» Biography & Autobiography » Bethany Farner, Bethany Farner [speld decodable readers TXT] 📗

Book online «Bethany Farner, Bethany Farner [speld decodable readers TXT] 📗». Author Bethany Farner

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My name Is Bethany. Bethany Farner but for the love of God call me Beth. I'm still just a beginner in writing but I love to do it even though I completely suck at it! I was born on September 15 1992 in bowling green Kentucky. But I live here in Chicago the windy city. My life is nothing intterresting believe me. I guess you could just say that I think the world is too confusing!

Well to Start Us off.

I awoke to my Alarm Clock going off. Uhgg School is the worse! Kinder garden-5th grade Loved School. 6th grade is when It went all down Hill. That's when I got my hair dyed first. I rembered that I only put a couple of Purple and Red Highlights. I had Light brown Hair at that time. It went just above my shoulders. I look nothing like that now! I got my hair cut to my chin. I had it arranged in Layers. Then I have 2 strands of hair on each side of my head that go to my belly button. I had those dyed red while the top layer of my hair was black. I kept my orginal hair color my light brown undernethe. Does that make sense?

I have really weird eyes. They change color but our mostly grey. If they do change color they change from grey to blue to grey to green to grey again. Complicated. Yes! I got up and got ready. I started my flat iron and ran a shower. My flat iron had smoke coming out of it but I ignored it. It usally does that anyways. I let my towel drop to the floor and went to my closet. I grabbed a black top (What other color would I really wear anyways) The one sleave would fall off to my shoulders so I wore a white tank top under it. I grabbed a pair of white skinny jeans that were completely ripped.

Not only were they ripped but had black slpatters on them. I grabbed I white rined stone belt and put it on over my shirt. I flatten my hair and aranging my layers the way I wanted them. I skipped breakfast and headed out the door to my bus stop which was just my Mailbox. The bus came around the corner and I hopped on. I sat in the back next to Jessie. He was listening to his Ipod. He didn't pay attention to me for he was used to it. Nor did I care anyways if he paid attention he's a total Jerk anyways. I tried to look at his Ipod to see what he was listening to but he shut it off to fast for me too see.

"Sup Beth?" He asked I rolled my eyes for everyone knew the answer. Nothing. Of course nothing my life is completely boring what can I say? I looked at my phone.During school some of the stupid jocks tripped the new guy. He wasn't completely attractive so you could say he was a nerd but I don't really care.

I slammed my locker door shut. I had Just had enough of Patrick and his jock friends. I've know Patrick since the second grade. When I was younger I had a crush on him but he turned into a complete wacko. I ran over to the laughing boys and Slapped Patrick and believe me it wasn't my first time I did that. He smiled. "You slap really hard. You must like me!" he said with a chuckle. His friends laughed too. I rolled my eyes and ran to the boy who was stumbling to get his stuff. I helped him with his books. "Thanks. I'm Roger by the way!" he said. I didn't reply for I did not want to have a conversation. I helped the boy to his feet and walked away. At lunch I ran to my girl friends.

They would all talk but I would just luagh nod and eat. I never talked with them and if they asked me a question it had to be a yes or no otherwise I wouldn't answer. I love my friends no doubt about it I just don't understand how they think. I looked over to the table in front of us and saw Jessie and his two minions Ryan and Erick. Oh no they're going to do it! I thought. They all faced me at they're tables. I looked away. God those boys just love to torture me. "BETH BETH BETH!!!" they all yelled. I glared at them evily but they looked away whistling like nothing happened.

I turned back around and they did it again. Basically that's how lunch was. They did not stop and I was about to shoot them and then me! After school I went to my Best friends house. His name was Max and I've known him since 3rd grade. He was Emo like me but he wasn't horriable....but a little strange but I didn't mind. He had brown eyes and Orange hair with black highlights. Ergg...He knew those were my favorite colors so he did it on purpose. At first it was purple black and green. Which I liked better. His parents weren't home not that they would be either.

Oh and for the last time I DO NOT LIKE HIM!! He is just more like a brothely figure to me. People think we've done all of this stuff but we haven't. I'll sleep over but not to do anything of what you're thinking rember I'm still a virgin! I walked in as normal and ran to his room. He was sleeping on his bed. Ear phones in. I could hear the music being blasted for the volume was all the way up. He probably just got home for an after school nap. I growled and smacked his forehead. "God Damn it Beth what!?!?!?!" He screamed. I giggled and got under the covers next to him.

He growled. "You know we need to come up with a way for you not to slap me any more for when you come over!" he said with his eyes still closed. "Well maybe you shouldn't sleep evey time you have free time!" I told him. He mumbled something like God damn it. "You swear way to Much!" I said. "You know stating anything is not going to help! You know that I swear alot and for that I might as well just go to Hell right now!" he replied. I hated how he always said that he was going to Hell to be burned into only ashes. "You know maybe there is no such thing as Hell and if there is let god have his mercy!" I snapped.

He finally opened his eyes. He got up and that's when I relized he was shirtless. I didn't mind for I was used to it. He threw on a black button up top but kept it unbutton. I got up too. His eyes skanned me when he saw my clothes. He shook his head. I rolled my eyes. "You know I swear way too much and you roll you eyes way too much!" He told me. I wasn't going to lie I did do that alot. We did our homework and descided to order pizza and watch a movie. I didn't watch the movie. So I ran upstairs to his room. I grabbed his lap top and went on facebook.

No one was on and no messages or notifications. Darn! I quickly logged off and went to his photos. I smile everytime I see them. There was some of him and his pets. Me and his friends. I exited out of the photos and found something quite inttrresting. An online Diary web site. I guess you had your own password and username. He was already logged in and at the top it said "Hi there Max!" in black bold letters I quickly shut off his computer for I would not snoop around. Who knows what I'll find to tell you the truth. I fell alseep listening to The Ghost Of You by of course My Chemical Romance.

I was half asleep but half awake when I found myself being caried by someone down the stairs. I didn't know who but I was to tired to wake up. I felt myself be placed in a car. We drove around and with his free hand he knocked on a the door. Then I knew where I was when I heard the door open and a familiar voice. "Well thank you very much Max for bringing her home. If you wouldn't mind bringing her to her bed I pulled my back and..." Max cut my father off and walked to my room. He layed me on my bed.

My eyes opened a bit. I saw him smilling of a picture of me and him with my friends and his. A good group photo I have to say. He left the room shutting the door and turning off the lights. I figured he sat down in the living room to talk with my parents. I couldn't quite make out what they were saying and quickly fell asleep to there mumbling. I dreamed Of one of my photos. I rember the day where I got a photo of me taking a photo of three baby bunnies in a barbie pink Covertable. Oh My Lord those were the days.
The next day I didn't feel so good. I had a horriable headache and a bad stomachache. So I didn't go to school that day. My parents wouldn't be home till like six so my friends came over instead to keep me ocupied. They all came over. Tori, Victoria, Emmy, Josey, Hannah, Ebelin, Taylor, Jessie, and Max. I'm not completely friends with Jessie but he's funny and good friends with Emmy. He also comes over alot anyways so whatever.

They all came in my room and I pretended to be asleep. Josey grabbed a pillow on the floor and wacked my head. I swore at her. They all laughed. I sat up in my bed. "Tori be a doll and turn on my light it's too dark in here!" I said. She did what I asked her. They all sat on the floor while Karly sat next to me on my bed. We were all talking and they stopped to hear my stomache growl. "Someone's Hugry!" Jessie said. "Well no der! I haven't eaten anything all day and I feel like crap what do you want from me!!" I snapped but in a playful way.

"I'll get her something what do you want Beth?" Victoria asked me "Ooh Bagle and cream cheese!!" I screamed. That was like my favorite food. Yum! She came back in with a bagle and cream cheese. "Yes!" I shouted. "Guess who fell asleep at my house last night?" Max said. I blushed. I didn't mean to fall asleep but My Chemical romance was like a drug to me so sorry. They all pointed at me with their fingers. I blushed and looked down at my empty plate. They laughed lightly for they knew it was an accident.

"It's not the first time she's fell alseep at a weird place!" Ebelin said. I knew that was right. I fell alseep in class 4 times. I fell asleep standing 2 times. I fell asleep jumping up and down on my trapoline! "Hey you guys all know that I love too sleep get over it!" I said. We probably all talked and

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