» Biography & Autobiography » 4 Fun Filled Fabulous Days, Rhonda Hartman [reading comprehension books TXT] 📗

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4 Fun Filled Fabulous Days!

I'm soooo excited! In 1.5 hours my mini-vacay starts & I can't wait! I'm off work tomorrow and the office is closed on Monday so that is 4 days & 5 nights of freedom...freedom...freedom! (I was singing that, fyi) I'd like to say we're jet setting to the Hamptons or something but we're not, however as you know by reading my last post we are going out of town for a night to the lovely Carrolton, Texas to attend a fabulous wedding of Harrison & Krystle. There are still several preparations to make however, yours truly still needs a mani/pedi and is in desperate need of a brow seems impossible to find a good brow waxer in OKC. I knew one in Florida (hello Nancy! You better be reading my blog!) And Jakob still needs shoes. The more preparation we have to make for other peoples weddings, the more inspired I am to keep mine simple! Classic and simple. So have I mentioned that I think for all the bible belting that goes on in the "mid-west" that I think some of the rudest people live here? Now I realize that rude people are everywhere, I'm not so naive to think that they all live in the middle of the country but I do think maybe the lack of fresh oceanic breeze shrinks the parts of their brains where manners are stored. This girl was parked in the handi-capped parking yesterday at Chick-Fil-A (btw Chick-Fil-A sauce is heavenly!) and Tim (boyfriend extraordinaire) taps the sign so she says something smart alleck and he very nicely says "you should have some respect". His sister is in a wheelchair or uses crutches due to spina bifida so maybe we're a little more sensitive to this than some people but still seriously don't park in the handicapped parking spot. Anyway rude girl decides to make a nasty comment as we're walking in*disclaimer*: slight exaggeration , at this point all events may not be truthful, my version of "politely" and your version may vary slightly: *end disclaimer* so I very politely turn around and tell her "that's not nice young lady" and she proceeds to scream and me and call me "ghetto!" There may have been a few other words that were said, my memory is foggy. Anyway, she was really rude. Oh and some other rude things I run into here, people ask inappropriate questions just straight to your face, like what religion you are, where you go to church, if you believe in abortion?!?! Who you're voting for?!? It's crazy. Then one day I was waiting for the elevator and they're doing construction in my building right and these "ladies" I'll use that term loosely, wouldn't get on the elevator with the painters because they were and I quote "shady construction guys" and these women said it loud enough where they men could hear them. I was so embarassed for the women and I felt so bad for the men. I just thought that was soo rude. Anyhoo, on to happier thoughts! My plans for when I get to leave here now in less than an hour! Jakob & I get to go and shop. For shoes and a shirt for him. I need to tan, I'm dreadfully pale. Tomorrow both Tim & I are volunteering at Jakob's school for field day, remember field day? Next to field trips and the last day of school it's the best day of the year. You get to spend ALL day outside playing games!! It's awesome, I wonder how much the games have changed since we were in rover red rover send *insert name here* right over! Theeeennn...Friday night I am getting the mani/pedi, going tanning, and I'm contemplating the Versa spa, except then I'll have to sleep in it and it kinda stinks. Not sure how I feel about that, I mean it's not like dog poo stinky just like a funky smell, not good but not overly bad either. Maybe I should get up early Friday morning and go get Versa'd then I could shower Friday night and not be Stinky McStinkster when I sleep that night....probably a better idea. Ok then Saturday we drive to the wedding! When we get there, I want to leave early so I can lounge by the pool, because that's my idea of relaxing. Sun and water. Sunday we're spending the day in Dallas doing who knows what, we were going to take Jakob to this big go-kart track but we looked it up online and you have to be 16 to drive everything so since he's 8 that's no fun for him. Who wants to just ride on one? Not me! I want to drive it!!! Then Monday it's relaxing at home. Well actually I have plans to scrub bathrooms and prepare for Intermediate Algebra which will start for me again on June 2nd. I really struggle with math but I like it which is weird because once I get the concepts it's not bad, I just think it's in my head, I fell behind a long time ago and now I have to catch up which is harder because I'm older than alot of my classmates but that's ok. I'll get there. I have no problems taking it slow. I know I need extra help and that's fine with me. I'll be a Doctor one day whether it's an M.D. or a D.O. I was actually really proud of myself because I managed to figure out a way to be full time this fall but I have to do 2 internet courses and in the past I didn't do so well with internet courses but I think with this job since I'm on the computer all day long and alot of my time is just free time filled with trying to find stuff to do, I will be fine. I will actually be taking 14 credit hours and 12 is full time. I just need to get a B at the very least in every class. A's are preferred and I think the majority of the classes I won't have a problem making A's in this semester actually. I don't have any Hard science courses. I'm taking College Algebra (3 credits), Healthy Life Skills (2 credits), National Federal Government (3 credits), Sociology (3 credits) and History of the U.S. Since 1877 (3 credits). The Nat. Fed. Gov and the History are the 2 internet courses so I feel pretty confident that I will do good in them. I feel really confident about this fall semester line up, I just hope that the rest of the semesters line up for me as well! And hopefully some good shadowing and volunteer opportunities will come around, I've been searching so I'm hoping that I'll find the right place for me. Oh I'm also super excited about some of the other things I have coming up like Jakob's birthday, although it's like a week and a half away and he has not mentioned what he'd like to do! I think he may be missing Florida and the fact that it's his first birthday that all of our family won't be around for. I gotta say I'm pretty bummed about that too. I'll just have to make it extra special for him. My favorite season is fast approaching, although I'm not sure what Oklahoma has to offer during my favorite season...guess I'll have to do some exploring! I am making a list of places to explore in Oklahoma, so all you Oklahomans out there feel free to comment or email and send suggestions! And now I must bid you adieu which is completely inaccurate because that literally translated means "until God" but anyhow, I'm off to enjoy my 4 days of fun! I may post a blog in the midst of the fun if I get a chance!


Publication Date: 06-27-2010

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