» Bibles » THE ENEMY, Gui Mwamba [sight word books .TXT] 📗

Book online «THE ENEMY, Gui Mwamba [sight word books .TXT] 📗». Author Gui Mwamba

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Chapter Thirteen





‘Psalm 91:1-14—he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord; He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
  Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and the dangerous pestilence.
He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.
  Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
   A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.
Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.
   Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the Most-High, thy habitation;
There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.
   For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.
They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.
   Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.
Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.—‘
  “Ring-ring. Ring-ring!” “Hello, this is Williams. How may I help you?” I answered.
“Afternoon, Wills, when are you coming to my birthday?” He asked. I am sorry, who are you if I may ask?” I pretended.
   “Aw, come on, Wills, I know that you know my voice. Please, don’t pretend. And please come to my birthday.
I want you and Aunt Mica mama’s little cousin to be together as a good couple!” He answered.
    Say what? Me and Aunt Mica a good couple, never! Anyhow, are you and everyone, especially your aunt?” I asked.
“Well, mama is dead, so is papa. And Aunt Mica has been missing you and her late mother so much, but she wishes to see you again.
   So when are you going to arrive in Denmark? I can’t wait to meet you finally.
Because Grandmamma Esther was hoping for Aunt Mica to find any husband soon, or else she will lose her title as a crowned princess of Denmark.
   She’d telling grandmamma about you, so that’s why she came up with an idea to tell my aunt to invite you to my birthday.
Besides, grandmamma doesn’t even believe her, not also the rest of the royal family,” he answered.
    Poor girl but don’t worry; I am on my-! What on earth?” I paused. “Hello-hello, Uncle Wills-Uncle Wills?” He called. “Oh, now you are calling me uncle? You must be missing your parents, anyhow, I am not your uncle just yet.
   But you can call me if that will make you happy. Furthermore, I just got mistakenly bumped by this rude man, and he didn’t even say pardon me.
   Is this how people in Canada are rude like this? He was lucky that he runaway I would give him a piece of my mind!” I yapped. When Mica’s nephew was about to ask me, Mica interrupts him as he turns around to face her. “Isaac, is that Uncle Williams you are talking too?” Mica asked.
   “Yes, Aunt Mica, it’s just that I was worried sick. Hoping of when he will arrive in Denmark and its royal palace, of course,” Isaac murmured.
   “Umm, poor thing, and don’t worry, Isaac, I am sure your uncle to be we’ll be here in Denmark in no time,” she said.
“Yes, I hope so, but I know that Uncle Wills never let me down-isn’t it that right, Aunt Mica?” Isaac asked.
    “Yes, kiddo, he will never let you down. Hello, Williams, how have you been?” Mica asked. “I am doing fine. What about you?” I asked.
   “I am fine, but Williams, where you are? Tomorrow is Isaac’s birthday, and my grandmamma is on my neck for me to get a husband.
   Tomorrow again, my childhood friend Caesar, Duchess Elyse’s son, is coming. If you don’t show up, I don’t know.
Because first of all, since I am a crown princess of Denmark, I will lose the title as the heiress. Henceforth Williams where are-?” Mica paused.
   “Attention, all you passengers who are going to Denmark, come to line two hundred twenty-seven. Your flight will lift very soon,” said the announcer.
   “Did you just heard that Sheba? I am on my way there. Don’t worry and remember what I told you years ago; I am a man of my word.
    Now to-dos, I will see you at Denmark’s palace. I got a flight to catch!” I squealed. “Yes, Williams, I can’t wait!” Mica murmured.
“Finally!” I switched off my cell phone and marched towards line two hundred twenty-seven.
     Continually the line wasn’t long because most of the people who were going to take two hundred twenty-seven were already inside the airplane.
     The line went by quickly; I discovered myself inside.



      Chapter Fourteen





“Did you just heard that Micah? I am on my way there. Don’t worry and remember what I told you years ago, I am a man of my word.

  Now to-dos, I will see you at Denmark’s palace, I got a flight to catch!” I squealed. “Yes, Williams, I can’t wait!” Micah murmured.

  “Finally!” I switch off his cell phone and marched towards line two hundred twenty-seven. 

   Continually the line wasn’t long, because most of the people who were going to take two hundred twenty-seven were already inside the airplane.

  The line went by quickly and I discovered myself inside.

  Everybody was inside the airplane. Now the pilots and co-pilots were checking if everything were fine. 

  For an instant, if the fuel were full, the engine working well, and the rest. 

  After they have done checking everything, the pilots and the rest of the airplane helpers came in. 

 With the pilot turning on the engine of the airplane and we discovered ourselves through the air. 

  I put my phone in my airplane mode, took out my first novel of The Enemy and began reading it. 

“Wow-wee, Denmark, here I come! And Isaac-Micah just is patient with me for I am coming.” I excited. 

  Without realizing that he said out loud, I open the book and began reading again. 

  “Isaac-Micah? What are have invited  by the royal family?” She asked. 

  “Yeah, of course. And the Micah and Isaac I knew are not royalties!” I said. 

  Although Isaac told me on the phone that Micah to be the crowned princess of Denmark, I still didn’t believe him.  

  “Huh? You can’t be serious? You don’t know that Micah and Isaac are royal blood?” She asked. 

  “No, miss, I don’t know that. I am sorry for been rude, but I got to enjoy my novel,” I answered. 

 “What? Your book? Let me see. Huh, The Enemy? Don’t-don’t tell me you’re the one who wrote, The Enemy?” She asked. 

  “Yup, I am the one who wrote this book,” I replied. “Hmm, what? Ha-ha-ha, don’t be ridiculous! 

  The Enemy was written by Gui Mwamba, not the guy like-!” She paused. 

  “What wrong? Cat got your tongue?” I asked. “Huh! Your last name is Mwamba? 

  But-but your first name is Williams?” She suggested. “Yeah, it is Williams. 

  But my real name is Guillaume (Gui) in French,” I scoffed. 

  “Oh, I see well I am Sarah Cain. I am going to see my little cousin named Isaac's birthday party tomorrow,” Sarah said. 

  “You’re one of the Cain generations?” I asked. “Yup, I am, and I am the daughter of the wealthiest royal duchess of Denmark.

  henceforth, I can’t wait to see Aunt Micah and the rest of the royal family including my papa with mama,” Sarah answered. 

  “Um, that’s very good, Sarah. By the way nice to meet you but I doubted that Micah nor Isaac to be royalties,” Lyon insisted. 

 “What? Don’t tell me that you’re Lyon that she’d been telling us about in our emails? 

 And add on that you’re the cutest man I never meet, also you’re the author?” She asked. Of course, yes and thank you.” Lyon replied. 

  “Oh well, since we are going to the same place when you encounter Aunt Micah, tell her that I will see them in the afternoon with my parents tomorrow,” Sarah said.

  “The would be my pleasure, don’t worry I will just-!” Lyon paused. 

  Attention all you passengers we are almost in Denmark. 

  Please, just be patient for another three hours,” he said. 

  ‘Three hours?’ I wondered. As he looks to my left side where Sarah Cain, she was sounding asleep on my shoulders. 

 “Huh, at least someone is having a restful afternoon.’ He continued.  

  After that, he opens my book and began reading it. One hour he has been reading his novel unless Sarah woke up with a smile on her face. 

  “Um, sorry about that! I wasn’t hoping that I would be resting on your shoulder,” apologized Sarah. 

 “Uh, well, that is fine with me and besides, you need your rest so I have led you my shoulder. 

  So what’s wrong with that,” I responded. “Well-well, what we have here? It seems like we are about to land in Denmark. 

Just hold your horses and we will be landing very soon,” she said. 

  Just like she predicted, we discovered ourselves landing at Denmark’s Airport. 

 “By the way Williams, see you later at Isaac’s birthday,” Sarah said.  “Yeah, by!” I nodded.



      Chapter Fifteen




 “Um, sorry about that! I wasn’t hoping that I would be resting on your shoulder,” apologized Sarah. 

 “Uh, well, that is fine with me and besides, you need your rest so I have led you my shoulder. 

  So what’s wrong with that,” I responded. “Well-well, what we have here? It seems like we are about to land in Denmark. 

 Just hold your horses and we will be landing very soon,” she said. 

  Just like she predicted, we discovered ourselves landing at Denmark’s Airport. 

 “By the way Williams, see you later at Isaac’s birthday,” Sarah said.  “Yeah, by!” I nodded.

 I hope to see you later Sarah and don’t be late!” I shouted. I won’t, Williams,”

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