» Biography & Autobiography » Prophet Muhammad: The Paraclete, Muhammad Naveed Ahmed (Emmenay) [books for men to read .txt] 📗

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High up in the Hira cave,
When the universe was all asleep,
A revelation shone brightly,
The eternal truth did finally seep.
Legions of prophets did come,
To show the path of truth to some,
But now the hour had dawned,
With the Message for every one.
God had said let there be light,
Now that light was shining bright,
Muhammad, the Spirit of Truth,
Was more resplendant than the sun.
On the mount called Jabl-e-Noor,
The promise of Christ was fulfilled,
The Paraclete foretold by the Holy Spirit*:
The moment to lead mankind had come.
The valley of Makkah and the Kaaba,
Were visited by angels from paradise,
The doors of mercy were reopened,
For Arabia - nay, for everyone wise.
The land of Arabia was lucky,
For, on its soil, the Paraclete came,
The entire world is fortunate,
That God's Light shone on every name.
Created before the dawn of time,
Muhammad, the Paraclete divine,
The prophesised harbinger of truth,
The last in God's prophethood-line.
The task before him was daunting hard,
The idol worshippers did their best,
But God was with the Spirit of Truth,
His Messenger's heart He filled with zest.
They did all they could to stop him,
Offered him gold, women and throne,
But nothing could move him from his aim,
He was determined to conquer sin.
Then they plotted and connived,
To persecute him did they decide,
One night they gathered to kill him,
But the timely help of God arrived.
Let us all thank our Lord God,
For sending His chosen Messenger,
Muhammad, the Spirit of Truth,
The Paraclete promised by Jesus Christ.
The hard-hearted ones of Makkah,
They were all thirsty for his blood,
But the angels of the Lord did come,
And saved him from being murdered.
He was protected at every step,
They hunted him but faltered and failed,
With his companion he reached the land,
Known as Madinah where he was hailed.
The jews of Madinah recognised him,
As the prophet the Torah foretold,
They rushed forward and greeted him,
Though some hypocrites were not so bold.
He came as a mercy to all peoples,
His code of life was the Qur'an,
Setting an example in word and deed,
How to be safe from devilish harm.
In the "Song of Solomon" it's said:
How the "Prince of Faran" would come,
That his name would be Muhammad,
Who would fulfil all that God had said.
Even the Messiah had made it known,
That the 'Comforter' would follow him,
That he would guide all to eternal truth,
That the Holy Spirit would be with him.
The jews of Madinah knew this quite well,
And chose him as their "great leader",
But when he put them to several tests,
They began to show their true colour.
The Makkans too, they made a plan,
And joined hearts and hands for battle,
They came to the Valley of Badr,
With 1000 men, from every clan.
But once again their mischief failed,
God helped His Messenger and his men,
The Makkans were made to flee the field,
Allah made His Messenger vanquish them.
Every messenger, who was sent by God,
Taught mankind to worship only Him,
To associate none with Him as God,
And to bow before none but Him.
For every nation a messenger came,
Glorifying the Greatest Names of God,
Showing their people the path of good,
And informing them about Satan's game.
In the end came the Paraclete,
Muhammad, the promised 'Comforter',
Not for one nation but for all mankind.
With him the Qur'an came - complete.
Those who disbelieved in him ran,
Helter-skelter like sheep and rams,
Who had lost the best shepherd,
Failing miserably in their evil plans.
God brought him safely to Madinah,
Increased the numbers who believed in him,
Defying all odds stacked, defeating them,
He cleared all doubts, chaos and din.
The believing hearts hear the angels sing,
The praises of the Christ's successor,
Muhammad, the glorified Messenger,
Who, for humanity, did salvation bring.
When the Makkans heard about his fame,
They started worrying night and day,
At last the day finally came,
When the Prophet uprooted evil's sway.
And with his 10,000 faithful followers,
He returned to Makkah, his birthplace,
The pagan leaders and their supporters,
Were humbled by Allah's Grace.
The Kaaba, the oldest 'House of God',
Was cleansed and purified once more,
The idols were destroyed on that day,
As the Messenger sang Allah's praise..
He did not shed a drop of blood,
And pardoned his worst of enemies,
His mercy won over countless hearts,
And in his presence they found peace.
"The mercy to all worlds"* won Makkah back,
With his good character and Godly ways,
The poor found the solace they sought,
And the downtrodden, refuge in his grace.
He is the "Seal of the prophets" of every age,
And from his 'chosen ones' he never departs,
Even those who opposed his great Message,
Did not, ever, his conduct mistook.
He brought all under the banner of peace,
And his followers are destined to increase,
He showed mankind the right way to live,
Erasing superstitions and false beliefs.
Idol-worshipping did he abolish,
And divine truth conquered all falsehood.
He came with the perfect code of life -
The Quran - whose reading makes one wise.
He's Muhammad, he's Ahmed, the Comforter,
The Paraclete foretold by all the messengers -
From Noah and Abraham to Moses and Christ,
Verily he is the noblest in Allah's Sight.


Abraham the Prophet, he sought God,
And one day he did find Him;
Moses wandered by the burning bush,
And God spoke to him from within.
David sang His hymns all day,
Nature bowed to his soulful tunes,
Solomon asked for a great kingdom,
And his wish was granted to him.
The Virgin Mary spent her life,
Seeking His Grace only from Him,
He conferred what she sought on her,
The Messiah came as a word from Him.
All this happened so that the light,
Known as Muhammad could take shape,
The beloved, perfect man of His,
For whom did He everything make.
The light of worlds, the brightest lamp,
Whose being reflects His reverence.
The most treasured gem of God,
Adorning the beauty of heavens.


The entire universe stood silently still,
The fall of Adam, Eve and mankind,
Was poised to regain most sublime heights,
As Prophet Muhammad was in his night vigil.
The devotion to Allah and prayers to Him,
Were accepted, as arch-angel Gabrielle,
Brought the best tidings from high above,
The time of Ascension was to begin.
The perfect man, the Spirit of Truth,
Soared higher and higher beyond all realms,
Till he met his Great God and insooth,
The glories and praises were sung in hymns.
All angels stood in submission,
The blessed Messenger, the Praised One,
God's chosen man, His beloved soul,
Raised the lost status of Adam.
The Night of Ascension it is called,
The holy night of a holy month,
When the dignity of humans was restored,
And evil's face was blackened...appalled.


O 'Seal' of the prophets! How shall I praise thee,
When God Himself proclaims: "O Perfect Man!"
Embodiment of piety, model of mercy,
Surely thou lead the entire prophet clan.
Where Gabriel's wings burn there didst thou reach ,
Enabling the meeting of God and man.
For thee did He create suns, moons and stars,
For thee is everything since time began.
O Muhammad (SAWS) I repeat that there never was,
or has been, or will be, like thee a man.


All the names mentioned here in my four poems are of God Almighty's messengers, prophets and angels who have been very clearly described in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible and even in certain passages of the Gospels of the Messiah Jesus Christ (Peace be upon him). Allah is the name of the one and true God in Arabic, Persian, Turkish, Urdu and Hindi languages. The Holy and Glorious Qur'an is the final divine Scripture of God Almighty revealed to Prophet Muhammad (Sallalahu Alaihi Wassallam or SAWS) which I have used in my poems above in accordance with the Commandment of Allah Most High outlined very clearly and lucidly in the Glorious Qur' a term which is much better than "Peace be upon him" -- even though I have used this too while mentioning the name of the Prophet of Islam in seveal other lines, along with mentioning the same during naming all of Allah's other messengers and prophets mentioned in my poetry. The Holy Spirit is one of Allah's four arch-angels and refers to the respectable and honourable arch-angel Gabriel (Pronounced as Jibreel in Arabic, Persian, Urdu and Hindi worldwide).
The Night of Ascension refers to the event described in the Holy and Glorious Qur'an as "Al Isra wal Meraaj" meaning the Night Journey and the Ascension. It is a night which precedes the morning of the 27th of the Islamic lunar month of Rajab in accordance with the Hijri calendar which begins with the Prophet of Islam's migration from Makkah to Madinah, to escape the assassination plot, mischief, mayhem and other dangerous plots chalked by the idol-worshippers of Makkah and led by men like Abu Jahl, Abu Lahab, Hind -- the wife of Abu Sufyan and several other chieftains of surrounding Arabian clans and tribes.
Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) is also described in the Holy and Glorious Qur'an as Allah's (God's) "mercy to all worlds" which in Arabic is described as the "Rahmatalal Alameen".
The word Paraclete, which is also the title of my book on Allah's final Messenger and Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) is a word mentioned in the Old Testament of the Greek/Hebrew versions...translations of the oldest found scrolls on Judaism, Christianity and Islam....and is derived from "Paracletos". It means the "Comforter" promised by Allah/God Almighty to all mankind and so markedly mentioned in the Holy Bible and specially in the Gospels of Prophet Jesus Christ, the promised "Messiah" and the messenger of Allah/God Almighty who clearly mentions the coming of his successor in all the Gospels. That revered and blessed successor, already known to renowned and unbiased jewish scholars as "The Prophet" is none other than Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) of Arabia.
For your critiques, comments and any question please feel free to email me, the author, at <>


Publication Date: 11-09-2009

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