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 Chapter Twenty-Three





"Relax, Miles. Your friend Williams is the most fatal prophet for Azrael and her Reapers to get hold of," Gabriel said. What? Gadriel! You can't be serious ?" Miles said. Yet Gabriel just causes her to fall into the deep sleep.

"Rest, Miles. I am sure your friend Williams will be fine," he said. With Gabriel waving his hand and restored all of the palace's groundball in order. elsewhere within the empty underground bunker, I was held, hostage.

I mean I was tied tp pole unconscious at the moment I open my eyes. "My goodness, it about time since you awake very soon. I was beginning to think that Azrael killed you but i guess I was wrong, "Gadreel answered.

"You!" I grunted. yes, me what are you going to do tough guy? Or shall I preferred the prophet of the Living God?" He mocked. "I could believe you would be this weak. Prophet of God Almighty indeed." Gadreel signed.

And I wouldn't believe to be Gadreel taking the form of Ceasar Micah's childhood friend? How stupid to be with whosoever demon brought that brought up that idea." I laughed. What? What did you say? Gadreel snarled.

"Sorry?" I said. "What did you say stupid fool?" Gadreel yapped.  Look at you barking like a dog without teeth. And I believe you heard what I said unless you dumb and deaf to hear. Do you mind for me to call Doctor Mouse for you? He is very good at fixing deaf ears!" I mocked. 

"Enough! I had enough of your bubbling-!" Gadreel paused.  He was overwhelmed with anger that I become his punching bag.  Gadreel slaps a lesson out of me as I taste my blood. "Huh!"  I grunted in pain.

"My-my, what a way to be beaten prophet. And not so tough now to be able to speak, huh?" Gadreel said. I just look at him anxiously without a word. "Well, good!  Good boy!" Gadreel laughed. After he marched away, but at the moment he was out of my sight.

At the moment, he was outside, I remained tied to the chair. "God, I say thank you because you said in your word that in any circumstances that you're faithful are in, we must give you thanks. Henceforth, Heavenly Father here I am giving you thanks and glorify your name. 

For you alone, you deserved all of the honor and praise. Thank you oh Father, because I know in  Jesus Christ I am an overcomes, amen, " I panted. Although every part of my body was hurting. I  didn't give up my faith upon God. Well, for such torturing and afflicting such this.

Screeching and screaming in pains. When all of a sudden, while I was at the edge of death, the brightest light shines through the darkness. All of the demons screeched in affliction, as some of them flee into the outer darkness.

Yet I did not have the strength, so I fell unconscious therefore I think to know of what was happening. Henceforth, when the light fades away, outside three heavenly beings of the Lord was in the midst.

Killing every legion of darkness that comes in their way. Without holding back or without having mercy to them. "Well, well what we if it isn't Joshua. Anyhow, what brings you here? You have come from your death-uhg!" She gagged. Because Joshua smote her with the palm of her hand.

"I am sorry you were saying?" Asked Joshua. Back to the bunker, a most fatal whistling sound screech powerfully. Causing all of the Grim Reapers to screeched as they collapse to the floor. Breathing their last breath and their ashy wings with me opening my eyes.





 Chapter Twenty-Four





 With me opening my eyes into the color of flaming fire. Knowing that the rope broke, but I brought it in front of me to stretch out yet when Gadriel walked in a panic thinking I escape but surprised to see me still sitting on the chair.

"Phew, it seems like I have a wrong alarm. Shift! Page!" Called Gadreel. Yes, Gadreel we are coming." They replied. Both of them rush towards him as quickly as they could.

"Yes, Gadreel?" Page asked. "Well, I want you fools to keep an eye on him. And make sure he is not out of your sight. Understood?" Gadreel snarled. "Understood!" They said.

When Gadreel was out of their sight, Page and Shift were having a conversation with themselves. "Did he just call us fools? Who does he think he is?" Shift yapped.

"Yeah, I believe you are right Shift who does he think he is?" Growled Page.  While they were having their conversations, I stood up firm, as I unleash my spiritual revolver with my eyes in the color of flaming fire.

"Aye, Page-Shift, tell me about it! Who do you think Gadreel is?" I interrupted. What? Who said what?" Page snapped. Turning around and encounter me free which made an astonishment on their faces. You? How-ga-aah!" Shift screeched.

Because I open fire at him with the bullet of my Revolver. "Yes, the question is how did I get free. Howdy, Page, any last word?" I asked. "M-m-my, goodness! You're eyes Wh-what are-waa-aaah!" Page squealed.

Both of them collapse on the floor, their bodies turned to ashes, which were carried by the wind. Leaving only their ashy wings on the ground.

After that Gadreel walked in and shocked to see me free. And we stood face to face, while I smirk happily as he saw my eyes into the color of flaming fire.

"What? What are you? And how did you get-uhg!" Gadreel groaned.  Because I open fire at him, as I collapse to his knees in pains. As he shivers in fright to the core and saw me wearing the whole full armor of God Almighty.

"Um,  Gadriel Gadriel! What's wrong? are you afraid now?   What happened to the man who was on top? What happened to the man who seems to put himself above all too when he knows that he is not?

Oh, pride.  Pride is such typical things which cause Lucifer is cast out of out to the earth from heaven. My-my, fear fear its such weakness thing to you fallen ones!" I replied.

"What? And how dare you speak that way to Lucifer? You have no-aaaaaah!" Gadriel screamed. Since I unleash my Blade and penetrate him with through his forehead.

Falling o the floor and died instantly. Leaving only his ashy wings and his burning ash which disappeared out of my sight after got carried away by the wind.

When I terminate Gadriel, I continued my away out to my freedom. Still my eyes into the flames of color, dodging the most powerful Grim Reaper who came with Azrael.

Following me piercing the Blade that I killed Gadriel with. Killing the Reapers that were surrounring Azrael with the bullets of my revolver, after discvered having two of them.

"What? The eyes of flaming fire, oh please, prophet. Don't you know that I am Death the most powerful Grim Reaper?" Azrael growled. "And I should be afraid of you?

Besides, don't you remember Jesus overcoming death?" I suggested. When I heard her screaming in agony after I mention the name of Jesus.

"Well, I guess your are powerless against that name, huh?" I asked. Finishing her off with my Revovler as she turn to ash. At that momeny, I discovered myself in the palace when a gentle hand touched me.


Publication Date: 10-24-2019

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