» Biography & Autobiography » Life Of John Milton, Richard Garnett [ebook offline txt] 📗

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Appendix Pg 148

Birrell,  Augustine.--Obiter Dicta. Second Series. London,  1887,  8vo.

      Milton,  Pp. 1-50.


Blackburne,  Francis.--Remarks On Johnson's Life Of Milton. To Which Are

Added Milton's Tractate Of Education And Areopagitica. London,  1780,  16mo.


Blair,  Hugh.--Lectures On Rhetoric And Belles Lettres,  Etc. 2 Vols.

London,  1783,  4to.

      Paradise Lost,  Vol. Ii.,  Pp. 471-476.


Bodmer,  J. Jacob.--J.J. Bodmer's Critische Abhandlung,  Von Dem

Wunderbaren In Der Poesie In Einer Vertheidigung Des Gedichtes J.

Milton's Von Dem Verlohrnen Paradiese,  Etc. Zürich,  1740,  8vo.


Bradburn,  Eliza W.--The Story Of Paradise Lost,  For Children. Portland,

1830,  16mo.


Brooke,  Stopford A.--Milton. [An Account Of His Life And Works.]

London,  1879,  8vo.

      Part Of The Series Entitled _Classical Writers_,  Ed. J.R. Green.


Bruce,  Archibald.--A Critical Account Of The Life,  Character,  And

Discourses Of Mr. Alexander Morus,  In Which The Attack Made Upon Him In

The Writings Of Milton Is Particularly Considered. Edinburgh,  1813,  8vo.


Brydges,  Sir Samuel Egerton.--The Life Of John Milton. London [1835],  8vo.


Bulwer Lytton,  E.--The Siamese Twins,  Etc. London,  1831,  8vo.

      Milton,  A Poem,  Pp. 315-362.


Burney,  Charles.--Remarks On The Greek Verses Of Milton. [London,  1790],



Buckland,  Anna.--The Story Of English Literature. London,  1882,  8vo.

      Milton,  Pp. 230-296.


Callander,  John.--Letter And Report Respecting The Unpublished

Commentary On Milton's Paradise Lost,  By The Late John Callander,  Of

Craigforth,  Esq.,  In The Possession Of The Society. (_Archæologia

Scotica_,  Vol. Iii.,  1831,  Pp. 83-91.) Edinburgh,  1831,  4to.


Camerini,  Eugenio.--Profili Letterari. Firenze,  1870,  8vo.

      Milton E L'italia,  Pp. 264-274.


Cann,  Miss Christian.--A Scriptural And Allegorical Glossary To

Milton's Paradise Lost. London [1828],  8vo.


Carpenter,  William.--The Life And Times Of John Milton. London [1836],  8vo.


Channing,  William Ellery.--Remarks On The Character And Writings Of John

Milton; Occasioned By The Publication Of His Lately Discovered

Appendix Pg 149

"Treatise On Christian Doctrine." From The _Christian Examiner_,  Vol.

Iii.,  No. 1. Boston,  1826,  8vo.


Charles I.--By The King. A Proclamation For Calling In And Suppressing

Of Two Books Written By John Milton: The One Intituled Johannis Miltoni

Angli Pro Populo Anglicano Defensio,  Etc.,  And The Other,  The

Pourtraicture Of His Sacred Majesty,  Etc. London,  1660,  S. Sh. Fol.


---- The Life And Reigne Of King Charls; Or,  The Pseudo-Martyr

Discovered,  Etc. London,  1651,  8vo.

      In The Bodleian Catalogue This Work Is Erroneously Stated To Be By

      John Milton.


Chassang,  A.,  And Marcou,  F.L.--Les Chefs-D'oeuvre Épiques De Tous Les

Peuples. Paris,  1879,  8vo.

      Milton,  Pp. 279-297.


Clarke,  Samuel.--Some Reflections On That Part Of A Book Called Amyntor,

Or The Defence Of Milton's Life,  Which Relates To The Writings Of The

Primitive Fathers,  Etc. (_Letter To Mr. Dodwell_,  Etc.,  Pp. 451-475.)

London,  1781,  8vo.


Cleveland,  C.D.--A Complete Concordance To The Poetical Works Of John

Milton. London,  1867,  8vo.


Coleridge,  Samuel Taylor.--Seven Lectures On Shakespeare And Milton,

Etc. London,  1856,  8vo.


Darby,  Samuel.--A Letter To T. Warton,  On His Late Edition Of Milton's

Juvenile Poems [Entitled "Poems Upon Several Occasions,  English,

Italian,  And Latin."] London,  1785,  8vo.


Dawson,  George.--Biographical Lectures. London,  1886,  8vo.

      John Milton,  Pp. 82-88.


De Morgan,  J.--John Milton Considered As A Politician. (_Men Of The

Commonwealth_,  No. 1.) [London,  1875],  16mo.


Dennis,  John.--Heroes Of Literature. English Poets. London,  1883,  8vo.

      John Milton,  Pp. 114-147.


De Quincey,  T.--Works. 16 Vols. London,  1853-60,  8vo.

      Milton,  Vol. Vi.,  Pp. 311-325; Life Of Milton,  Vol. X.,  Pp. 79-98.


Des Essarts,  E.--De Veterum Poetarum Tum Græciæ Tum Romæ Apud Miltonem

Imitatione Thesim Proponebat E. Des Essarts. Parisiis,  1871,  8vo.


Diderot,  Denis.--An Essay On Blindness,  Etc. Interspersed With Several

Anecdotes Of Sanderson,  Milton,  And Others. Translated From The French.

London [1750],  12mo.


Dobson,  W.T.--The Classic Poets,  Their Lives And Their Times,  Etc.

London,  1879,  8vo.

Appendix Pg 150

      Milton's Paradise Lost,  Pp. 394-446; Paradise Regained,

      Pp. 446-452.


Donoughue,  Edward Jones.--Milton: A Lecture. London,  1843,  8vo.


Douglas,  John.--Milton Vindicated From The Charge Of Plagiarism Brought

Against Him By Mr. Lauder,  Etc. London,  1751,  8vo.


---- Milton No Plagiary; Or,  A Detection Of The Forgeries Contained In

Lauder's Essay,  Etc. Second Edition. London,  1756,  8vo.


Dowden,  Edward.--Transcripts And Studies. London,  1888,  8vo.

      The Idealism Of Milton,  Pp. 454-473.


Dowling,  William.--Poets And Statesmen; Their Homes And Haunts In The

Neighbourhood Of Eton And Windsor. London,  1857,  8vo.

      Milton,  Pp. 1-39.


Dryden,  John.--The State Of Innocence,  And Fall Of Man; An Opera,  Etc.

London,  1677,  4to.


Du Moulin,  P.--Regii Sanguinis Clamor Ad Coelum Adversus Parricidas

Anglicanos. [A Reply To Milton's "Defensio Pro Populo Anglicano."] Hagæ

Comitum,  1652,  4to.


---- Editio Secunda. Hagæ Comitum,  1661,  12mo.


Dunster,  C.--Considerations On Milton's Early Reading,  And The Prima

Stamina Of His Paradise Lost,  Etc. London,  1800,  8vo.


Edmonds,  Cyrus R.--John Milton; A Biography. Especially Designed To

Exhibit The Ecclesiastical Principles Of That Illustrious Man. London,

1851,  8vo.


Edmundson,  George.--Milton And Vondel. A Curiosity Of Literature.

London,  1885,  8vo.


Ellwood,  Thomas.--Reflections Of [Thomas Ellwood] With John Milton

(_Arber's English Garner_,  Vol. Iii.,  Pp. 473-486). London,  1880,  8vo.


English Poets.--Cursory Remarks On Some Of The Ancient English Poets,

Particularly Milton. [By P. Neve.] London,  1789,  8vo.


Epigoniad.--A Critical Essay On The Epigoniad,  Wherein The Author's

Abuse Of Milton Is Examined. Edinburgh,  1757,  8vo.


Eyre,  Charles.--The Fall Of Adam,  From Milton's Paradise Lost. London

[1852],  8vo.


Filmer,  Sir Robert.--Observations Concerning The Originall Of Government

Upon Mr. Hobs Leviathan,  Mr. Milton Against Salmasius,  H. Grotius De

Jure Belli. London,  1652,  4to.


---- The Free-Holders Grand Inquest,  Etc. (Reflections Concerning The

Appendix Pg 151

Original Of Government Upon Mr. Milton Against Salmasius.) London,  1679,



Flatters,  J.J.--The Paradise Lost Of Milton,  Translated Into Fifty-Four

Designs,  By J.J. Flatters,  Sculptor. London,  1843,  Folio.

      Without Letterpress.


Fry,  Alfred A.--A Lecture On The Writings,  Prose And Poetic,  And The

Character,  Public And Personal,  Of John Milton. London,  1838,  8vo.


Geffroy,  Mathieu A.--Étude Sur Les Pamphlets Politiques Et Religieux De

Milton. Paris,  1848,  8vo.


Gilfillan,  George.--A Second Gallery Of Literary Portraits. London,

1850,  8vo.

      John Milton,  Pp. 1-39.


---- Modern Christian Heroes,  Etc. London,  1869,  8vo.

      John Milton,  Pp. 81-118.


Giraud,  Jane E.--Flowers Of Milton. London,  1850,  4to.


Godwin,  William.--Lives Of E. And J. Philips,  Nephews And Pupils Of

Milton,  To Which Are Added: I. Collections For The Life Of Milton,  By J.

Aubrey,  Printed From The Manuscript Copy In The Ashmolean Museum. Ii.

The Life Of Milton,  By E. Philips,  Printed 1694. London,  1815,  4to.


Goodwin,  Thomas.--The Student's Practical Grammar Of The English

Language; Together With A Commentary On The First Book Of Milton's

Paradise Lost. London,  1855,  12mo.


Greenwood,  F.W.P.--The Miscellaneous Writings Of F.W.P. Greenwood.

Boston,  1846,  8vo.

      Milton's Prose Works,  Pp. 208-226.


Grotius,  H. De.--The Adamus Exul Of Grotius; Or,  The Prototype Of

Paradise Lost. Translated From The Latin,  By Francis Barham. London,

1839,  8vo.


Guerle,  Edmond De.--Milton,  Sa Vie Et Ses Oeuvres. Paris,  1868,  8vo.


Güntzer,  C.--Dissertationis Ad Quaedam Loca Miltoni Pars Posterior.

Argentorati,  1657,  4to.


Hamilton,  W. Douglas.--Original Papers,  Illustrative Of The Life And

Writings Of John Milton,  Including Sixteen Letters Of State Written By

Him,  Now First Published From Mss. In The State Paper Office,  Etc.

London,  1859,  4to.

      Printed For The Camden Society.


Hamilton,  Walter.--Parodies Of The Works Of English And American

Authors,  Collected And Annotated By W. Hamilton. London,  1885,  4to.

      John Milton,  Vol. Ii.,  Pp. 217-236.


Appendix Pg 152

Hare,  Julius Charles.--Essays And Tales. 2 Vols. London,  1848,  8vo.

      Milton,  Vol. I.,  Pp. 73-86.


Harrington,  James.--The Censure Of The Rota Upon Mr. Milton's Book,

Entitled The Ready And Easie Way To Establish A Free Commonwealth.

[Signed J. H(Arrington); A Satire.] London,  1660,  4to.

      Reprinted In The Harleian Miscellany.


Hayley,  William.--The Life Of Milton; To Which Are Added Conjectures On

The Origin Of Paradise Lost. (The Second Edition Enlarged.) London,

1796,  4to.

      This Life Appeared Originally In 1794 In Vol. I. Of Milton's

      Poetical Works.


Hillebrand,  C.--De Sacro Apud Christianos Carmine Epico Dissertationem

Seu Dantis,  Miltonis,  Klopstockii Poetarum Collationem Proponebat C.

Hillebrand,  Parisiis,  1861,  8vo.


Hodgson,  Shadworth H.--Outcast Essays,  Etc. London,  1881,  8vo.

      The Supernatural In English Poetry; Shakespere; Milton; Wordsworth

      Tennyson,  Pp. 99-180.


Holloway,  Laura C.--The Mothers Of Great Men And Women,  Etc. New York,

1884,  8vo.

      Milton's Wives,  Pp. 457-478.


Hood,  Edwin Paxton.--John Milton: The Patriot And Poet. London,  1852,



Hopkins,  J.--Milton's Paradise Lost,  Imitated In Rhyme; In The Fourth,

Sixth,  And Ninth Books,  Etc. London,  1699,  8vo.


Howitt,  William.--Homes And Haunts Of The Most Eminent British Poets.

Third Edition. London,  1857,  8vo.

      John Milton,  Pp. 46-68.


Huet,  C.B.--Litterarische Fantasien En Kritieken. Haarlem [1883],  8vo.

      Milton,  12th Deel,  Pp. 150-220.


Hunt,  Theodore W.--Representative English Prose And Prose Writers. New

York,  1887,  8vo.

      The Prose Style Of John Milton,  Pp. 246-264.


Hutton,  Laurence.--Literary Landmarks Of London. London,  1885,  8vo.

      John Milton,  Pp. 210-216,  Etc.


Ivimey,  Joseph.--John Milton; His Life And Times; Religious And

Political Opinions; With An Appendix,  Containing Animadversions Upon Dr.

Johnson's Life Of Milton,  Etc. London,  1833,  8vo.


Jackson,  W.--Lycidas: A Musical Entertainment. The Words Altered From

Milton. London,  1767,  8vo.


Jane,  Joseph.--The Image Unbroaken A Perspective Of The Impudence,

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