on you by your heritage of irrationality and obfuscation.
We don’t need religion to be good. Religion actually gets in the way. Getting rid of purely religious mandates makes life simpler and safer. Rejecting religion filters out the noise to bring a clarity of judgment, making it easier to be a good atheist than a good Christian…"

- Dan Baker

Comedy: Bible (5)

 By DeYtH Banger

"“Life is meaningless without God!”
How many times have I heard that? I have participated in more than a hundred public debates and have listened to many arguments for the existence of God, and often my opponents will throw in this nonargument during closing statements. “You may not be convinced by the evidence and arguments,” they admit, “but you should believe anyway because otherwise your life is empty and worthless.”
That rhetoric may work for some, but not for me. Tens of millions of people in the United States, and hundreds of millions around the world, lead happy, loving, productive, moral, and meaningful lives without believing in a god. We atheists have immense purpose—life-driven purpose—thank you, and are not starving for anything more."

- Dan Baker

"Chapter 4, “Much Ado About,” is my attempt to answer the question, “Can something come from nothing?” or “Why is there something rather than nothing?” These are not arguments for the existence of a god—they are just questions—but they are interesting and relevant, and many believers imagine they prove something. I make what I think is a strong case that those distracting questions are fruitless. I intend for this chapter to remove a prop from the claim that we were created by a superior intelligence to serve his aims rather than our own. It is not directly related to purpose and meaning, except for the fact that if there weren’t something rather than nothing, there could be no meaning or purpose at all!
It is true that “atheism” is a negative word, but so is “nonfiction.” They are double negatives. Both words tell you that what you are getting is real, not pretend. Those of us who do not believe in a god have nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to fear, and nothing to regret over our lack of faith. On the contrary, we nonbelievers have something valuable to offer the world, underscoring the fact."

- Dan Baker

"...that life is valuable for its own sake alone. Unlike many believers, we atheists are not smug, divisive, or exclusive about our views: we welcome all people into the natural human family. A supernatural additive pollutes what is pure and precious in our species. We atheists simply refuse to be cheated of the good life It is about you.
Forget what pastor Rick Warren says. When it comes to purpose, it is about you and no one else.
This doesn’t mean everything is about you. Morality is how you treat your neighbor and truth is how well your statements match reality. Behavior and opinions can actually be objectively right or wrong, independent of your thoughts."

- Dan Baker

Comedy: Bible (6)

 By DeYtH Banger

Fourscore?… What the hell… who the hell tells  which team gets score?
.. 6 years Abraham..
 How about go grab a large cup of … sip of object.

"I am almighty God"

- Yeah you… you selfish… disgusting prick!

"Be thou perfect"

- What type insecure asshole are you?
Betwext… what the hell… foreskin… sacrafice… what type disgusting God are you?
How about stop setting stakes and rules… okay… I already hate you… I don't need mistakes… to double my hate.
"Thee" - What the fuck?

Really… concept of money… what the hell… this modern type of bullshit in the early ages of the world we were giving chicken for bread… eggs for milk… that  was basically economy and definetly bible needs update of God… giant lizards… really?

This is your argument for dinosaurs!?
Rest your soul… wash your feet … what type of modern bullshit is this?

"And make cakes upon the heart"… - This shit does not make sense..  you fucking disgusting flesh eating bacteria… go stop alcohol… it's  definetly here… high levels of alcohol.
"They stood… they did eat"… How about go ambolish this bitch! I hate  moms… what more nasty and disgusting creature than a mom… in the holy grail and spirit… wise people have excuses to do terrible stuff.
I don't know… I don't say I know and I am not

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