» Biography & Autobiography » The Email Relationship, Quinton D. Jennings [top 10 inspirational books TXT] 📗

Book online «The Email Relationship, Quinton D. Jennings [top 10 inspirational books TXT] 📗». Author Quinton D. Jennings

There once was a kid named James McCoy he was a brown eyed and haired fifteen year old kid that just wanted to have fun in his life.
In his fifteen years he had gotten in trouble a couple of times in school, but over all he was a ok kid. Something that only a few people knew was that he was gay. he was not ashamed of it he was just it. People started to know because they would just ask him. A few boys at school would make fun of him, but it wasn't enough to get to James. He was probally the only gay kid in school so he really never dated anyone.

When he just was getting settled in his school, he had to move. the reason he had to move does not apply to this story at this point. When he moved to his new school he wasn't the most popularkid or known kid, he did make a couple of new friends and felt like it was a good school to start his future. he did find a guy that everyone in school knew was gay. The guy's name was Jimmy Cook, he had brown hair and blue eyes. he was lean and strong. He smiled all the time. Even though he was gay no one in school ever made fun of him. Jimmy and James started to talk and hang out. They would sit together at lunch and talk after school. James still never told Jimmy about him being gay either. One day they were talking about something and it ended up them exchanging emails.

Because James could only email at school they really never talked on the weekends, but during scool they did:
Hey how are you? from Jimmy
I'm doing pretty good, just a little bored though. from James
Me to. Hey can i ask you a personal question? from Jimmy
Ya, i geuss if you want to. from James
well ok ummmm... are you gay? you don't have to answer if you don't want to. from Jimmy
Well ok, ummmm. Tell you the truth i am. from James
Wow ok cool. At least we have something in common. HAHAHA from Jimmy.
Ya i geuss we do, maybe thats a good thing. from James.
This came out the first day. this relieved James a lot and he started to feel better about himself. Jimmy started to think diffrently about JAmes from that moment on, but in a good way.

James and Jimmy have been talking now for about a month. So far it is just a friendship no more and no less. JAmes still never told anyone at his new scool except Jimmy about him being gay. Because they were hanging out a lot the kids at school started to snicker and tell other kids that James was gay. the guys started to call him a fag and just other remarks. This started to get to James and he talked to Jimmy about it:
Hey could i talk to you about something? from James.
Ya whats wrong? from Jimmy.
well kids at school sre calling me names and it's really hurting me. from JAmes.
Well acually i have heard some of the rumers. People just try to bully. When i first came they did the same thing to me. from Jimmy.
well ya, thanks Jimmy. from James.


Publication Date: 11-15-2010

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