» Business & Economics » GLOBALISATION OF BUSINESS, Syed Sajid [reading in the dark .txt] 📗

Book online «GLOBALISATION OF BUSINESS, Syed Sajid [reading in the dark .txt] 📗». Author Syed Sajid

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pushed them towards protesting against this process and resisting this process in line with preservation of their local-indigenous cultures.
C) Political – The opponents of globalizations have their arguments regarding the effect of this process on the governments. Although the role of governments has undergone a change in the process of globalization, it does not mean that the governments will vanish away. The governments will continue to play a role in the international arena and indeed their function will undergo a change. Also the main concern is that the newly-emerging strong transnational players are not accountable in this globalized world.[xxxv] Hence, if globalization means disintegration or dilution of the role of governments, the lack of an alternative to this ever-strong player will pose more dangers to the world. Also all globalizing forces are not good forces. Criminalization facilitates the measures of drug cartels, those of the international terrorists and the offence unions. In fact, the facilitation and expansion of communication technologies have prepared a suitable ground for the activities of terrorist groups.[xxxvi]
The opponents criticize the statement of the advocates who maintain that the world is moving towards peace and tranquility, because the globalization movement moves towards convergence. They maintain that the forces that push this process ahead may lead to divergence as much.
The opponents surprise as to why the advocates ignore the fact that the world has faced disintegration in many grounds. The opponents refer to the widening gap and heterogeneity between the North and South and between various social groups in many countries.[xxxvii]
The hiatus between the undeveloped and Northern countries and between the poor and rich countries is worrisome. Thabo Embeki the President of South Africa, at the Davoos Summit in Switzerland, stated: when there is talk of globalization, what we see is a world which is divided into two sections is: on the one hand we see the rich and the powerful and on the other the weak and poor.[xxxviii]
Will peace and tranquility be meaningful in such a world?
The wave of protests against globalization is still expanding. In Seattle, Davoos, etc., some violent protests have taken place. The diversity of the incentive of the protestors and demonstrators against globalization has encouraged some thinkers to call these protests multigenerational or multi-class or multi-problem.
Among the protestors and demonstrators participating in the anti-globalization rallies, there are people from various groups such as the advocates of the workers' interests (labor unions), environmentalists, advocates of human rights, supporters of animal rights, peasants, etc.[xxxix]
In fact, the oppositions and protests are not confined to the undeveloped countries, but on the contrary the protests are more vigorous in the developed countries.
Commenting on the protests, Noam Chamsky states: right now protests against it [globalization] have spread in the rich countries. They have organized huge demonstrations in Seattle, Washington and London. In other words, the villagers started roaring and the king has become conscious.[xl]
Despite the protests and demonstrations, globalization is not a completely destructive or negative process rather it has a number of positive and constructive effects as well. In other words, globalization offers both opportunities and threats; both positive and negative effects – it is a double-edge sword.
What follows is some of the negative consequences of the globalization which have been put forth by various thinkers.
1 – Creation of gap in the local identities and creation of crisis of identity.
2 – Disintegration of the countries' sovereignty and undermining their political identity.
3 – Balkanization of the countries and intensification of ethnic crises and separationist movements.
4 – Weakening of the national cultures by cultural invasion and creation of ethical crises.
5 – Destruction of the environment.
6 – Imposition of cultural monologue and elimination of all cultures and domination of a single culture – which enjoys more instruments and facilities – over other cultures and marginalization of weak nations due to cultural integration.
7 – Imposition of values and strategies of the power-wielders.
8 – Threatening the international peace and stability due to expansionist stances of the big powers.
9 – Widening of the gap between the rich and the poor on national level and widening of the hiatus between the developed and undeveloped countries on international level.
10 – Globalization of organized crimes.
11 – Shaking the cultural, spiritual, social and economic foundations of societies.
4 -3 – Differential, Eclectic Approach
The literature of globalization bewilders in between the struggle between the experimental and ideological approaches. We have not yet witnessed an effective measure in the field of production of an indigenous theory for the elaboration of this significant, fundamental and sensitive issue. On the one hand, some thinkers mainly on the basis of modern values elaborate the functional, objective aspects of globalization, considering it a natural historical process; on the other, a group emphasizing and highlighting the ideological elements, without paying attention to its natural process consider it an imposed, clandestine and planned project by the great powers. While some sort of organic and logical relations can be considered between these two approaches, they should be also taken into account together. 41 [ In other words, there should be some combination between the positive and negative (opportunities and threats) approaches.
The differential-eclectic approach considers both positive and negative consequences for globalization (opportunities and threats) on the one hand and on the other hand calls for differentiation of various arenas and aspects of this phenomenon and an appropriate decision concomitant with each aspect. This approach contains the important and positive aspects of other approaches. Hence, it may be also called humanitarian approach to globalization, looking at this phenomenon like other phenomena as a tool in the service of man. This approach is based on faith, justice and spirituality, and meets the demands of contemporary man to offer the man of the age of internet and satellite just like the man of any other era. Particularly today's man who, despite progress in various fields, is inflicted with crisis of identity, vacuum of spirituality, discrimination and bewilderment. This is the approach based on the monotheistic worldview and anthropology of the seal of religions.
Emphasizing on the third approach, the author maintains that neither the integration or isolation approaches to globalization nor surrender to it will be useful nor rigid resistance or inflexibility nor rejection will be helpful. Rather, the model of management of change and development can be an appropriate model or at least should be studied in confronting this phenomenon to consolidate power of choice and selection. Moreover, while utilizing its positive aspects and advantages it will prepare the grounds for avoiding its negative consequences or reducing their negative consequences. In this regard allusion is made to some of the solutions for reducing the negative aspects of globalization for the developing countries, particularly the Islamic ones.
5 – Strategies to Confront Negative Aspects of Globalization
The solutions to reduce the negative aspects of globalization and reduction of its threats and challenges may be studied at three levels: A) scientific and cultural elite; B) National governments and units and government officials and politicians; C) the developing world, particularly the great family of Islamic world and regional and interregional conferences and organization.
Some of the strategies are mentioned below without specifying the said levels.
1 – Cautious approach to the issue of globalization due to its ambiguity and complexity. It is also necessary to achieve a theoretical consensus and practical coordination to attain a common understanding of this phenomenon at various aspects, particularly at the level of the elite and thinkers of the Islamic world and even a wider level of the developing world. Also it is necessary to increase the individual and collective capabilities of the Islamic countries and prepare the grounds for their active participation in the international arena in order to reduce the threats of globalization.
2 – Production of new ideas on the basis of religious teachings in order to take the theoretical initiative through offering up-to-date, attractive, practical and effective theories to meet the demands and prepare the grounds for theoretical self-reliance and refraining from imitation of Western theories in the field of globalization and other fields.
3 – Besides the above measures, attempts should be made to offer a practical, successful, and effective model of religious government to the world. It is necessary in this regard to consolidate the theoretical foundations of religious democracy and theorization in order to make it more effective. In this regard the management of change and development through reliance on the principle of continuation for change, abidance by religious principles, preservation of clear and unambiguous principles and consideration of the elements of time and space, some comprehensive, indigenous, coordinated, sustainable, long-term, institutionalized, planned, controlled, organized, constructive, and moderate reforms should be carried out.
4 – It is necessary to restudy the realities of the contemporary world, particularly the attractive claims of the West in the field of democracy, human rights, right to self-determination for nations, campaign against violence, terrorism, etc. Nevertheless the recent developments at the regional and international levels to a great extent have shed light on the intentions of the claimants and illuminated the real face of the utopia depicted by the liberal democracy.
Oppression and discrimination, numerous limitations imposed on the way of the choice of the nations in international level, instrumentalization of international institutions and law, racism, suppression of the weak, imposition of political and cultural monologue, while claiming to advocate a pluralism, are some of realities that the developing countries, particularly the citizens of the Western societies and the Muslims, have become aware of.
5 – More attention should be paid to the software aspects of power in the light of technological developments and information revolution or explosion and utilization of culture as a tool for international status in interaction with the governments and non-governmental organizations.
In this field, it is necessary to plan for a coordinated media system for the Islamic world on the basis of cultural communalities and common identity as well as through joint ventures to utilize modern technology.
6 – Attention should be paid to the regional groupings that play a dynamic, constructive role for regional convergence, assigning an intermediary role to the regional organizations between the national and international levels, and division of the imposed load on national units in the form of coordination, cooperation and convergence models.
Making the Organization of Islamic Conference more active as an interregional organization and the conjunction between regional networks to play an effective role in theoretical consensus and joint action by the family of Islamic countries. Of course, this issue first and foremost requires political will of the member-states to create the necessary self-conscience to materialize this wish.
7 – Increasing the power of diplomatic maneuver in international arena for changing the challenges to opportunities and controlling the threats, improving the utilization of the existing opportunities, creating new opportunities, upgrading the power of decision-making, predicting the future through envisaging various scenarios, and offering role models and benchmarking.
In fact it will be wise to increase the pace of action in utilizing the time factor in making policies and taking measures.
8 – Active and effective participation in international organizations in order to influence the public opinion at world level and consolidate the international platforms of the developing countries, particularly those of the Islamic world in these organizations.
9 – Special attention should be paid to the role and status of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in consolidating cooperation among nations and increasing the number of audience.
10 – Regional tensions and conflicts as well as bilateral conflicts and tensions should be reduced and instead attentions should be drawn towards the international challenges and problems the Muslims face.
11 – Attempts should be made to increase the share of the Muslim countries in the international market of cultural goods and products on the side of other aspects of trade.
12 – More attentions should be paid to the institution of family and civil institutions in cultural and social plans. Moreover
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