» Bibles » ALTERNATE, Gui Mwamba [ebook reader for pc .txt] 📗

Book online «ALTERNATE, Gui Mwamba [ebook reader for pc .txt] 📗». Author Gui Mwamba

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“The only thing which brings separations and more corruptions is fear”        

[The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.  John 1:5 KJV] The prophecy was told that a Chosen One will rise, who the light of Christ shall shine through the darkness. Yet still, the prophecy has not to be fulfilled, however, G-Zero is the young Apprenant who is excellent at shooting with the Blaster. Not until County Doom betrayed the Republican Shides and joined the dark side. One of the most deadly Sithen Supreme Headmasters is corrupting the minds of young Apprenants to be heartless and cruel.nHe disguises himself as one of the Supreme Admissions in the Shedi Warriors' Temple. Nathan Dalliwog as the most deadly Supreme Headmaster in the Elders, Shides, or Republicans will face a destructive doom. Since they are only five of them in the Councils.  Will the prophecy of the sixth Shide be fulfilled or will the Shedis Council be doomed forever? Years ago, every Star Warriors in the galaxies as the powers of light or darkness which symbolize Blades and the massive Force within. White Blades define righteousness while red and black define evil.

      Three human children were chosen by the Republicans in Outer Space, to fight against the powerful Sithen Supreme Headmaster by the name of Luciano. Admission Luciano was the Republican too, but he wants more powers so he betrayed the Republicans and become the lord of desolation and tyranny in the entire galaxies. With the second Headmaster named General Elohim going missing, that's another tale to tell. Luciano wants to be the rule of the whole universe and the Republican was defenseless against him. Not until one of the Republican Warriors' general, came with three human boys. Who their name was G-Zero, R-One, and F-5, who mostly became interested in him. Will one amongst them be the Chosen One or not? Now the Republicans are in great danger because Darth Alter has sent his ravenous army of Alienation. With more of the Republican or Shide Elders are powerless for all their Warriors are dying without a chance to shoot one of the Alienation with their Blasters. Will they have a chance to be saved or will they be doomed? The oldest Elder who walked and marched into the light of God, that a deadliest massively powerful young adult boy. Who the light of Christ will shineth through the darkness, and will rise and put an end to Darth Alter’s tyranny. Yet the prophecy has not come to pass. On Earth, three innocent boys were playing together in their backyard. Peacefully and in harmony without fighting nor war. They were using plastic Lightsaber from Stars Wars and naming themselves as G-Zero, R-One, and F-Three.
     G-Zero means Guillaume Zero. A powerful skillful Warrior in Alternate as their Blades playing weapons title. Also, G-Zero is the pretending deadliest power, which is the Mind force, Lighting includes the Force. Yet in the spiritual realm, he didn't know that he had all of that power and the skillful martial art in Blades dueling. R-One means Remi One and he is G-Zero's younger brother.  He to have all this power in the spiritual realm, but chassis not awaken fully since is too young and he doesn't that too. F-Three is R-One's best friend. His name means Fabien Three and he too has the same power as G-Zero and R-One. Yet his power has not awakened fully too. They usually play tag in their backyard, but this time their dream came true when they were playing through the woods. For hours they have been playing there, also it's was a beautiful sunny day and they mostly live in the most enchantments environment background in Tucson. When all Aden the sky turns black with F-Three looking up, he saw the shadow of the Spaceship coming down towards them. “Hey, R-One... G-Zero look at that? It's a real Spaceship!" F-Three answered while pointing up. R-One glances up and finds out that truly it was a real Spaceship that coming closer and closer to them. Till R-One saw the creepiest green being with human men fighting, for a while. They were still in the air until the Spaceship was on two feet in the mid-air closer to hitting the ground. “Yup, it is a Spaceship! And it looks like the men and the green beings are engaging. And watch out let's run away before the Spaceship crushes us to dust!” R-One commanded. Soon we all ran away to find the safest place to hide unless the Spaceship hit the earth very dangerous. Which made a very huge crater because the pointy front pierced through the ground and lift a huge storm of dust.




“My children are those who are filled with my Holy Ghost”              


The Darkness 




 We look through the dust but still, we couldn't see anything until it clear then we saw a poor Warrior man into the jaws of an Alienation. Now I saw that only three men were fighting against these six feet tall Alienation.  Shooting at them, with the blue laser of their Shooters, yet nothing happens. Unless one man by the name Titus, who was the General among them. He had three of the white Blades, and two blues killed Medick.
      The furious captain of the Alienations, he too had a red Blade. The Blade is a powerful weapon that can cut almost anything. Once again it's a spiritual weapon. White represents purity, cleansing, blues represent peace, harmony. After Titus killed Medick, Bull was very anxiously with till he sent him flying to wham himself on the tree. The place, we were hiding. Dropping all three of the Blades on the ground including the Shooter.  “Oh no, General-General... You have killed my brother Titus. You will surely pay for this! Bull snarled.
    I almost forgot Bull and Medick are siblings who loved each other as brothers. And he thwacks Titus, with the palm of his hand. “Whoa!” Titus screamed immediately hit himself on the tree we were hiding on. “Uh oh, it seems like Titus is in trouble I need to help them!” I responded. “I don't think so G-Zero! You are not going to help anyone. You're staying here!” R-One insisted. All of a sudden we three heard the screams of two Warriortroopers men. Which Shade and Vipers killed now all five of them were coming towards General Titus. 
      Arriving at him in time when Bull pointed his Shooter to blast his head off. “Ha-ha-ha-ha, now it's you're turned to die and game over for you!” Bull shrieked. He laughs and blasted his Shooter. I quickly pick up the white silver hilt and the bright white light Blade like unsheathed itself from it. Soon I immediately bounce forward and barricaded his red laser beam before it’s perforated through Titus' head.  “Whoa amazing... this weird thing it's surely helpful. And listen to me you creeps leave this fellow man alone or deal with me?” I warned.
    “Oh my goodness you got confident kid but only you are manly human what can you do?” Bull growled. He shooting at me twice, but I block both the blasts in a flash.   “Grr-, just who are you, kid?  And no human ever has the Force so quickly to unsheathe the Bladelike that?” Bull snapped. Till R-One and F-Three didn't have any choice, yet to aid him. With R-One lifting two of his partners and wham them pretty hard on the mental Spaceship. F-Three blasted two of the Alienations to his left in the quick paste.  “Just remember buddies, G-Zero, is not alone!” R-One answered.
      Eventually, the young boy by the name R-One killed Bull's other two Alienations. Now Bull was alone, till he unsheathed his red Blade.  So the battle began when attacked him. Hours later it didn't take time for G-Zero to cut off both of Bull's arms.
Bull squealed in anguished after G-Zero beheaded him without mercy.  “No, impossible!” Bull wailed and breathe his last. G-Zero had put a to Bull’s terror of killing Titus. With R-One and his best friend F-Three, killing the four Alienations.
     It was in the afternoon when General Titus get his strength back and was calling for an emergency in Shedis Temple in the Capital. Immediately he saw two very helicopters looking ship, coming down towards the Earth and landed.   “Howdy, man and boys you have my life would love you're-crash to come with me to the Capital?” He asked.    “Sure!” All three of us said.




"Blessed of those who are persecuted for my sake for they shall find rest" 


  The Darkness



 After I and the others had defeated the heartless Alienation enemies named Bull and his fellow partners, we continued our journey to the Capital. We have already introduced ourselves so we were relaxing. I was sitting in the front seat with Titus while R-One and F-Three were sitting behind us. It was getting darker because the sun was going to set until the screen turn by itself. Unless the face of an old man showed up before me and Titus.
   The old man was three feet tall with completely grey hair. Who called General Titus, to know if he was still alive?  “Hello-hello, come in-come in—Titus please answer me if you are still alive? Nathan asked. Nathan's full name is Nathan Dalliwog who is the grandfather of two granddaughters named Jeannette and Shalom Dalliwog. Jeannette Dalliwog falls in love at first sight with me after me and my brother and his best friend arrived in the Capital. However, she was married to another young man, she told her grandfather that she was in love with me very much and wanted me, but her grandfather insisted.
    Saying that she is already married to another good looking and wealthy man, how could she want G-Zero? Few days passed and I have completed my training to become a Shedi Warrior, I was preparing myself to go to Mercury planet to investigate what is the problem. The Headmaster brought Shalom Dalliwog to me to be my young Apprenant which made Jeannette jealous. Even at the point of killing her younger sister, but since Shalom is very snappy

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