» Biography & Autobiography » Man, Past and Present, Agustus Henry Keane, A. Hingston Quiggin, Alfred Court Haddon [series like harry potter txt] 📗

Book online «Man, Past and Present, Agustus Henry Keane, A. Hingston Quiggin, Alfred Court Haddon [series like harry potter txt] 📗». Author Agustus Henry Keane, A. Hingston Quiggin, Alfred Court Haddon

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Araucanians, the, 409 sqq.; language, 412

Arawakan linguistic stock, 415 sq.

Arawaks, the, 348, 399, 416

Arbois de Jubainville, M. H. d', 459, 514 n.

Arcadians, the, 466

Argentina, fossil man in, 338

Arikara, the, 355, 371, and map, pp. 334-5

Aristov, N. A., 316 n.

Arldt, T., 93

Armenians, the, 449, 498, 545, and Pl. XIV figs. 3, 4

Armenoids, the, 449, 450 sq., 479, 481, 497 sq.

Aruan, the, 416

Arunta, the, 429, 435 sqq.

Arvernians. See Alpine race

Aryan languages. See Indo-European languages

"Aryans," the, 441 sq., 449, 501 sqq.; "cradle" of, 503 sq.

Aryans, the, in India, 505 sq., 545 sq., 550 and Pl. XV figs. 1-3

Aryo-Dravidian type, Risley's, 546

Asha, the, 485

Ashango, the, 115

Ashanti, the, 58 sq.

Ashe, R. P., 95 n.

Ashluslays, the, 421

Aspelin, J. R., 309 n., 319

Assami, the, 193, 550

Assiniboin, the, 355, 370, 372, and map, pp. 334-5

Assyrians, the, 488 sq., 492

Atacamenos, the, 408

Atarais, the, 416

Athapascan linguistic stock, the, 342, 347, 354, 363, 383

Atharaka, the, 97 n.

Aucaes. See Araucanians

Auetoe, the, 348, 419

Aurignacian man, 2, 9, 10; culture, 12, 14

Australians, the, 422, 426-437, and Pl. X figs. 5, 6; languages of, 428 sqq.

Austronesian languages, 221, 223, 240

Autenrieth, H. von, 237 n.

Avars, the, 310, 326, 329 sq., 531

Ayamats, the, 52

Aymara, the, 407, 419

Aysa, the, 485

Azandeh, the, 44

Azilian culture, 12 sqq.

Aztecs, the, 384, 389-395, 397

Babine, the, 361, and map, pp. 334-5

Babir, the, 70

Babylonia, Copper Age in, 22; Bronze Age in, 24; chronology, 27, 264 sq.; writing, 32 sqq.; influence of, on China, 207 sq.; inhabitants, 261 sqq., 488 sq., 491 sqq.; religion, 268; social system, 269; culture, 270 sq., 491; connection with Egypt, 481

Badakhshi, the, 544

Baele, the, 73

Baelz, E., 294, 296 n.

Ba-Fiot. See Eshi-Kongo

Ba-Ganda, the, 44, 94 sqq., 248

Ba-Gesu, the, 91 n.

Baggara, the, 74, 471 n.

Baghirmi, the, 69, 72

Bagobo, the, 247

Bahau, the, 231

Ba-Hima, the, 91, 93, 468, 484, 486

Ba-Huana, the, 115

Baining, the, 142

Bajau, the, 228

Ba-Kalai, the, 115

Bakairi, the, 348, 415

Ba-Kene, the, 91

Ba-Kish, the, 117

Ba-Kundu, the, 117

Ba-Kwiri, the, 117

Balagnini, the, 228

Balbi, A., 420 n.

Balinese, the, 224

Balkashin, M., 316 n.

Ball, C. J., 208 n.

Ball, J., Dyer, 212 n., 216 n.

Baloch, the, 546

Ba-Lolo, the, 110, 114

Ba-Long, the, 117

Balti, the, 167

Balto-Slavs, the, 506

Ba-Luba, the, 113

Ba-Mangwato, the, 109

Ba-Mba, the, 112

Bambara, the, 49, 50

Bancroft, H. H., 353

Bandelier, A. F., 383 n.

Bandziri, the, 87

Banjars, the, 52

Bantu, the, compared with Sudanese Negro, 44 sqq.; Chap. IV. passim; in Madagascar, 239 sq.

Ba-Nyai, the, 105

Ba-Nyoro, the, 92

Banyuns, the, 52

Ba-Puti, the, 109

Bara, the, 244 sq.

Barabra, the, 75 sqq., 484

Barawan, the, 231

Barea, the, 42

Bari, the, 78, 79

Ba-Rolong, the, 106

Ba-Rotse, the, 106 sqq.

Barrett, W. E. H., 100 n.

Barth, H., 51, 64 n., 65 sq., 70 sq., 72 n.

Bary, E. von, 446 n.

Ba-Sa, the, 117

Ba-Sange, the, 113

Base, the, 42

Ba-Senga, the, 105

Ba-Shilange, the, 110, 113

Bashkirs, the, 303, 318 sq., 328 n.

Ba-Soga, the, 91 n.

Ba-Songe, the, 113

Basques, the, 454 sqq., 526 sq.

Bastarnae, the, 326, 507

Ba-Suto, the, 104, 106

Batak, the, 247

Ba-Tanga, the, 117

Ba-Tau, the, 109

Batchelor, J., 295 n.

Ba-Teke, the, 115

Bateman, C. S. L., 113

Bates, O., 468

Ba-Teso, the, 91 n.

Ba-Thonga, the, 102

Ba-Tlapin, the, 106

Batta, the, 237 sq.

Ba-Twa, the, 125, 130

Bavaria, blond type in, 510; Mongoloid traits in, 512 n.

Baya, the, 88

Ba-Yanzi, the, 120

Ba-Yong, the, 117

Bayots, the, 52

Bean, R. B., 248

Beaver, the, 361, and map, pp. 334-5

Beccari, O., 231 n.

Be-Chuana, the, 44, 49, 104, 106, 108 sq.

Beddoe, J., 449, 462, 522

Bede, the, 70

Bedouin, the, 499 sq., 545, and Pl. XII fig. 5

Beech, M. W. H., 486 n.

Behr, V. D. v., 450 n.

Beja, the, 76 sq., 443, 468 sq., 483 sq.

Bektash, the, 497

Belck, W., 26 n.

Belgae, the, 526 sq.

Belgium, neolithic inhabitants of, 451

Bellacoola, the, 363, and map, pp. 334-5

Bengali, the, 547, 550

Beni Amer, the, 483 sq.

Bent, J. T., 44, 89, 105, 466 n., 493

Bentley, W. H., 111, 119

Berbers, the, 448, 449 n., 450 sqq., 453, 468-472, 476; language of, 453 sqq., 472 sq.

Bernard, A., 137

Berrakis, the, 544

Bertholon, L., 448

Bertin, G., 129

Bertrand, A., 457

Bertrand-Bocande, M., 53 n.

Betoya, linguistic stock, 415

Betsileo, the, 242 sqq.

Betsimisaraka, the, 242 sq.

Beuchat, H., 389 n., 392, 394 n., 397 n., 399, 406 n., 421 n.

Bhotiya, the, 169 sq.

Bicol, the, 221 n., 247

Biddulph, J., 542 n., 543 sq.

Bigandet, P., 186, 190

Bigger, F. J., 520

Billet, A., 197 sq.

Binger, L. G., 50 n., 52, 62

Bingham, H., 405 n.

Bini, the, 58 sq.

Bird, G. W., 188 n.

Bisayas, the, 221

Bisharin, the, 483 sq., and Pl. XIII figs. 1, 2

Bishop, I. (Bird), 197 n., 218 n., 293 n.

Blackfoot. See Siksika

Blagden, C. O., 153 n., 154 n., 222 n., 426 n.

Bleek, E. D., 128 n.

Bleek, W. H. I., 118, 128 sq.

Blood Indians. See Kainah

Blumentritt, F., 156 n.

Blundell, H. Weld, 487 n.

Boas, F., 343, 347 n., 358 sq., 364 sqq., 367 n.

Bock, Carl, 192 n., 194

Bodo, the, 547

Bod-pa, the, 168 sq., 171

Bogoras, W., 288, 341

Boghaz Keui, 496, 502 n.

Bollaert, W., 403 n.

Bongo, the, 78 sq.

Bonjo, the, 87

Bonvalot, P. G., 544

Booth, A. J., 34 n.

Borgu, the, 62

Bori, the, 170 n.

Borlase, W. C., 520

Borneo, natives of, 230 sqq.

Boro, the, 414

Bororo, the, 411 sq., 415

Borreby type, the, 509 n.

Botocudo, the, 416 sqq.

Bottego, V., 81 n.

Boule, M., 8 sq.

Bove, G., 413

Bowditch, C. P., 393 n.

Brahui, the, 546, 550

Braknas, the, 469

Bretons, the, 449 n., 529 sq.

Brett, E. A. de, 548 n.

Breuil, H., 13 n.

Bridges, T., 401 n., 413

Brinton, D. G., 337

Britain, neolithic inhabitants of, 451 sqq.; and prehistoric trade routes, 501; races of, 516 sqq., 524

Broca, P., 456, 512

Brocklehurst, T. U., 393 n., 397 n.

Brogger, W. C., 14

Brooks, W. K., 399

Brown, A. R., 151, 431 n., 432 sqq.

Brown, G., 146 n., 555 n.

Brown, J. M., 353, 552 n., 555 n.

Brown, R., 181 n.

Brown, R. Grant, 190

Brueckner, E., 13 sqq.

Bruenn, skeleton, the, 9

Bruex skull, the, 9

Brythons, the, 515

Budini, the, 536

Buduma, the, 69

Bugis, the, 224, 226 sqq., 236

Bukidnon, the, 247

Bulala, the, 73

Bulams, the, 53

Bulgarians, the, 532

Bulgars, the, 318, 326 sqq., 329

Burduna, the, 435

Burish dialect, 542 n.

Burmese, the, 180, 188 sqq., 547; language, 177 n.

Burton, Sir R., 116

Bury, J. B., 303 n.

Buryats, the, 272, 277

Buschmann, K. E., 393

Bushmen, the, 12, 30, 226 sqq., and Pl. I figs. 5, 6; traces of, in Egypt, 476

Bwais, the, 187

Byrne, J., 283, 346 n.

Byron-Gordon G., 397

Caddo, the, 355

Caddoan linguistic stock, the, 355, 381

Cagayans, the, 247

California, Indians of, 368 sqq. See map, pp. 334-5

Callilehet, the, 411

Cambeba, the, 419 n.

Cambojans, the, 180

Canaanites, the, 489 sq., 493, 503

Canary Islands, natives of the, 448, 450, 480

Capitan, L., 9 n.

Carabuyanas, the, 348

Carapaches, the, 414

Carey, S., 183

Cariban linguistic stock, 415

Caribs, the, 399, 415 sq., and Pl. IX fig. 1

Carpin, J. du P., 328 n.

Carrier, the, 361 sq., and map, pp. 334-5

Carruthers, D., 257

Cartailhac, E., 13 n.

Cashibos, the, 414

Castren, M. A., 278, 317

Catios, the, 400 sq.

"Caucasic," definition of, 440 sq.; peoples, Chaps. XIII, XIV, XV; type in Central Asia, 291 sq.; in Finno-Turki Mongols, 300 sqq.

Caucasus, racial elements in the, 540 sq.

Cayuga, the, 354, 377

Cebunys, the, 342

Celts, the, 442, 457, 459, 462 n., 506, 513 sqq., 525; language of, 453, 512, 515

Cesnola, L. P. di, 463

Chadwick, H. M., 465 n., 466 n., 507 n., 508 n., 513 n.

Chaldeans, the, 490

Chalmers, J., 146 n.

Chamberlain, A. F., 344, 375 n.

Chamberlain, B. H., 296 sq.

Champas, the, 166, 180, 203

Champion, A. M., 97 n.

Chanda, Ramaprasad, 547

Chandra Das, S., 169 n., 175 n.

Chanler, W. A., 124

Chantre, E., 540

Chao, the, 411

Chatelperron industry, the, 12

Chavanne, J., 446

Chavero, A., 393 n.

Chechenz language, 541

Chekhs, the, 331, 532, 537

Chellean culture, 7, 11, 14 sq.

Cheremisses, the, 325

Cherentes, the, 417

Cherokee, the, 32 n., 342, 354, 378, and map, pp. 334-5

Chervin, A., 407

Cheyenne, the, 354, 357, 370, 372, 374, and map, pp. 334-5

Chibcha, the, 402 sqq., 421 n.

Chichimecs, the, 342, 388 n., 394

Chickasaw, the, 355, 378, and map, pp. 334-5

Chilasi, the, 544

Chiliks, the, 316

Chimakuan, the, 363

Chimmesayan, the, 355

Chimu, the, 407 sq.

China, prehistoric age in, 30 sq.

Chinese, the, 193 sqq., 206 sqq.

Chingpaws. See Singpho

Chinhwans, the, 250

Chinook, the, 363, 366, and map, pp. 334-5

Chins, the, 182 sqq.

Chipewyan, the, 361, and map, pp. 334-5

Chiquito, the, 348, 420

Chiriqui, the, 400, 421 n.

Chiru, the, 178

Chitimachan, the, 381

Chocos, the, 400 sq.

Choctaw, the, 355, 378, and map, pp. 334-5

Choglengs, the, 417

Chontals, the, 400

Choroti, the, 421

Christian, F. W., 555 n.

Chudes, the, 258, 301, 317, 319 sq.

Chukchi, the, 274 sq., 277, 285 sqq., 344

Church, G. E., 348

Churchill, W., 552 n.

Cimbri, the, 507

Circassians, the, 541

Clark, C. U., 317 n.

Clifford, H., 153 sqq., 227 n., 229

Clozel, F. J., 88, 90

Coahuila, the, 342

Cochiti, the, 382 n.

Cockburn, J., 166 n.

Cocks, A. H., 323

Cocoma, the, 401

Cocopa, the, 383, and Pl. VIII fig. 3

Coconuco, the, 404

Codrington, R., 102 n.

Codrington, R. H., 146 n., 241 n.

Coffey, G., 23 n., 26, 520 n.

Cole, Fay-Cooper, 248 n.

Collas, the, 406 sq.

Collignon, R., 448, 455 sq., 469

Colquhoun, A. R., 193 n., 202

Colvile, Z., 243 n., 244

Comanche, the, 355, 370, 372, and map, pp. 334-5

Combe Capelle skeleton, the, 9, 10

Conestoga, the, 354

Conibos, the, 414

Conway, R. S., 453 n., 457 n., 467 n., 513 n., 529

Congo pygmies, the, 122, 125; in Egypt, 122, 124, 476

Cook, S. A., 494 n.

Cool, W., 225

Cooper, J. M., 413 n.

Coorgs, the, 546 sq.

Corequajes, the, 415 n.

Coroados. See Kames

Corsicans, the, 461

Cowan, W. D., 242 n.

Coyaima, the, 402

Crawfurd, J., 146 sq.

Cree, the, 354; Plains-Cree, 371; Wood-Cree, 375, and map, pp. 334-5

Creek, the, 355, 378 sq., and map, pp. 334-5

Crete, bronze in, 25; iron in, 26; exploration in, 463, 467; Pelasgians in, 464, 466; language, 454; and prehistoric trade routes, 502

Crevaux, J., 415 n.

Croatians, the, 532, 537 sq.

Cro-Magnon skeletons, the, 9, 448, 450

Crook, Dr W., 189 n., 306 n., 308 n., 445 n., 548

Crossland, C., 484 n.

Crow, the, 355, 370, 372, and map, pp. 334-5

Cummins, S. L., 79 n.

Cunas, the, 400

Cunningham, A., 176

Cunningham, J. F., 94 n.

Curzon, G. N., Lord, 204

Cushing, F. H., 381, 385 n., 387 n.

Cyprus, 463; Pelasgians in, 464, 467; and prehistoric trade routes, 502

Czaplicka, M. A., 275, 277 n., 325

Dadikes. See Tajiks

Daflas, the, 170

Dahae, the, 306 sq.

Dahle, L., 241, 245

Dahomi, the, 58 sq.

Dakota, the, 355, 370 sqq., and Pl. VIII figs. 5, 6

Dalton, E. T., 170 n., 186 n., 192 n., 548

Dalton, O. M., 62

Damant, G. H., 178 n.

Damara. See Ova-Herero

Dames, M. Longworth, 548 n.

Danakil. See Afars

Danes, the, 449, and Pl. XI figs. 1-3

Dards, the, 167

Darod, the, 485

Darwazi, the, 544

Darwin, C., 401 n., 413

Dauri, the, 281

Dawson, C., 3 n., 6 n.

Daza, the, 473

Dechelette, J., on the prehistoric period, 11 n., 13 n., 21 n., 22 n., 25 n., 26, 27 n., 28 n., 35; Iberians, 455 n.; Ligurians, 456 sqq.; Siculi, 460 n.; AEgean chronology, 467 n.; trade routes, 502 n.

Decle, L., 91

Deggaras, the, 68

Dehiya. See Dahae

Dehwar. See Tajik

Delaware (Leni Lenape), language, 349

Dene (Tinneh), the, 354, 361 sqq., and map, pp. 334-5

Deniker, J., 38 n., 240 n., 295, 340, 413 n., 469, 483 n., 511, 539

Denmark, Alpine type in, 509

Dennett, R. E., 45 n., 58 n.

Deodhaings, the, 192

Desgodins, P., 167 n., 170 n., 171, 196, 197 n.

Dewey, H., 10 n.

Dhe. See Dahae

Diaramocks, the, 250

Diasu, the, 197

Dieseldorff, E. P., 342, 389

Dinka, the, 46, 78 sqq., 484

Dittmar, C. von, 286

Diula, the, 51 n.

Dixon, R. B., 347, 355 sq.

Dog Rib, the, 361, and map, pp. 334-5

Doko, the, 123

Dongolawi, the, 75

Dorians, the, 466, 468, 505, 534

Doerpfeld, W., 466

Dorsey, G. A., 372 n. sqq., 385 n.

Dottin, G., 514 n.

Dravidians, the, 428, 546 sq., 549 sqq., and Pl. XV figs. 4, 5; language, 550

Dris, Rajah, 230

Drouin, M., 307

Dru-pa, the, 168

Druses, the, 498, 545

Du Bois, C. G., 370

Dubois, E., 3 n.

Dubois, F., 65

Duckworth, W. L. H., 2 n., 3 n., 4 n., 8, 243, 343 n.

Dume, the, 123 sq.

Dumont, A., 447

Dundas, C., 486 n.

Dungan, the, 311

Duodez language, 541

Durani, the, 543

Durkheim, E., 430

Dusun, the, 230 sq.

Dwaish, the, 469

Dwala (Duala), the, 47 n., 117

Dybowski, M., 86 sq.

Dzo, the, 178

Ebisu, the, 261

Edkins, J., 211 n.

Edomites, the, 490

Efiks, the, 117

Egypt, Copper Age in, 21 sq.; Bronze Age in, 24 sq.; Iron Age in, 26; prehistoric chronology, 27; writing, 32 sq.; Pelasgian influence in, 464; racial elements in, 474-481; and Babylonia, 481, 501; and Palestine, 493

Egyptians, the, 450, 453, 455, 468, 474-483

Ehrenreich, P., 38, 331, 347 sq., 410 sq., 415, 417, 420, 441, 443

Elam, Copper Age in, 22; Bronze Age in, 25

Elamites, the, 266

Eliot, C., 97 n.

Eliri, the, 75

Ellis, A. B., 47 n., 55 n., 58 sqq., 119

Ellis, Havelock, 528

Elphinstone, Mountstuart, 544

Emerillons, the, 419

Emmons, G. T., 363 n.

Endle, S., 548 n.

Enoch, C. R., 353

Eoanthropus Dawsoni. See Piltdown

Eolithic period, 10

Ephthalites. See Ye-tha

Ercilla, A. de, 409 n.

Erie, the, 375, and map, pp. 334-5

Eshi-Kongo, the, 110, 112, 248

Eskimauan linguistic stock, the, 354

Eskimo, the, Alaskan, 343, 357 sq., 401; Labrador, 343, 357 sq.; Asiatic, 344; "blonde," 360; see also map, pp. 334-5, and Pl.

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