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refers equally to the following, {katothen de k.t.l}. Some Editors
punctuate thus, {ode anabibazontes epean} and omit {de} after
{katothen}, making the reference of {ode} to the latter clause

[72] {oruontai}, as in iii. 117, but here they howl for pleasure.

[73] Like the Egyptians for example, cp. ii. 91.

[74] {mete ge on allelon}: the MSS. have {me ti ge on allelon}. Most
Editors read {allon} for {allelon} and alter the other words in
various ways ({me toi ge on, me toigaron} etc.), taking {me} as in
{me oti} (/ne dicam aliorum/). The reading which I have adopted is
based on that of Stein, who reads {mete teon allon} and quotes
vii. 142, {oute ge alloisi 'Ellenon oudamoisi, umin de de kai dia
panton ekista}. With {allon} the meaning is, "rejecting those of
other nations and especially those of the Hellenes." For the use
of {me} after {pheugein} cp. ii. 91.

[75] Or, according to some MSS., "as they proved in the case of
Anacharsis and afterwards of Skyles."

[76] {gen pollen}.

[77] {epitropou}.

[78] {peplastai}: some authorities give {pepaistai}, "has been
invented as a jest."

[79] {es kheiras agesthai}.

[79a] {o theos}.

[80] {diepresteuse}: this or {epresteuse} is the reading of most of
the MSS. The meaning is uncertain, since the word does not occur
elsewhere. Stein suggests that it may mean "scoffed (at the
Scythians)." Various conjectures have been tried, e.g.
{diedresteuse}, {diedrepeteuse}, etc.

[81] {os Skuthas einai}: cp. ii. 8. Some (e.g. Dindorf and Bähr)
translate "considering that they are Scythians," i.e. for a nation
so famous and so widely extended.

[82] i.e. about 5300 gallons.

[83] {epi to iro}: the MSS. mostly have {epi iro}, and Stein adopts
the conjecture {epi rio}, "on a projecting point." The temple
would be that of {Zeus ourios} mentioned in ch. 87. (In the
Medicean MS. the omitted {i} is inserted above the line /before/
the {r}, not directly over it, as represented by Stein, and the
accent is not omitted.)

[84] {stadioi}, and so throughout.

[85] i.e. 1,110,000.

[86] i.e. 330,000.

[86a] {stelas}, i.e. "square blocks"; so also in ch. 91.

[87] i.e. 700,000.

[87a] {os emoi dokeei sumballomeno}, "putting the evidence together".

[88] {pasi deka}: probably a loose expression like {ta panta muria},
iii. 74.

[89] {psoren}, "mange."

[90] Or (less probably) "Skyrmiadai."

[91] {Salmoxin}: some inferior MSS. have {Zalmoxin}, or {Zamolxin},
and the spelling in other writers varies between these forms.

[92] {daimona}, sometimes used for deified men as distinguished from
gods, cp. ch. 103.

[93] {dia penteteridos}.

[94] {bathutera}.

[95] {ou to asthenestato sophiste}. No depreciation seems to be
intended here.

[96] {andreona}.

[97] i.e. the Mediterranean: or the passage may mean simply, "Thrace
runs out further into the sea than Scythia."

[98] {gounon}.

[99] More literally, "I say this, so far as it is allowed to compare,
etc. Such is the form of the Tauric land."

[100] {ede}. The Agathyrsians however have not been mentioned before
in this connection.

[101] {stadia}.

[102] {tes Skuthikes ta epikarsia}, i.e. the lines running from West
to East.

[103] {epanakhthentes}: so the Medicean MS. and another: the rest have
{epanakhthentas}. Some Editors read by conjecture
{apeneikhthentas}, "cast away on their coast."

[104] {neoisi}.

[105] {trieteridas}.

[106] Or, "were driven out."

[107] {phtheirotrageousi}.

[108] Or, "/Aiorpata/," and "/aior/" below.

[109] i.e. the Royal Scythians: see ch. 20.

[110] {epi touto}, the reading of the Aldine edition. The MSS. have
{epi touto}. Stein suggests {dia touto}.

[111] {ou peisometha}: some MSS. read {ouk oisometha}. Editors have
emended by conjecture in various ways, e.g. {ou periopsometha},
"we shall not allow it"; {oi epoisometha} or {oi epeisometha}, "we
shall go out to attack him"; {aposometha}, "we shall repel him."

[112] {paras}, or {pasai}, belonging to {gunaikes}.

[113] {khersou}, "dry."

[114] Perhaps the same as the "Hyrgis" mentioned in ch. 57. Some
Editors read "Hyrgis" in this passage.

[115] See ch. 119.

[116] {klaiein lego}.

[117] {touto esti e apo Skutheon resis}: this refers to the last
words, {klaiein lego}. Most Editors have doubts about the
genuineness of the sentence, regarding it a marginal gloss which
has crept into the text; but perhaps without sufficient reason.

[118] Or, "with some slight effect on the course of the war."

[119] See i. 216.

[120] {eremothentes tou omilou}.

[121] {iesan tes phones}.

[122] {e mia kai Sauromatai}: some Editors read {e meta Sauromateon}.
The MSS. give {e mia Sauromatai} (some {Sauromateon}). Stein
inserts {kai}.

[123] {khairontes eleutheroi}.

[124] The list includes only those who voted in favour of the proposal
of Histiaios (i.e. Miltiades is not included in it): hence perhaps
Stein is right in suggesting some change in the text, e.g. {oi
diapherontes te ten psephon basileos kai eontes logou pleistou}.
The absence of the name of Coës is remarked by several
commentators, who forget that he had accompanied Dareios: see ch.

[125] Or, "and even so they found the passage of the river with

[126] {en Persesi}.

[127] i.e. 80,000.

[128] {gar}: some MSS. read {de}; so Stein and other Editors.

[129] i.e. Castor and Polydeukes the sons of Tyndareus, who were among
the Argonauts.

[130] {Phera} (genitive).

[131] From {ois} "sheep" and {lukos} "wolf" ({oin en lukoisi}).

[132] {phule}, the word being here apparently used loosely.

[133] {'Erinuon}.

[134] {meta touto upemeine touto touto}: some Editors mark a lacuna
after {upemeine}, or supply some words like {sunebe de}: "after
this the children survived, and the same thing happened also in
Thera, etc."

[135] Or, "Grinos."

[136] {Euphemides}: the MSS. have {Euthumides}: the correction is from
Pindar, Pyth. iv. 455.

[137] {onax}, the usual form of address to Apollo; so in ch. 155.

[138] Or, "Axos."

[139] i.e. Aristoteles, Pind. Pyth. v. 87.

[140] {metaxu apolipon}.

[141] Or, "it happened both to himself and to the other men of Thera
according to their former evil fortune"; but this would presuppose
the truth of the story told in ch. 151, and {paligkotos} may mean
simply "adverse" or "hostile."

[142] {eontes tosoutoi osoi k.t.l.} They could hardly have failed to
increase in number, but no new settlers had been added.

[143] {usteron elthe gas anadaiomenes}, "too late for the division of

[144] Or, "Thestis."

[145] The MSS. give also "Aliarchos" and "Learchos."

[146] {mathon ekasta}.

[147] {ton terioikon}: i.e. conquered Libyans.

[148] {nesioteon panton}: i.e. the natives of the Cyclades, cp. vi.

[149] {amphirruton ten Kurenen einai}: some Editors read by conjecture
{ten amphirruton Kurenen einai} (or {Kurenen ten amph, einai}),
"that Kyrene was the place flowed round by water."

[150] {pselion}.

[151] Or, "Giligammai."

[152] i.e. the plant so called, figured on the coins of Kyrene and

[153] Or, "Asbytai."

[154] i.e. further from the coast, so {katuperthe}, ch. 174 etc., cp.
ch. 16.

[155] Or "Cabales."

[156] See i. 216.

[157] Distinct from the people of the same name mentioned in ch. 183:
those here mentioned are called "Gamphasantes" by Pliny.

[158] {glukuteta}, "sweetness."

[159] {allen te ekatomben kai de kai}.

[160] {epithespisanta to tripodi}, which can hardly mean "prophesied
sitting upon the tripod."

[161] Lit. "the men come together regularly to one place within three
months," which seems to mean that meetings are held every three
months, before one of which the child is brought.

[162] See ii. 42.

[163] i.e. in the middle of the morning.

[164] {tripsin}: the "feel" to the touch: hence it might mean either
hardness or softness according to the context.

[165] {troglodutas}: "Troglodytes."

[166] {uperballonti}: "when his heat is greatest."

[167] {ede}.

[168] Or "red."

[169] {domon}: Reiske reads {omon} by conjecture, "over his shoulder."

[170] Or (according to some MSS.), "practise this much and do it

[171] {akatapseusta}. Several Editors have adopted the conjecture
{katapseusta}, "other fabulous beasts."

[172] {orues}: perhaps for {oruges} from {orux}, a kind of antelope.

[173] {diktues}: the meaning is uncertain.

[174] {ekhinees}, "urchins."

[175] Or "Zabykes."

[176] Or "Zygantes."

[177] {eie d' an pan}: cp. v. 9. Some translate, "and this might well
be so."

[178] {oud' areten einai tis e Libue spoudaie}.

[179] i.e. corn; cp. i. 193.

[180] {bounous}.

[181] See ch. 167.

[182] {meden allo neokhmoun kata Barkaious}: cp. v. 19.

[183] {paralabontes}.

[184] {epiphthonoi}.


Publication Date: 05-20-2008

All Rights Reserved

Translator George Campbell Macaulay

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