» Biography & Autobiography » Life Of John Milton, Richard Garnett [ebook offline txt] 📗

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Tablespoons Of Salt,

  One Tablespoon Of Pepper.


Mix Thoroughly And Then Rub The Meat Thoroughly With This Mixture.

Meat May Be Kept In The Ordinary Ice Box That Holds Seventy-Five

Pounds Of Ice For Two Days In The Hottest Weather In The Following

Manner: Wipe The Meat With A Dry Cloth And Cover With A Wax Or

Parchment Paper,  And Then Hang From A Hook In The Lower Part Of The

Refrigerator,  Directly Under The Ice Chamber If Possible. The Hooks

Are Shaped Like The Letter S,  Sharply Pointed At Both Ends And They

May Be Purchased Or Made By Any Hardware Dealer.


Meat Allowed To Lie On A Platter Soon Loses Its Nutritious Qualities

With The Escaping Of The Juices.





Fillet Of Beef


Have The Butcher Trim The Fillet Into Shape And Then Lard It With Salt

Pork. Dust Lightly With Flour And Then Place On A Rack In The Roasting

Pan And Place In A Hot Oven,  Basting Every Ten Minutes. Cook,  Allowing

The Meat One-Half Hour To Become Thoroughly Heated And To Start

Cooking; Then Allow Twelve Minutes For Every Pound. This Cut Is The

Choicest Of The Entire Cattle And Is Without A Single Ounce Of Waste.

It Is Delicious Either Hot Or Cold.




Appendix Pg 174

Welsh Cheese Pudding


  Five Ounces Of Grated Cheese,

  One Cup Of Bread Crumbs,

  One Cup Of Flour,

  One And One-Half Teaspoons Of Salt,

  One Teaspoon Of White Pepper,

  One Teaspoon Of Paprika,

  One Tablespoon Of Worcestershire Sauce,

  One Tablespoon Of Baking Powder,

  Four Tablespoons Of Grated Onions,

  One Egg,

  One Cup Of Milk.


Beat To Thoroughly Mix And Then Pour In Moulds Or Prepared Pudding

Cloth And Boil For One And Three-Quarters Hours. Serve Either Hot Or

Cold. To Serve Hot,  Use The Following Sauce:


Place In A Saucepan


  One Cup Of Milk,

  Two Tablespoons Of Cornstarch.


Dissolve The Starch In The Milk And Bring To A Boil. Cook For Five

Minutes And Then Add


  One Well-Beaten Egg,

  One Teaspoon Of Salt,

  Two Teaspoons Of Paprika,

  Juice Of One-Half Lemon.


Beat Hard To Mix And Then Serve. This Dish Will Replace Meat And Be

Sufficient For A Family Of Four Or Five.





Meal Pudding


Place One Quart Of M Then Serve. Te Of Congreve. By Edmund Gosse.

"Mr. Gosse Has Written An Admirable And Most Interesting Biography Of A

Man Of Letters Who Is Of Particular Interest To Other Men Of

Letters."-_The Academy._


Life Of Bunyan. By Canon Venables.

"A Most Intelligent,  Appreciative,  And Valuable Memoir."--_Scotsman._


Life Of Crabbe. By T.E. Kebbel.

"No English Poet Since Shakespeare Has Observed Certain Aspects Of

Nature And Of Human Life More Closely; ... Mr. Kebbel's Monograph Is

Worthy Of The Subject."--_Athenæum._


Life Of Heine. By William Sharp.

"This Is An Admirable Monograph ... More Fully Written Up To The Level

Appendix Pg 175

Of Recent Knowledge And Criticism Of Its Theme Than Any Other English



Life Of Mill. By W.L. Courtney.

"A Most Sympathetic And Discriminating Memoir."--_Glasgow Herald._


Life Of Schiller. By Henry W. Nevinson.

"Presents The Leading Facts Of The Poet's Life In A Neatly Rounded

Picture,  And Gives An Adequate Critical Estimate Of Each Of Schiller's

Separate Works And The Effect Of The Whole Upon Literature."--_Scotsman._


Life Of Captain Marryat. By David Hannay.

"We Have Nothing But Praise For The Manner In Which Mr. Hannay Has Done

Justice To Him Whom He Well Calls 'One Of The Most Brilliant And The

Least Fairly Recognised Of English Novelists.'"--_Saturday Review._


Complete Bibliography To Each Volume,  By J.P. Anderson,  British Museum.




Volumes Are In Preparation By Goldwin Smith,  Frederick Wedmore,  Oscar

Browning,  Arthur Symons,  W.E. Henley,  Hermann Merivale,  H.E. Watts,  T.W.

Rolleston,  Cosmo Monkhouse,  Dr. Garnett,  Frank T. Marzials,  W.H.

Pollock,  John Addington Symonds,  Stepniak,  Etc.,  Etc.


       *       *       *       *       *


Library Edition Of "Great Writers."--Printed On Large Paper Of Extra

Quality,  In Handsome Binding,  Demy 8vo,  Price 2s. 6d.




London: Walter Scott,  24 Warwick Lane,  Paternoster Row.







_Monthly Shilling Volumes. Cloth,  Cut Or Uncut Edges._


The Camelot Series.


Edited By Ernest Rhys. Volumes Already Issued--


Romance Of King Arthur.           Edited By E. Rhys.

Thoreau's Walden.                 Edited By W.H. Dircks.

English Opium-Eater.              Edited By William Sharp.

Landor's Conversations.           Edited By H. Ellis.

Plutarch's Lives.                 Edited By B.J. Snell,  M.A.

Religio Medici,  &C.               Edited By J.A. Symonds.

Shelley's Letters.                Edited By Ernest Rhys.

Prose Writings Of Swift.          Edited By W. Lewin.

Appendix Pg 176

My Study Windows.                 Edited By R. Garnett,  Ll.D.

Great English Painters.           Edited By W. Sharp.

Lord Byron's Letters.             Edited By M. Blind.

Essays By Leigh Hunt.             Edited By A. Symons.

Longfellow's Prose.               Edited By W. Tirebuck.

Great Musical Composers.          Edited By E. Sharp.

Marcus Aurelius.                  Edited By Alice Zimmern.

Specimen Days In America.         By Walt Whitman.

White's Selborne.                 Edited By Richard Jefferies.

Defoe's Singleton.                Edited By H. Halliday Sparling.

Mazzini's Essays.                 Edited By William Clarke.

Prose Writings Of Heine.          Edited By H. Ellis.

Reynolds' Discourses.             Edited By Helen Zimmern.

Papers Of Steele & Addison.       Edited By W. Lewin.

Burns's Letters.                  Edited By J. Logie Robertson,  M.A.

Volsunga Saga.                    Edited By H.H. Sparling.

Sartor Resartus.                  Edited By Ernest Rhys.

Writings Of Emerson.              Edited By Percival Chubb.

Seneca's Morals.                  Edited By Walter Clode.

Democratic Vistas.                By Walt Whitman.

Life Of Lord Herbert.             Edited By Will H. Dircks.

English Prose.                    Edited By Arthur Gallon.

Ibsen's Pillars Of Society.       Edited By H. Ellis.

Fairy And Folk Tales.             Edited By W.B. Yeats.

Epictetus.                        Edited By T.W. Rolleston.

The English Poets.                By James Russell Lowell.

Essays Of Dr. Johnson.            Edited By Stuart T. Reid.

Essays Of William Hazlitt.        Edited By F. Carr.

Landor's Pentameron,  &C.          Edited By H. Ellis.

Poe's Tales And Essays.           Edited By Ernest Rhys.

Vicar Of Wakefield.               By Oliver Goldsmith.

Political Orations.               Edited By William Clarke.

Chesterfield's Letters.           Selected By C. Sayle.

Thoreau's Week.                   Edited By Will H. Dircks.

Stories From Carleton.            Edited By W.B. Yeats.

Autocrat Of The Breakfast-Table.  By O.W. Holmes.

Jane Eyre.                        By Charlotte Brontë.




London: Walter Scott,  24 Warwick Lane,  Paternoster Row.







The Canterbury Poets.


Edited By William Sharp.


In Shilling Monthly Volumes,  Square 8vo. Well Printed On Fine Toned

Paper,  With Red-Line Border,  And Strongly Bound In Cloth.


Appendix Pg 177

_Cloth,  Red Edges_          1s.

_Cloth,  Uncut Edges_        1s.

_Red Roan,  Gilt Edges_      2s. 6d.

_Pad. Morocco,  Gilt Edges_  5s.





_The Following Volumes Are Now Ready_.


Keble's Christian Year.

Coleridge.                     Ed. By J. Skipsey.

Longfellow.                    Ed. By E. Hope.

Campbell.                      Ed. By J. Hogben.

Shelley.                       Edited By J. Skipsey.

Wordsworth.                    Edited By A.J. Symington.

Blake.                         Ed. By Joseph Skipsey.

Whittier.                      Ed. By Eva Hope.

Poe.                           Edited By Joseph Skipsey.

Chatterton.                    Edited By John Richmond.

Burns. Poems}                    Edited By

Burns. Songs}                  Joseph Skipsey.

Marlowe.                       Ed. By P.E. Pinkerton.

Keats.                         Edited By John Hogben.

Herbert.                       Edited By E. Rhys.

Hugo.                          Trans. By Dean Carrington.

Cowper.                        Edited By Eva Hope.


  Songs,  Poems,  And Sonnets.   Edited By William Sharp.

Emerson.                       Edited By W. Lewin.

Sonnets Of This Century.       Edited By William Sharp.

Whitman.                       Edited By E. Rhys.

Scott. Marmion,  Etc.

Scott. Lady Of The Lake,  Etc.  Edited By William Sharp.

Praed.                         Edited By Fred. Cooper.

Hogg.                          By His Daughter,  Mrs Garden.

Goldsmith.                     Ed. By W. Tirebuck.

Mackay's Love Letters.

Spenser.                       Edited By Hon. R. Noel

Children Of The Poets.         Edited By Eric S. Robertson.

Jonson.                        Edited By J.A. Symonds.

Byron (2 Vols.)                Ed. By M. Blind.

The Sonnets Of Europe.         Edited By S. Waddington.

Ramsay.                        Ed. By J.L. Robertson

Dobell.                        Edited By Mrs. Dobell.

Days Of The Year.              With Introduction By Wm. Sharp.

Pope.                          Edited By John Hogben.

Heine.                         Edited By Mrs. Kroeker.

Beaumont & Fletcher.           Edited By J.S. Fletcher.

Bowles,  Lamb,  &C.              Edited By William Tirebuck.

Early English Poetry.          Edited By H. Macaulay Fitzgibbon.

Sea Music.                     Edited By Mrs Sharp.

Herrick.                       Edited By Ernest Rhys.

Ballades And Rondeaus.         Edited By J. Gleeson White.

Appendix Pg 178

Irish Minstrelsy.              Edited By H. Halliday Sparling.

Milton's Paradise Lost.        Edited By J. Bradshaw,  M.A.,  Ll.D.

Jacobite Ballads.              Edited By G.S. Macquoid.

Australian Ballads.            Edited By D.B.W. Sladen,  B.A.

Moore.                         Edited By John Dorrian.

Border Ballads.                Edited By Graham R. Tomson.

Song-Tide.                     By P.B. Marston.

Odes Of Horace.                Translations By Sir S. De Vere,  Bt.

Ossian.                        Edited By G.E. Todd.

Elfin Music.                   Ed. By A. Waite.

Southey.                       Ed. By S.R. Thompson.

Chaucer.                       Edited By Ng Into

Mediocrity.  No,  That Is Not My Salvation!  Ah,  Well,  This Journey Into

The Desert Will Be An Advantage To Me In One Way: It Will Make Me Feel

Happier Than Ever In My Comfortable House.


He Took The Opportunity Of A Last Look At The Place On Which He Now

Turned His Back.  Several,  Attracted By The Brilliant Cavalcade,  Had

Followed From Afar.  Three Of The Disciples Had Even Come After Him In

Order To Set Right A Misunderstanding.  They Came Up With The Stranger

At A Spring Which Gushed Forth From A Rock,  And Grass Grew Round It.

The Moors Wished To Prevent Them Coming Nearer,  But Simeon Recognised

That They Were Not Dangerous,  And Let Them Approach Him.


James,  One Of The Disciples,  Said: "Great Lord,  It Is A Pity.  You Are

One Of The Few Who Have Left Our Master Without Accomplishing Their

Purpose.  It Would Not Be Quite So Hard As You Think.  He Himself Says

That If A Man Only Has A Good Will He Is Never Lost.  The Will To Live

For Ever Is The Thing."


"What Do

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