» Bibles » ALTERNATE, Gui Mwamba [ebook reader for pc .txt] 📗

Book online «ALTERNATE, Gui Mwamba [ebook reader for pc .txt] 📗». Author Gui Mwamba

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Headmaster, Master Elohim, and I reach my new spaceship called Eagle, the robot by the name of PD2 and I enter.  The Headmaster Supreme Chancellor and Master Elohim stayed outside while we flew away.  The droid was piloting the ship and when we were far away from the Capital. The droid teleports the ship and we find ourselves in another dimension.
     We were flying quietly in the space when the PD2 begin speaking. I was amazed. “So Master G-Zero, what did you think of the stars?” PD2 asked. “Huh so you can talk- well the stars are pretty beautiful,” I answered. And when he was about to ask me another question to keep going, the droid was interrupted by the beeping sound. “Uh uh!”  PD2 peeped. “What is it, PD2?” I informed. “I forget to put the power into the battery. We are going too crushed!” He panicked but before I could tell him to calm down it was too late.
    So the droid was right, we crushed in the planet they called Gloomier which is the nickname Estonian with a lot of swamps with muddy ground-yuck. When we crushed in plant Estonian with our plane, PD2 ran after to ask if I was alright. Luckily I answered him that I was okay. “I am alright, PD2!?”I said. “Oh, good.” He answered. “By the way where are we?” I asked. “I don’t know, G-Zero… but let go out and asked the people of this place,” PD2 repeated, however, we didn’t insist to go out.  PD2 and I were walking alone in the strange muddy swamp and a lot of greenish trees full of fruits.
     The droid was not talking anymore he was just beeping happily yet I was trying to discover where we were.  After a few minutes, we walked a little further into the swamp forest, I sense a powerful presence with my mind and hand. It was like the voice of the young woman was speaking through my head, but I continue marching in confusion. Then I unsheathed my Vanquisher following behind my new droid after a few minutes.  I saw a young gorgeous girl wearing white clothes and the hood on her head and her skin was lighter brown also her eyes were light blue.
    Her hair was completely brown and longer but folded into two bunds. Which were to the right and left that looks like a crown, so I pointed my Blaster at her. “Like she is going to stop me!” I talked to my droid pointing my destroyer at her. The girl looked at me in a naive way that made me felt sorry for her also I felt guilty so I lower my weapon. “Well- what are you waiting for shooting me!?” Shalom asked but I couldn’t I just pitifully stare at her. “I didn’t come here to shoot living things. I came to look for Master Jean Chan. So I might finish my training! By the way, what’s your name?” G-Zero asked.
    “Hmm… my name is, Shalom Dalliwog! Well, why are you looking for my Master Jean Chan? That’s my Master too why are you looking for him and what your name? And what brings you here too, Estonian? ” She asked while taking off her hood. “My name is Guillaume Mwamba short for G-Zero. I’m looking for Master Nathan for my final training!” I exclaimed.
     “Oh well if you want to come to Master Nathan for training. You must come through me,” Shalom said. “Shalom, look I am not here to engage with you. I’m here for my training with, Master Jean Chan!” G-Zero repeated and she unsheathed her Lightsaber and ignited. When she heard my name and came too trained with the Headmaster, her blue eyes widen happily, but it didn’t take long when Shalom was coming after me quicker than I couldn’t except so she could attack me.
     After I took out my weapon and ignited it n I touch the handle with my hands, however, our Blades crashed into each other. 
“To scare Corny that I’m going to beat you up?” She asked. “Ah-ha- very funny, Snaps!” G-Zero smirked at Shalom, however, the young girl was furious with him that she attacked G-Zero even harder.  “I am not Snaps-now you done for it, G-Zero.” Shalom snarled and our lightsabers which were both white clashed with each other. White sparkles exploded into the air brightly like the sun then we separate, but when Shalom and I separated my lightsaber went flying into the air.
    “G-Zero, you got some powerful skills in combat but your weapon is far from you and you don’t have any weapon. Any last word?” She teased. I just looked at her in a confusion then smile thinking she was not bad herself.  “Not so bad yourself, Shalom, ” I replied. Anyway, that didn’t stop Shalom with all those admiration speeches. “I am not impressed, Corny-man! Think before this weapon cut your head of-ugh!” The princess screamed. I was sweating badly, but he was surprised when the lighting of his hand blocked the attack.


“Reading and meditating on the Word of God every day because of it the deadliest two edges sword against the unseen enemy” 


A Mysterious Girl



 “Nice job, Guillaume,” Shalom answered after that our Lightsabers clanged into each other, and the battle began. Around four hours, when I completely take full control of my Force and my Lighting. “Looks like you were right, Headmaster-- G-Zero is quicker Apprenant.” Jean Chan thought. “Yeah. Master Nathan, is a faster learner, but using power in his hand does it remind you of someone?” Jean reminded. “He reminds me of County Doom my faithful Apprenant!” The Headmaster replied. And both of them were responding back and forth with their mind in the Force’s teleport, Shad-Doo distracted them both. Shad's full name is Shadrach Dorman also is the best friend of Master Nathaniel who joined the dark side as a spy of the Republicans. He is humble and powerful in combat. Younger Shedis or trainee called him Master Shad. His Blade color is mostly light green. “You can say that again Headmaster Nathan, but I predict that G-Zero will become the new evil Sithen Supreme Chancellor,” He unrestrained.  “Oh stop saying nonsense, Master Dorman- I know, G-Zero!” Benwon replied interrupted. “Suit yourself Master Benwon, G-Zero will join the dark side,” He cackled.  “Enough both of you Master Benwon and Master Shad-Doo! We don’t know for sure but the next-next tomorrow morning will tell him to go into the Dark Cave to discover his inside identities. “Master Jean Chan stopped them. “I think that is the best idea, Master Chan,” Both said. The next morning, I was laying down on the green grass when Shalom came outside unsheathed and ignited her Blade. She was about to come to attack me when he tripped herself on the rock, while I cried in a loud voice. ”Timber Snaps is falling!” while I saw her go to bump herself on the tree and fainted.

After seeing that I went back to lying down when I didn’t see Shalom waking up, I ran after she called her name. “Hey… Shalom, are you okay? Shalom wake up wake up!” I said worriedly when Master Jean Chan came out of the tent asking me what happened. “What happened young Shedi- what did you do to her?” He asked. “Well. Master Shalom, was about to attack me when she tripped over the rock went to bump herself on this tree trunk,” I explained.  “Hum. Don’t worry yourself young one- here stretch out your hand I believe you have the healing power.” He asked me. So I stretched my hand, then I was shocked when my head become brighter and healed all Shalom’s bruises. Shalom opened her eyes and started laughing to herself. “Quite worrying, Corny- just go to the Dark Cave to discover your inner abilities,” She mumbled. “Identities that are within me. Are you sure?” looking at Master Chan who was shaking his head up and down.  I left Shalom with the Master and started heading towards the Dark Cave. When I reached the cave and went inside the cave was dark, but I was shocked when my clothes were shining like the sun. Then all of the sudden we saw a person in a dark cloak appear before me. In a minute, he unsheathed and ignited his black Blade also he was coming after me to attack me, but I unsheathed and ignited mine getting ready for him. He looks like was the Evil Chief, but our Lightsabers clanged into each other white and black sparkles flew into the air. It was along struggling that I fought against the Evil Chief until I reaped him in half. After I had defeated the Evil Warrior, I saw the shiny thing on the floor so I kneel to pick it up so I can’t see what it was. When I had done pick up that shining thing on the floor, I saw how the Supreme Sithen used to be when he was young. He was good as some powerful Force and lighting coming out of his hand like me when he fights against his enemies, yet he was just a young Shedi.
    Then pride and hatred emerged in his heart which made him evil. After the battle, I came out angry and thinking that I will be evil like the Sithen Warrior. I marched after Master Jean Chan and the young female Shedi called by the name Shalom. After I arrived at them, ask them what’s all was about. “Master, what was all about? Do you think I will become evil like the Sithen Warrior?” G-Zero asked. “Hum. I didn’t see that you’ll become evil young one….umm? I just want you to know about a person who has the same powers as you- young one!” Jean Chan said. G-Zero looked at him in a confused way then he told him that he will never become evil like the Evil Warrior.  “Well Master, let me just tell you that there is no way I will be evil like him. Never!” G-Zero roared. I walked away to call the Alternative to tell them to come to pick them up. He’s one annoying and courageous kid, Master Jean! But it won’t take him long to come in the dark side,” Shad whispered. “Hum, did you understand what he said that he will never become evil?” The Headmaster interrupted with a reply. Shalom, the Headmaster’s granddaughter was about to say something to G-Zero when the Alternative interrupted her.
   The Headmaster, Master Benwon, and Master Elohim came out it with more Warriors coming after them.  “Well done Master G-Zero, you are now a Shedi Warrior. You have passed all the training courses. Congratulation!” The Headmaster ignited. “Wow! Amazing, G-Zero you are now the new Shedi Warrior,” Shalom excited. I was looking at her in a disguised way. “Hey! It Master G-Zero to you, Snaps.” I thundered. I was about to walk away but before I can step one foot, Master Benwon stop me because he needs one more training from him.  Benwon wanted me to go with Master Jean Chan to the final train in the Holiness Temple of the

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