» Biography & Autobiography » Life Of John Milton, Richard Garnett [ebook offline txt] 📗

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22,  1822,  Pp. 211-218,  278-284.


---- ---- _Mull's Edition Of Paradise Lost_. Spectator,  December 6,

1884,  Pp. 1635,  1636.

  --Saturday Review,  Vol. 58,  Pp. 570,  571.


---- ---- _Origin Of The Paradise Lost_. North American Review,  By L.E.

Dubois,  Vol. 91,  1860,  Pp. 539-555.


---- ---- _Plan Of Paradise Lost_. New Englander,  By Professor Himes,

Vol. 42,  1883,  Pp. 196-211.


---- ---- _Prendeville's Edition Of Paradise Lost_. Blackwood's

Edinburgh Magazine,  Vol. 47,  1840,  Pp. 691-716.


---- ---- _Sorelli's Italian Translation Of Paradise Lost_. Foreign

Quarterly Review,  Vol. 10,  1832,  Pp. 508-513.


Appendix Pg 168

---- ---- _Theism Of The Paradise Lost_. Unitarian Review,  By H.

Carpenter,  Vol. 5,  Pp. 302,  Etc.


---- _Poetry Of_. Edinburgh Review,  Vol. 42,  1825,  Pp. 304-324.

  --Selections From The Edinburgh Review,  Vol. 2,  1835,  Pp. 34-64.

  --Macmillan's Magazine,  By J.R. Seeley,  Vol. 17,  1868,  Pp. 299-311;

    Vol. 19,  Pp. 407-421.

  --Temple Bar,  Vol. 39,  1873,  Pp. 458-473.


---- _Political Writings_. Nation,  By Goldwin Smith,  Vol. 30,  1880,

Pp. 30-32.


---- _Prose Writings Of_. New Monthly Magazine,  Vol. 40,  1834,  Pp. 39-50.

  --Congregational Magazine,  Vol. 10 N.S.,  1834,  Pp. 217-224.

  --American Monthly Magazine,  Vol. 1 N.S.,  1836,  Pp. 142-146.

  --Eclectic Review,  Vol. 25 N.S.,  1849,  Pp. 507-521.

  --Spectator,  Oct. 3,  1885,  Pp. 1317,  1318.

  --Athenæum,  Sept. 20,  1884,  Pp. 359,  360.


---- _Public Conduct Of_. Edinburgh Review,  Vol. 42,  1825,  Pp. 324-346.

    --Selections From The Edinburgh Review,  Vol. 2,  1835,  Pp. 48-64.


---- _Relics Of,  At Cambridge_. Chambers's Journal,  Vol. 8,  1857,  Pp.

319,  320.


---- _Religious Life And Opinions Of_. Bibliotheca Sacra,  By A.D.

Barber,  Vol. 16,  1859,  Pp. 557-603; Vol. 17,  Pp. 1-42.


---- _Rural Scenes Of_. Fraser's Magazine,  Vol. 23,  1841,  Pp. 519-528.


---- _Satan Of._ Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine,  Vol. 1,  1817,  Pp. 140-142.


---- ---- _And Lucifer Of Byron Compared._ Knickerbocker,  Vol. 30,  1847,

Pp. 150-155.


---- ---- _Satan Of Paradise Lost._ Dublin University Magazine,  Vol. 88,

1876,  Pp. 707-714.


---- _Select Prose Works._ Boston Quarterly Review,  Vol. 5,  1842,

Pp. 322-342.


---- _Shadow Of The Puritan War In._ Catholic Presbyterian,  By A.

Macleod,  Vol. 9,  1883,  Pp. 169-176,  321-330.


---- _Sonnets Of,  Pattison's Edition._ Academy,  By J.A. Noble,  Vol. 24,

1883,  Pp. 57,  58.

  --Saturday Review,  Vol. 56,  1883,  Pp. 252,  253.

  --Spectator,  Aug. 18,  1883,  Pp. 1062,  1063.

  --Athenæum,  Sept. 1,  1883,  Pp. 263-265.


---- _Spenser,  And Shakspere._ Victoria Magazine,  Vol. 25,  1875,  Pp.

856-868,  1059-1065; Vol. 26,  Pp. 24-31,  108-117.

Appendix Pg 169


---- _State Papers Relating To._ London Magazine,  Vol. 6 N.S.,  1826,

Pp. 377-396.


---- _Theology Of._ Boston Monthly Magazine,  Vol. 1,  1825,  Pp. 489-491.


---- _Todd's Life Of._ Quarterly Review,  Vol. 36,  1827,  Pp. 29-61.

  --Monthly Review,  Vol. 3 N.S.,  1826,  Pp. 258-273.

  --Museum Of Foreign Literature,  Vol. 10,  P. 67,  Etc.; Vol. 11,  Pp. 114,

    Etc.,  385,  Etc.

  --Congregational Magazine,  Vol. 3,  1827,  Pp. 33-40.


---- _Treatise On Christian Doctrine._ Evangelical Magazine,  Vol. 4

N.S.,  1826,  Pp. 371-375.


---- _Versus Robert Montgomery._ Knickerbocker,  Vol. 3,  1834,  Pp.



---- _Works Of._ American Church Review,  By J.H. Hanson,  Vol. 2,  Pp.

153,  Etc.


---- _Youth Of_. Edinburgh Review,  Vol. 111,  1860,  Pp. 312-347;

  Same Article,  Littell's Living Age,  Vol. 65,  Pp. 579-597.

  --Argosy,  Vol. 6,  1868,  Pp. 267-273.








A Maske [Comus]                                                     1637


Lycidas                                                             1638

  (In _Justa Edouardo King Naufrago_)


Of Reformation Touching Church-Discipline In England                1641


Of Prelatical Episcopacy                                            1641


Animadversions Upon The Remonstrant's Defence Against Smectymnuus   1641


The Reason Of Church-Government Urg'd Against Prelaty               1641


Apology Against A Pamphlet Called A Modest Confutation Of The

Animadversions,  Etc.                                                1641


Doctrine And Discipline Of Divorce                                  1643


Of Education. To Master S. Hartlib                                  1644


The Judgment Of Martin Bucer,  Now Englisht                          1644

Appendix Pg 170


Areopagitica                                                        1644


Tetrachordon                                                        1644


Colasterion                                                         1645


Poems                                                               1645


Tenure Of Kings And Magistrates                                     1649


Observations Upon The Articles Of Peace With The Irish Rebels

(_Articles Of Peace_,  Etc.)                                         1649


Eikonoklastes                                                       1649


Pro Populo Anglicano Defensio Contra Salmasium                      1651


A Letter Touching The Dissolution Of The Late Parliament            1653


Pro Populo Anglicano Defensio Secunda                               1654


Scriptum Dom-Protectoris Contra Hispanos                            1655


Pro Se Defensio Contra A. Morum                                     1655


Treatise On Civil Power In Ecclesiastical Causes                    1659


Considerations Touching The Likeliest Means To Remove Hirelings

Out Of The Church                                                   1659


Ready And Easy Way To Establish A Free Commonwealth                 1660


Paradise Lost                                                       1667


Accedence Commenc't Grammar                                         1669


History Of Britain                                                  1670


Paradise Regained                                                   1671


Samson Agonistes                                                    1671

  (_With Preceding Work_)


Artis Logicæ Plenior Institutio                                     1672


Of True Religion,  Heresie,  Schism,  Toleration,  And What Best Means

May Be Used Against The Growth Of Popery                            1673


Epistolarum Familiarium Liber                                       1674


Declaration Or Letters Patents Of The Election Of This Present

King Of Poland,  John The Third                                      1674


Appendix Pg 171


Literæ Pseudo-Senatus Anglicani,  Cromwellii,  Etc.                   1676


Character Of The Long Parliament And Assembly Of Divines In 1641    1681


Brief History Of Moscovia                                           1682


Works [In Prose]                                                    1697


Historical,  Political,  And Miscellaneous Works                      1698


Original Letters And Papers Of State Addressed To Oliver Cromwell   1743


De Doctrina Christiana                                              1825


Common Place Book                                                   1876





_Printed By _Walter Scott_,  Felling,  Newcastle-On-Tyne._










_Crown 8vo,  Cloth. Price 3s. 6d. Per Vol.; Hlf. Mor. 6s. 6d._


The Contemporary Science Series.


Edited By Havelock Ellis.


_Most Of The Vols. Will Be Illustrated,  Containing Between 300 And 400

Pp. The First Vol. Will Be Issued On Oct. 25,  1889. Others To Follow At

Short Intervals._



The Contemporary Science Series Will Bring Within General Reach Of The

English-Speaking Public The Best That Is Known And Thought In All

Departments Of Modern Scientific Research. The Influence Of The

Scientific Spirit Is Now Rapidly Spreading In Every Field Of Human

Activity. Social Progress,  It Is Felt,  Must Be Guided And Accompanied By

Accurate Knowledge,--Knowledge Which Is,  In Many Departments,  Not Yet

Open To The English Reader. In The Contemporary Science Series All The

Questions Of Modern Life--The Various Social And Politico-Economical

Problems Of To-Day,  The Most Recent Researches In The Knowledge Of Man,

The Past And Present Experiences Of The Race,  And The Nature Of Its

Environment--Will Be Frankly Investigated And Clearly Presented.

Appendix Pg 172

The First Volumes Of The Series Will Be:--


The Evolution Of Sex. By Prof. Patrick Geddes And J. Arthur

Thomson. With 90 Illustrations,  And About 300 Pages. [_Now Ready._


Electricity In Modern Life. By G.W. De Tunzelmann. With 88

Illustrations. [_Ready 25th November._


The Origin Of The Aryans. By Dr. Isaac Taylor. Wit And Then Cut Into Thin Slices,

Cutting The Full Width Of The Potato. This Means That You Are To Cut A

Thin Slice Of Raw Potato That Will Cover Your Hand. Place On A Shallow

Baking Dish And Brush With Shortening. Place In The Broiler And Broil

Until Nicely Browned,  Then Place In The Oven For Five Minutes.





Mountain Buttermilk Rye Muffins


Place In A Mixing Bowl


  One And One-Half Cups Of Buttermilk,

  One Teaspoon Of Baking Soda,

  Four Tablespoons Of Shortening,

  Six Tablespoons Of Syrup,

  One Egg.


Beat To Mix And Then Add


  Two And One-Half Cups Of Rye Flour,

  One Teaspoon Of Baking Powder.


Beat To Thoroughly Mix And Then Pour Into Well-Greased And Floured

Muffin Pans,  And Bake For Thirty Minutes In A Moderate Oven. When

Cold The Muffins That Are Left Over May Be Split And Toasted And Then

Spread With Mountain Sweet-Spiced Jam.





If Necessary To Keep Meat Three Or Four Days


Much Sickness That Is Described As Ptomaine Poisoning Is Usually

Caused By Carelessness. If For Any Reason Meat Must Be Kept Several

Days After It Is Purchased,  It May Be Cared For In The Following





  Three-Quarters Cup Of Salt In A Saucepan

Appendix Pg 173


And Add


  Three And One-Half Cups Of Water,

  One Bay Leaf,

  One-Half Teaspoon Of Saltpeter.


Bring To A Boil And Cool. Place The Meat In A China Bowl Or A Wooden

Bucket And Pour The Brine Over It. Now Place A Plate On Top Of The

Meat And Weigh Down With An Old Flatiron And Heavy Stone. Turn The

Meat Every Other Day.


This Meat Will Keep For One Week. This Method Is Suitable For Mutton,

Beef Or Pork. For Lamb Or Chicken Place In A Saucepan And Add


  One-Half Carrot,

  One Onion,

  Sufficient Boiling Water To Partially Cover Same.


Cook,  Keeping Pan Closely Covered,  For Ten Minutes To The Pound. Cool

Before Placing In The Ice Box. If It Is Necessary To Keep The Meat

Only Until The Next Day,  Mince Fine Two Onions And Add



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