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(probably Michael), and with the trumpet of GOD.  That particular section does not say he sets foot on the earth, only that he descends to call up first those already dead in Christ, and then those that are believers at that time.  I do believe those three noises, worldwide shout, the voice, and the trumpet will get everyone's attention as it will be worldwide.  He lets us know though when it is near through the converging of all kinds of calamities. 


Application to Present day Context


The Prophets and John were told that countries and people worldwide would be in perplexed. The only requirements for this to begin was for Israel to be a nation again and that it control Jerusalem, which has come about. Some follow the bible and others try to tear it down.  There will be much deception in the last days intended for people to buy into it.  The book "The Da Vinci Code" tells you right on the cover that it is a NOVEL (made up) yet people don't talk of that; they talk of what the author has supposedly found inside.  Remember, Satan has had thousands of years to plant all kinds of seeds of deception that will sucker in all kinds of people seeking to stand out in their fields without having to do all the necessary background work needed to be a true professional in any given field.  As more and more earth changes take place, as diseases get out of control, as computer hackers disrupt things, and nations go to war with each other, we get closer and closer to that time when the LORD calls his church home so those remaining will have to reap what they have sown. 


Remember that it's the Rapture that immediately brings on the really hard times prior and during the Tribulation period that follows.  Either way, the people that are left will begin to pay an unbelievable price for their folly.  Many will do "hard" time as some might say, while others will have it much easier.  The key to doing hard time or easier time lies in how soon one accepts Jesus as their savior.  The coming 21 judgments to befall the earth, as all prophesied, clearly show that it now is the Lord's time and each judgment is there to more or less persuade each of those left to make his or her own decision to join the fold or remain outside the fold.  Some will see the light in the first few judgments while others will take in most of the judgments before they too see the light.  For the rest though, their arrogance will doom them to unfathomed misery for eternity.















Read the first book in the "Left Behind" series, which deals with Revelation.  After read that first book. The following is a simple explanation or condensed version of "The Book of Revelation". But for some say that Rapture will come before the Tribulation period.  As one pre-tribulation site said, if the Lord saved Noah and his family (the only believers) from the flood and Lot and his family (the only believers) from the devastation of Sodom & Gomorrah, then believe he would not leave his church (believers) here to suffer that type of fate as well.  Remember as well that the Bible has gone through some 13 or so revisions now, and in doing so certain words seem to take on new meanings.  What refer to in this work is my view, having studied this topic from the view of an amateur.  Besides, think you would rather believe in being taken BEFORE the LORD'S wrath begins instead of at the end of it all.  For now, this work is the pre tribulation view. 


    Because of the extensive symbolism the apostle John uses in his writings of what the LORD allowed him to see concerning the end of time, "Revelation" is one hard book of the Bible to understand.  It gets even more confusing because he skips around a bit as well.    You must remember, though, that John wrote Revelation, after his visit with the Lord, while a prisoner on the island of Patmos, in the Aegean Sea.  Understand as well that John was seeing things way into the future, so describing what he saw was a real problem.  Though he had limited mail privileges, he had to sort of "code" everything so it would get past the "sensor" guards, to his 7 churches.  Only those elders could understand his writings and then pass them along.  This was instructed by the Lord.  The following is a simplified version of all that, which makes it much easier to understand.


    When the LORD created the universe He did such out of the goodness that filled His spirit.  In doing so He did not force any of his creations, people or angels, to abide in Him, He gave all a choice.  Of the apparently seven Archangels He created to sort of oversee things (Michael, Gabriel, and Lucifer whose names most of us know), Lucifer was the only one that felt he could do things better his way.  This appears to be the beginning of "Good versus Evil."  When the Lord apparently had enough of Lucifer and the 1/3 of Heaven's angels that followed him, they were expelled to Earth to wallow in their misdoing and more than likely to be observed as an example by the others in Heaven.






The bible gives us no time table between the Rapture and the beginning of the Tribulation period, though most imply that the Tribulation period begins almost immediately after the Rapture.  It makes sense that for those left behind, the passing of the rapture will bring in chaos like never before.  With all those people gone, business as we know it will come to a virtual standstill, so you better get your money out of the bank ASAP.  The paper money flow will be forced to a trickle, which in turn means a lot of people will be out of work, and worse yet, the people relying on government funds will not be getting their money.  Those people with all their riches tied up on paper will more than likely find themselves broke as broke can be while those with tangible assets will find the going much easier. 


The loss of all those believers also means that the percentage of unscrupulous people willing to "put-it-to" the less fortunate will be greatly increased.  There may not be many sympathetic businessmen and such left, which in turn means some stand to reap a windfall, such as mortgage foreclosures. With so many people out of work, goon squads should be relatively easy to come by for eviction purposes.  Remember there will be quite a few less police officers around as well and that should mean crime will become rampant.  In a very short time bartering, especially after the great upcoming earthquake, will become the means with which to acquire things you need.  Cigarettes, feminine products, salt, pepper, cooking & heating oil, propane tanks, guns & bullets, camping gear, and such will become your trading materials.  Now empty homes and stores will be ransacked.  The bartering system all this spawns will be the means, which will allow people to survive in the Tribulation period.  Remember as well that most of the farmers will probably be gone too and will that ever put a kink in the food supply system. 


    Right after the rapture, for a while at least, there should be a whole lot less people attending church.  The church-goers that will be left will then, shamefully, find their way to church once again because they realize what has just happened and, though embarrassed as all get out, will wish to get right with the Lord and will be looking for a way to do that.  It will be at this time that a few will find it in themselves to become true believers and begin leading the way for others to be saved as well.  As the word gets out that the Bible foretells all this and what is yet to come, more and more people looking for answers will search out the church.  This is the time when most will see the light and realize that what the Bible says is true and has now begun. This time and the time just after the coming tremendous earthquake that is predicted, are the times that most of the remaining souls will be won over.  The churches will be packed.



After the Rapture things will be in chaos for quite a while, and it is during this time that the Antichrist begins his climb to his intended throne.  He cannot make his move, though, until after the Rapture, or people will see right through him; he needs the calamity the Rapture produces for him to begin his thing.  It may be several months or even several years before he steps forward though.


    Because the Antichrist is one heck of a slick talker and because of his exceptionally smooth ways, he will be swept into power.  He is a person that has been groomed by Satan from birth.  The vast majority of earth's people will have no idea the Bible warns, of not only of him, but of what will come and why the rapture has happened in the first place.  Remember also that the Tribulation period STARTS only after he has come to power and signs the 7 year peace pack with Israel.  His goals are all those remaining souls and a one world power with him in  charge.  After he signs that treaty with Israel, the first four of the seven sealed judgments (the four horsemen) will now begin.  During the twenty-one months allowed for these first seven judgments to take place, 25% of the people on earth will die.


    John was told that the identification of the Anti-Christ was in the number 666.  The bible says; Rev 13:18 here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.  If you look 666 up on the Internet, you can spend a lifetime going over all the different variations the number crunchers have come up with for that number.  There are also sites that dig deeply into the spiritual realm of what 666 could mean.  Then again there are also quite a few sites that make the Pope out as the bad guy here.  As a child I always thought of it as a tattoo or hidden birthmark that would identify the man.  Find that tattoo or birthmark, kill the man, and the world would be saved.  If you did that, you would be killing the wrong man because prophecy says he WILL come into power.  It all doesn't really matter, because it will be after the fact that those left behind will actually find out.  The fact is he WILL come into power and all 666 does is confirm that.   Prophesy will be prophesy.









Now have always had a problem understanding the Bible where it says "ALL" nations will come against Israel in the latter days.  How could the U.S. do such a thing?  Where went wrong in my thinking was that I was assuming the U.S. would stay pretty much as it is now, and that people like myself, with a moral conscience, would still be in great influence.  The fact is, that because we live in such a religiously free country, many more of us will be taken in the Rapture than in other super power countries like Russia and China.  Our numbers will be decimated and that includes our military as well.  That leaves virtually all the US, Canada, and South and Central America in a very vulnerable position.  While industrial based economies like ours falter, the agriculture based economies that are still prevalent in some countries will fare much better.  It

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