» Bibles » Book of Revelation HIDEN TRUTH, JACOB GEORGE [free ebook reader for pc txt] 📗

Book online «Book of Revelation HIDEN TRUTH, JACOB GEORGE [free ebook reader for pc txt] 📗». Author JACOB GEORGE

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won't take long before they figure out the tables have sure turned, and now there is no one to confront their evil ways.  We will be but a paper tiger and they will surely take advantage of that.


    After the rapture some time is needed while the people left behind try to figure things out and begin to screw things up even more.  The period between the rapture and the Antichrist coming to power will more than likely take several years. This is because the Prophet Ezekiel foretells of a future prophecy that has yet to be fulfilled.  The Prophet Ezekiel foretells that the nations to Israel's north will attack her with a massive force (Ezekiel-39) but the Lord will intercede and not one person in Israel will be hurt in the attack. 


The attackers will be completely destroyed by the Lord and the supplies/remnants from such a massive invasion will supply Israel with all its fuel needs for 7 years.  This defeat more than likely lays the groundwork for the Antichrist to mediate the 7 year peace pack with Israel and its enemies.  The day this peace pact is signed is the exact day that the 7 year timetable to the last day, when Jesus returns as foretold, begins.  Several years, though, will be needed in order for this prophecy to be fulfilled.  After then the twenty-one biblical judgments begin, with the first of those judgments being the four seals pertaining to the Anti-Christ’s coming to power.










The First Seal (the white horse) deals with the Antichrist coming to power on a platform of "peace".   That is why he is depicted as being on a white horse with a bow but no arrows.  The Antichrist is to be a person of European descent with ties to the Romans.  A short time later, a second person (religious in nature) is brought into power and he is referred to as "The False Prophet."  The False Prophet will prosper in his duty to form a one world religion and to promote the Antichrist as much as he can.  Both will be given the power to do miracles by Satan and will use such in their attempt to convince earth's remaining people that he, the Antichrist, is the one real savior.


    The Second Seal (the red horse) deals with the start of WW3 as various countries resist his takeover.  It is at this time that people begin to pay with their lives, and if they die without becoming a true believer, they will not be with the Lord.  People who die from then on and have become believers will be called "Tribulation Saints," and will immediately be taken to heaven and be given a white robe, there to wait for the end of times, just a short time down the road.


    The Third Seal (the black horse) deals with soaring prices for goods in very short supply.  People will work a full day for just enough food for one person.  This will force many into acquiring the things they need to survive in a different or less horrible manner.  Many will not make it through this time.

    The Fourth Seal (the pale horse) deals with the world wide death that will come about due to famine and plague.  With supply chains still in dismay, much needed products like food and medicines will no longer be readily available.


    The remaining three seals, seven trumpets, and seven bowls all bring harder times, but each in turn allows those left to see the truth.  As each of the above punishments - as you might call them - come about, more and more of the non-believers will see the light and become believers.  Why does the Lord give those remaining so many chances?   I think it is because the alternative is far too gruesome just to let go of even one of his creations just like that; it is his way of bending over backwards for us.  There are many levels of ignorance and arrogance to be overcome, and more than likely the last ones to be saved during the very last of the judgments will be those of deep religious belief that just happen to have someone other than Jesus as the mainstay of their religion. 





Some religions keep their followers naive about other religions out there with the threat of severe consequences should one wish to stray.  Many people have only heard of the Bible in passing and know nothing of its content.  Word will get out though for those willing to question the calamities happening around them and some will reason or figure out they were in the wrong religion.  The protected 144,000 will have a lot to do with showing those that have been kept naive by their religions, the true path.  I don't believe the Lord is asking all to form one religion as the Antichrist will do.  The Bible says He has many flocks and believing in Him and His son Jesus as the savior is the key to salvation.  The strictness of some religions will prevent that and it looks like those people will be lost for all time.


    The Fifth Seal, the acknowledgment of those already slain because of the word of GOD, (the cries of the martyrs) is more or less the separation point between what man brings upon himself and what GOD then brings upon man.  Their cries are heard and it is at this time that all those who gave their life for the LORD are given immaculate white robes and told to wait just a while longer as a multitude of others are about to join them. 


    The Sixth Seal, a massive worldwide earthquake and its aftermath, comes about very shortly after the appearance of the Antichrist has put the world in dire turmoil.  The earthquake will be felt by all the people on earth and it will bring about massive destruction.  Many will die.  For a time the moon will turn red and the sun will turn black, and people will think it is the end of them all.  This earth wide earthquake may be considered the first of the judgments induced by the Lord, whereby the first four judgments were attributed to the Antichrist and the fifth judgment being up in Heaven, with the calling for revenge by those believers taken to date.


After this massive earthquake, the Lord does something special for those who have become true believers.  He provides for a seal on the forehead of all true believers that only other true believers can see, though one cannot see his or her own seal.  This seal is to be the sign of the cross and it will prove the immediate presence of the Lord.  Having this seal is the Lord's way of making things easier for those that are true believers and to protect them from some of the ill effects of judgments yet to come.  As the judgments proceed, the seal will only be awarded at the exact time one becomes a true believer in Jesus the Christ.  From that time on they will be assured a place in heaven though many will only get there as martyrs for the Lord. 





Dying with the seal gets you straight into heaven, where you will be given a white robe and told to wait with the others until their numbers reach the point only known to the Lord.  For many, their only choice will be to die now for the Lord and then live again forever, or live a few more years under and as part of the reign of evil and then join Satan in the lake of fire for all time.


    At about this time the Lord brings about 144,000 witnesses who will go throughout the world and proclaim his teachings. They will come from the 12 Jewish tribes of Israel, which originally settled the Holy Land.  Each will have a definable mark on his forehead that will provide them safety as they proceed to win those left over to the Lord.  They will be a real "pain-in-the-butt" to the Antichrist, but he can't do a thing to them because they are protected by the Lord.


    The Seventh Seal ushers in the first of the seven "Trumpet judgments" which are so devastating that there is silence in heaven for 1/2 hour.  First, though, a special angel hurls to earth thunder, lightning, and an earthquake, which may be the warning that bad times are ahead.  The seven trumpets, which will take place over the next twenty-one months and take the lives of one-third of the remaining people, are then allowed to take place. 


    The angel holding The First Trumpet is then allowed to hurl down upon the earth hail and fire, mixed with blood, which burns up one-third of the earth.  Because ALL the grass is also burned up, this catastrophe seems to cover the entire earth. A certain amount of time then passes by, intended to let the judgment sink in to those close to becoming believers while the Antichrist turns the devastation around for his advantage.


    The second angel then sounds The Second Trumpet, and something similar to a huge mountain that is ablaze is hurled down and crashes into the sea, turning one-third of all the seas to blood, which in turn kills one-third of all the sea creatures and one-third of all ships are destroyed.  Because this is a single item, I do not believe this will happen in an area that will involve the Americas to a great extent.  The people there will learn about it soon enough and surely take it in heed.  I believe the LORD will put it right smack in the middle of the ocean area of earth that has the most non-believers of Christianity and Jesus, and that would probably be the Indian Ocean.  The religions and beliefs in that part of the world run very deep, and those folks will more than likely be the last to see what is happening and why. 



Those people will probably be the last to convert.  The Lord then again gives those who are left time to decide their fate while the Antichrist again tries to turn what has happened to his advantage.


    The third angel then sounds The Third Trumpet and that angel then sends a blazing star known as "Wormwood" to the earth.  Wormwood puts a bitter taste in one-third of the rivers and springs of earth, such that many will not drink of such or became gravely ill and even die from the bitterness.  Here again a single item is hurled to earth but this time, because the rivers and springs are effected, it sure sounds like it hits land.  Again, I do not believe "Wormwood" will hit the Americas.  I believe the LORD will put it right smack in the middle of the land area of earth that has the most non-believers of all of Christianity and Jesus.  That would probably be on the western edge of Mongolia, thereby effecting Russia, China, India and the other smaller countries in that area.  And again, the Antichrist does his thing by turning all this around and fooling the people.


    The fourth Angel then sounds The Fourth Trumpet and one-third of the sun will be struck taking one-third of the moon's shine and one-third of the stars with it for a time.  The resulting "winter" devastates the entire planet as well as all the animals, crops, and those in warmer climates not accustomed to such cold weather.  Once again, some of those realizing that such was foretold in the Bible turn to the Lord and receive their cross on the forehead.  Many more, though, are still aligned with the Antichrist and will need further convincing of their folly.


    The fifth angel then sounds The Fifth Trumpet and a star will strike the earth with such force that it digs deep into the interior of the earth.  The sun and sky

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