» Biography & Autobiography » Man, Past and Present, Agustus Henry Keane, A. Hingston Quiggin, Alfred Court Haddon [series like harry potter txt] 📗

Book online «Man, Past and Present, Agustus Henry Keane, A. Hingston Quiggin, Alfred Court Haddon [series like harry potter txt] 📗». Author Agustus Henry Keane, A. Hingston Quiggin, Alfred Court Haddon

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and map, pp. 334-5

Tunisia, natives of, 448 sq.

Tupi, the, 417, 419; language, 419

Tupi-Guarani, the, 348; language, 404; linguistic stock, 415, 417, 419

Turki, the, 169, 172, 302 sqq.; physical features, 303; in India, 308; in Central Asia, 308 sqq.; in Asia Minor, 313 sq.; in Siberia, 314 sqq.

Turko-Iranian type, Risley's, 546

Turkomans, the, 305, 312 sq.

Turks, Osmanli, 301, 303, 313 sq.

Turner, S., 171

Turner, Sir William, 15, 159 n.

Tusayans, the, 385 sq.

Tuscarora, the, 354, 377 sq., and map, pp. 334-5

Tylor, Sir E. B., 353, 437 n.

Tynjur, the, 74

Tyrol, the, brachycephaly in, 512

Uaupes, the, 348

Ude language, 541

Ugrian Finns, the, 317 sqq., 326 sq.

Uigurs, the, 301, 308 sqq., 329 n.

Uinta, the, 371

Ujfalvy, C. de, 166 sq., 271 sq., 291, 302 n., 307, 311 n., 512, 544

Ukit, the, 230 sq.

Uled-Bella, the, 469

Uled-Embark, the, 469

Uled-en-Nasur, the, 469

Ulu Ayar, the, 230, 426

Umbrians, the, 513, 529

Ural-Altaic peoples. See Northern Mongols

---- languages, 281 sqq.

Usuns (Wusun), the, 291, 301, 306

Ute, the, 355, 371 sq.

Utigurs, the, 329

Uzbegs, the, 303, 312, 315

Vaalpens, the, 120 sq.

Vacas, the, 52

Valentini, P. J. J., 342, 389

Vambery, A., 314, 330 n.

Vandals, the, 449, 470

Vandeleur, S., 68 n.

Vansittart, E., 170 n.

Vapisianas, the, 416

Vascones, the, 525

Vasilofsky, N. E., 314 n.

Vater, J. S., 127

Vauru, the, 348

Vazimba, the, 239, 244 sq.

Vedda, the, 149, 422, 424, and Pl. X fig. 1

Vei, the, 32 n., 46 n., 49

Venedi, the, 537

Veneti, the, 529 n., 537 n.

Vepses, the, 320, 322

Verneau, R., 9 n., 123, 186 n., 198, 451

Vierkandt, A., 37 n.

Vinson, J., 454 n., 456 n.

Virchow, R., 29, 38, 127, 442, 447, 540 n.

Visayas, the, 224, 246

Visigoths, the, 449

Vlachs, the, 530

Voguls, the, 303, 325

Volkov, T., 259 n., 305 n.

Volz, W., 237 n.

Votes, the, 320, 322

Voth, H. R., 385 n.

Votyaks, the, 325

Vouchereau, A., 243

Wa-Boni, the, 97

Wace, A. J. B., 530 n.

Wa-Chaga, the, 97

Wachsmuth, W., 463 n.

Waddell, L. A., 169 n.

Wa-Duruma, the, 97

Wa-Giryama, the, 97 sqq.

Wa-Gweno, the, 97

Wa-Hha, the, 91

Wahuma. See Ba-Hima

Waiilatpuan, the, 363

Wainwright, G. A., 26 n.

Wa-Kamba, the, 97

Wa-Kedi, the, 62 n., 96

Wakhi, the, 544

Wa-Kikuyu, the, 97 n.

Wakore, the, 51 n.

Walapai, the, 383

Wales, racial elements in, 522 sqq.

Walkhoff, E., 4 n.

Wallace, A. R., 223, 224 n., 226 sqq.

Wallack, H., 450

Walpi, the, 382 n.

Walter, H., 542 n.

Wandorobbo, the, 124

Wangara, the, 51 n.

Wa-Nyika, the, 97

Wa-Pokomo, the, 97

Wa-Ruanda, the, 91, 486

Wa-Sandawi, the, 127, 129

Wa-Swahili, the, 44, 100

Wa-Taveita, the, 97

Wa-Teita, the, 97

Watt, G., 181, 182 n.

Wa-Tusi, the, 91, 486

Webster, W., 454 n., 521 n.

Weeks, J. H., 113 n.

Weigland, G., 530 n.

Weiss, M., 97 n.

Wends, the, 537

Werner, A., 97 n., 98 n., 102 n.

Weule, K., 97 n.

Wheeler, G. C., 432 n.

Whenohs, the, 184

Whiffen, T., 414 n.

Wibling, Carl, 16

Wichita, the, 355, 371, and map, pp. 334-5

Williamson, R. W., 158

Willis, B., 339

Wilson, Thomas, 175

Winchell, N. H., 344

Winckler, H., 490, 496

Windisch, E., 516

Windt, H. de, 287

Winnebago, the, 355, 375

Wintun, the, pp. 334-5

Wissler, C., 357-383 passim

Wissmann, H. von, 125

Witoto, the, 414, 415 n.

Wochua, the, 124

Wolf, L., 125

Wollaston, A. F. R., 149 n., 154 n., 157 n.

Wolof, the, 44, 47 sqq.

Woodford, C. M., 137 n., 146 n.

Woodthorpe, R. G., 195 n.

Woodward, A. Smith, 3 n., 5 n., 6 n.

Worcester, D. C., 156 n.

Wray, L., 155 n.

Wright, F. E., 339

Wright, W., 4 n., 452 n.

Wuri, the, 117

Wyandot, the, 375, and map, pp. 334-5

Wylde, A. B., 487 n.

Xenopol, A. D., 531

Yacana, the, 411

Yadrintseff, N. M., 309 n.

Yagi, S., 261

Yagnobi, the, 542 n.

Yahgans, the, 411, 413; language of, 413

Yakut, the, 172, 274 sq.; language, 283 n., 303, 314 sq.

Yamamadi, the, 348

Yankton-Dakota, the, 371, and map, pp. 334-5

Yavapai, the, 383

Yavorsky, J. L., 305

Yayo (Yao), the, 197

Yedina, the, 69

Yegrai, the, 172

Yegurs, the, 311 n.

Yellow Knives, the, 361, and map, pp. 334-5

Yemanieh, the, 74

Ye-tha, the, 307 sq.

Yezidi, the, 497

Yidoks, the, 543

Y-jen, the, 211

Yo, the, 183

Yokut, the, pp. 334-5

Yoma, the, 188

Yoruba, the, 46, 58 sq.

Yotkan, explorations at, 258

Younghusband, Sir F., 301 sq.

Yuan-yuans, the, 292, 307

Yuchi, the, 378 sqq., and map, pp. 334-5

Yue-chi, the, 291, 305 sqq., 542 n.

Yugo-Slavs, the, 331, 537

Yuin, the, 437

Yukaghir, the, 274 sq.; writing system, 284 sq., 344

Yuma, the, 383

Yuman linguistic stock, the, 355, 369

Yumanas, the, 416

Yungas, the, 408

Zaborowski, S., 448, 456, 536 n., 539 sq.

Zandeh, the, 44, 78 sq., 81 sq.

Zapotecs, the, 390, 395

Zimbabwe monuments, the, 44, 89 sq., 105, 241 n.

Zimmer, H., 521 n.

Zimmern, H., 269 n.

Ziryanians, the, 324

Zoghawa, the, 73

Zulu-Xosa, the, 44, 101 sqq., 129, and Pl. I fig. 2

Zuni, the, 382, and map, pp. 334-5



[Illustration: 1. Hausa, Western Sudanese Negro]

[Illustration: 2. Zulu, Bantu Negroid]

[Illustration: 3. Koranna Hottentot]

[Illustration: 4. Koranna Hottentot]

[Illustration: 5. Bushman]

[Illustration: 6. Bushman]


[Illustration: 1. Andamanese, Negrito]

[Illustration: 2. Semang, Negrito]

[Illustration: 3. Aeta, Negrito]

[Illustration: 4. Central African, Negrillo]

[Illustration: 5-7. Tapiro, Negrito]


[Illustration: 1. Tasmanian]

[Illustration: 2. Tasmanian]

[Illustration: 3. Kiwai, Papuan]

[Illustration: 4. Kiwai, Papuan]

[Illustration: 5. Hula, Papuo-Melanesian]

[Illustration: 6. Hula, Papuo-Melanesian]


[Illustration: 1. Chinese]

[Illustration: 2. Chinese]

[Illustration: 3. Kara-Kirghiz, Mongolo-Turki]

[Illustration: 4. Kara-Kirghiz, Mongolo-Turki]

[Illustration: 5. Kara-Kirghiz]

[Illustration: 6. Manchu-Tungus]


[Illustration: 1. Iban, mixed Proto-Malay]

[Illustration: 2. Buginese, Malayan]

[Illustration: 3. Bontoc Igorot, Malayan]

[Illustration: 4. Bagobo, Malayan]

[Illustration: 5, 6. Kenyah, mixed Proto-Malay]


[Illustration: 1. Samoyed]

[Illustration: 2. Tungus]

[Illustration: 3. Yenesei Ostiak, Palaeo-Siberian]

[Illustration: 4. Kalmuk, Western Mongol]

[Illustration: 5. Gold of Amur River, Tungus]

[Illustration: 6. Gilyak, N. E. Mongol]


[Illustration: 1. Ainu, Palaeo-Siberian]

[Illustration: 2. Ainu, Palaeo-Siberian]

[Illustration: 3, 4. Japanese, mixed Manchu-Korean and Southern Mongol]

[Illustration: 5. Korean]

[Illustration: 6. Lapp]


[Illustration: 1. Eskimo]

[Illustration: 2. Indian, North-west coast of North America]

[Illustration: 3. Cocopa, Yuman]

[Illustration: 4. Navaho, Athapascan]

[Illustration: 5. Dakota, Siouan]

[Illustration: 6. Dakota, Siouan]


[Illustration: 1. Carib]

[Illustration: 2. Guatuso, Costa Rica]

[Illustration: 3. Native of Otovalo, Ecuador]

[Illustration: 4. Native of Zambisa, Ecuador]

[Illustration: 5. Tehuel-che, Patagonia]

[Illustration: 6. Tehuel-che, Patagonia]


[Illustration: 1. Vedda, Pre-Dravidian]

[Illustration: 2. Sakai, Pre-Dravidian]

[Illustration: 3. Irula, Pre-Dravidian]

[Illustration: 4. Paniyan, Pre-Dravidian]

[Illustration: 5. Kaitish, Australian]

[Illustration: 6. Australian]


[Illustration: 1. Dane, Nordic]

[Illustration: 2. Dane, Nordic]

[Illustration: 3. Dane, mixed Alpine]

[Illustration: 4. Breton, mixed Alpine]

[Illustration: 5. Swiss, Nordic]

[Illustration: 6. Swiss, Alpine]


[Illustration: 1. Catalan, Iberian]

[Illustration: 2. Irishman, Mediterranean]

[Illustration: 3. Kababish, mixed Semite]

[Illustration: 4. Kababish, mixed Semite]

[Illustration: 5. Egyptian Bedouin, mixed Semite]

[Illustration: 6. Afghan, Iranian]


[Illustration: 1. Bisharin, Hamite]

[Illustration: 2. Bisharin, Hamite]

[Illustration: 3. Ben Amer, Hamite]

[Illustration: 4. Masai, mixed Nilotic Hamite]

[Illustration: 5. Shilluk, Hamitic Nilote]

[Illustration: 6. Shilluk, Nilote]


[Illustration: 1. Kurd, Nordic]

[Illustration: 2. Kurd, Nordic]

[Illustration: 3. Armenian, Armenoid Alpine]

[Illustration: 4. Armenian, Armenoid Alpine]

[Illustration: 5. Tajik, Alpine]

[Illustration: 6. Tajik, mixed Alpine and Turki]


[Illustration: 1. Sinhalese, mixed "Aryan"]

[Illustration: 2. Sinhalese, mixed "Aryan"]

[Illustration: 3. Hindu, mixed "Aryan"]

[Illustration: 4. Kling, Dravidian]

[Illustration: 5. Linga, Dravidian]

[Illustration: 6. Vakkaliga, mixed Alpine]


[Illustration: 1, 2. Raiatea, Polynesian]

[Illustration: 3. Maori, Polynesian]

[Illustration: 4. Maori, Polynesian]

[Illustration: 5, 6. Caroline Islands, Micronesian]



Passages in italics are surrounded by underscores_. Passages in bold are indicated by #bold#. Images have been moved from the middle of a paragraph to the closest paragraph break. Footnotes have been renumbered and moved to the end of the chapter in which they are referenced. Obvious punctuation errors have been corrected. This text contains certain characters with diacritical marks, which are marked within square brackets. For example, [)e] represents small letter "e" with breve. The original text includes Greek characters. For this text version, these letters have been replaced with transliterations. The following misprints have been corrected: "identity" corrected to "identify" (page 82) "archeological" corrected to "archaeological" (page 351) "momenclature" corrected to "nomenclature" (page 514) Sidenotes have been removed from this text version. Other than the corrections listed above, printer's inconsistencies in spelling, hyphenation, and ligature usage have been retained.



Publication Date: 11-11-2014

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