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Self Starters








































Self Starters


Make Money Helping Local Businesses!














Self Starters: Make Money Helping Local Businesses! Page 1



Table of Contents





Local Marketing 4




Finding Clients 5




Walk In 6




Cold Calling 7




Brochures, Flyers, Letters 7




Business Cards 8




Chamber of Commerce Meetings 8




Craigslist 9




Sales Tips 10




Services to Provide 13











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Local Marketing






The world of online marketing is highly competitive and volatile. Things change so rapidly that your efforts can be rendered useless practically overnight, leaving you to start over from scratch.






That is – if you manage to become profitable in the first place. In such a competitive arena, most people do not.




However, there is one way to make money with your online knowledge without having to compete with all of the millions of people who are trying to scratch out a living just like you.



Local businesses are really suffering in this bad economy. Even when the economy improves, they’ll need help getting more business at a reasonable price.



Yellow Pages advertising is becoming more and more ineffective, and the prices have skyrocketed. It’s becoming harder than ever before for local businesses to compete, especially when they’re competing with online companies for business.







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You can help those businesses survive and thrive, while making money in the process. You can use the skills you’ve learned for promoting online businesses to help offline companies and get paid upfront for the work!



Finding Clients





The first thing you need to do is find clients. This is a lot easier than it sounds, and there are several ways to do it. You don’t even have to use cold calling if you don’t want to.



You’ll probably want to set up a website for your business so you can send potential clients to it for more information. Your URL will be on any printed material such as flyers, brochures, and business cards.



Your website should include the following information:




Examples of sites you’ve built




A page about the type of marketing you can do




A contact form so people can get in touch for a quote or to request your services



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Once your website is set up, you’ll probably want to get some printed materials done. This can be anything from business cards and flyers (which are relatively cheap) to full-color brochures. If you can’t afford any printed material, don’t worry. It’s not absolutely necessary, but it will help a lot.



Walk In




Once you have a website set up and you’re ready to take clients, it’s time to start finding them. The best way to find clients is by walking into businesses during slow periods and asking to speak to the owner or manager. Ideally, you want the owner. Sometimes managers don’t have the authority to purchase advertising.



The slow period for restaurants is usually 2 PM until 4 PM. This is the best time to walk in for most restaurants. Other businesses may have different slow periods, but generally this is a time when people are at work and most companies don’t have as much foot traffic.



If you visit and the owner or manager isn’t available, leave a brochure or business card. This is one reason you should ideally have printed material. You can make a note to come back to this business in a few days if you don’t get a call from the owner.






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Cold Calling




Cold calling isn’t ideal, but if you have no way to get to local businesses, it can work. Simply look through your local Yellow Pages for businesses that either don’t have a website or have one that isn’t ranking well. Give them a call and let them know you want to help them get more business.



If possible, set up an appointment to come visit with the owner or manager in person. Meet them at their place of business, if possible. It’s polite to save them time by meeting them on their turf.



Brochures, Flyers, Letters




It is less effective to send printed material to a company than it is to speak to them in person, however it can still be effective if you reach a large number of companies.



It’s a good idea to print at least 500 pieces, whether you use brochures, flyers, or letters. Postage will also cost a fair amount, so be sure to take that into consideration. Choose businesses that are more likely to need your services, and don’t just send material out to every company you can find.






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Business Cards




Business cards are a very important tool for this type of business. You’ll want to have a business card on hand with your name, phone number, URL, and a very brief message about what you do every time you meet a business owner.



Local marketing consultants have met business owners in unbelievable places. Some have met clients in the waiting room at the doctor. Others have made huge deals while walking their dog. You never know when you could meet your next client, so it pays to be prepared!



Chamber of Commerce Meetings




Most areas have a Chamber of Commerce or other similar business organization. You’ll want to go to every meeting you can possibly make it to. These meetings are full of business owners looking for ways to increase their business. Networking for business purposes is the major reason people attend these meetings.



Don’t forget to take a large stack of business cards with you. If possible, take a laptop computer with mobile internet access. This






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will allow you to show potential clients some samples of your work on the spot.




Make sure you don’t go for a hard sell at these meetings. Ask people what they do and listen to them when they talk about their businesses. Wait until they ask about you before you give them your card. Keep things casual. This will boost your credibility.







Craigslist is a great place to find clients. Just post an ad in your local area. Don’t forget to pay attention to ads placed by others, because sometimes businesses post that they are looking for a website designer or a marketing consultant.



If there is no Craigslist for your area, you could post in a large metropolitan area and seek work via the internet, however it’s much more effective if you can visit the businesses in person. It’s easier to sell a company on your skills when you’re face to face with the owner.



You can also try placing an ad in your local newspaper. If your local paper is read by a lot of business owners, this could work.






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Place the ad in the services section, or perhaps place a larger ad in the “Business” section.






If you need more help finding clients, check out:





Sales Tips





When you visit companies, there are a few things you can do to increase sales. Remember, not every company will agree to hire you. Some companies will have excuses, and others will just deny you completely. You have to learn to face rejection and realize it’s probably not personal. Rejection is a part of the sales process. But if you are prepared, you can minimize the likelihood of rejection.



Not Just Websites




First, be sure in all of your printed material and in your sales pitch that you do NOT just “build websites”. There are too many companies that slap together websites for local businesses and charge outrageous sums of money, leaving the company with an ugly and ineffective website that no one ever visits.





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Don’t advertise your services as website creation. Many companies already have a website, or they’ve heard of other companies that had one and never saw any business from it.



Instead, sell your services as marketing. Let business owners know you’re offering a lot more than just a website. Sure, you can offer them a website if they don’t have one, or you could improve an existing site, but your services will be much more than that!



You will be offering SEO, placement in Google Local, social marketing services, and so much more! You can offer complete marketing packages for less than most companies charge for a single website! The service will practically sell itself.



Don’t Bother with Chains




Never bother with companies that are part of a chain unless the chain is small and locally owned. Franchises may be interested in local marketing, but most will have their marketing handled by the parent company.



Instead, stick with small, locally owned businesses. They will be much more receptive to this type of offer, and they won’t have the kind of marketing power a chain store will have.



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Target the Right Companies




Not every company is a good target for this type of service. A local manufacturing company may not be as eager for a website as a restaurant or locally owned clothing store, for example. Try to focus most of your efforts on companies that could truly benefit from this type of service.



Some examples:




Locally owned restaurants




Locally owned consumer goods shops like clothing stores, shoe stores, hobby shops, craft shops, bookstores, etc.



Local delivery (food, groceries, flowers, etc.)




Go In with a Script




Never go into a sales presentation without a prepared script. Practice it regularly, and memorize it well. You want to seem like you’re just talking to the prospect, but in reality you’re delivering a precision script.






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Prepare a list of possible objections (price, timeframe, effectiveness, etc.) and be ready to answer those objections. The more prepared you are, the more likely it is you’ll get the job!




Need some ideas for boosting sales? Check out Local Marketing Maven:



Services to Provide





There are many different services you could provide to business owners. The most obvious, of course, is website design. You can build websites with WordPress using standard themes you modify for the company, or you can outsource the development if you aren’t very good at building sites yourself.



You should be sure to offer various online marketing services, because that is what will set you apart from standard web development companies.

















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Such services include:



Submission to Google Local



Email marketing setup and management



Social marketing setup and management



Search engine optimization



Submission to online Yellow Pages sites



Development of contests and giveaways



Development of videos and submission to video sharing sites




You can put together various marketing packages at different price levels, and let business owners know how much each package would cost, along with potential monthly maintenance fees.



You can make additional money by referring them to hosting and domains with your affiliate link, charging a monthly fee to host them yourself, charging ongoing fees for managing their email marketing and social marketing, etc. Don’t overwhelm clients with services, but provide a thorough and well rounded package.






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If you need more help, check out the incredible coaching and mentoring program at:




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