» Biography & Autobiography » My Life Story, Mallory Roberts [the best motivational books .TXT] 📗

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My name is Mallory Cochran-Roberts. I am 25 years old. I decided to write a book about my life, and what I have been through.


 I was born at 6:35am on December 15th, 1989 at Alanta GA. My parents were sperated, my older brother was staying with my father in Missouria. When my mother was pregnant with me she did drugs and drank alot. I was born with a disability to where half my brain works slower then the other half.

After I was born, my parents decided to get back togather. Everything was going smooth then my mother decided to get back on drugs and drinking, she would always beat on me and my brother. My brother was a year old and i wasn't even a year old, i was still a little baby.

My dad was called into work, my dad was a truck driver, my mom was a stay at home mom. Well my dad was called into work he had to take a load of stuff to Missouria, we were living in Georgia at the time in a trailer home. Well my mother decided to run off with her step father. She lefted me and my brother alone in the tralier. We were there for three days. One dad my brother decied to crawl over to the TV he turned up very load because i was crying and scared. My father's friend decided to call the cops to come and check outy the tralier. When the cops go there the saw that me and my brother had been there for three days without food, and without a bath. They called my father he was on his way back home when they called him and told him that my brother and i were at the tralier by oursleves alone for three days. My father was so pissed.


Years passed i was now five years old it was time for me to be enrolled in school. The issue was my fathers name wasn't on my birth certifcate because my parent's weren't togather. So we had to take a trip down to Georgia we were living in Missouria(i may of spelled this wrong) at the time.

When we go to Georgia it was really late then my father was called in to work again. He told me he was going to drop me off at my Grandma Margie's house and he would be back in a week, i was five athe the time so i believed him when he said he would be back to pick me up in a week.

Weeks turned in to months and months turned into years. My Grandma would beat on me, one day she came home so pissed because of work she throw me into the bathroom after beating me, when shr throw me into the bathroom i hit the back of my head onto a sink i passed out.

A week or so after that my grandma decided to take me to work with her. I was so happy because she decided to take me to work with her. When we got there a couple decided to come in to get stuff for the hogs she gave me to them for money. This Couples last name was Brown but i came to call the the mean people and ill tell you why in a few minutes. So the Browns took me to there house, they were nice to me at first but when I turned six years old some bad things happend to me.

John Brown would melasted me non-stop and his wife would just sit there and watch. It gots so bad when i started to tell him no he would hit me, beat me up and call me names. I was only six yeras old i didn't know what to do so i njust let him do bad things to me.



I was used by the Browns to clean up. I was thrown out in the snow because supposively i killed a litter of puppys so i was thrown outside with just a blank and shorts and a shirt on. i don't remember how long i was out there.

I son was put up for adoption. I got adopited by a very sweet couple, their names were John and Tiffany Cochran. I was able to put john brown in jail he was there for 10 years he was let out when i was seventeen years old. I had to have my name changed from Amber  Mayberry to Mallory Cochran. I grew up with them from 7 to 24 years old. I been through so much through out my teen years. I tried to kill myself, I was raped meany times. When i was 23 i decided to marry a young man who i only new for 6 months. He did drugs i got hook on any kind of drugs you can think of i started drink non-stop. Then one day i found out i was pregnant with a amazing little boy. I was so happy so i decided to get my life staringhed out. The guy would abusive me non-stop i was with him for three years, i though i had to stay with him because i was pregnant with his child.

After my son Wyatt Blake was born i decide to leave him, he yalled at my son when he was three weeks old because he was crying. Wyatt's dad would drink non-stop. I decided to get my life togather, I decided i need to get my life togtaher for my son.


The End 


Publication Date: 12-29-2014

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