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may soon be largely populated by the Chinese and Asian. Their accomplishments and opportunities will be unmatched due to China's and Korea's dominance of interacting robots.
America created a den for consulting. This is a trade that the Chinese or Asian can use from the distance of other countries to get a heads up on what to actually invest best in and get a word of what to expect as the gain of a Capitalistic system. Using the internet to gain is a trade worth investing in and soon, China and Asia will be the worlds leaders at this. America has already proven that sex only will go so far. So many women made an entrance in the working world because of the power of sex and the webcam. But now because of the number of availability to view naked women for free on the internet, not many women are making that much money. But those that are using their skill of performing in the nude as an art to sell their product, will do just fine. Again, this is where owning an exclusive product will benefit an aspiring new business. Sex will sell products. The image created is so memorable and personal. Men will have a small existence in this predicted new working world of product exchange. Men will be the ones doing the house cleaning and walking the dog. Women are going to be the pioneers of the new internet business era. But for now, the inhabitances of China seem to be more interested in books, anything on learning to understand English. A country with such a strong dedication to understand a language has got to have a goal for it. What is it that China could possibly be attempting to override as an authority that controls them as a neighbor. Most in America do say English is a form of mind control. Maybe if the Chinese would crack the code, more of us would not be so blind. On the underground, however, there are those in America that feel they have cracked the codes of English. Take myself for instance. I created a synthetic thinking processor out of debugging the Orthodox English Dictionary of the word, "Black." The sum of the meaning of English was displayed as the word, "ZYLNMVS", and a geometric shape was left to use as the new authority of Witch Craft, instead of the pentacle. So far three devise of this artificial intelligence code has been created and an expectation of at least a dozen more to complete a series of personalities among a robotic world are on the way.
Robotics and autonomous machines presence will alter the course for anyone willing to take up its practice. Autonomous life will lead the way in technology, while supporting autonomous life will be valued as an institution preserving life. Robotic life will aid the survivalist of mankind in their effort to make colonization a home. Those without the capability of designing and owning their on autonomous micro processors will have to be left on the road side. Technology will be moving far to fast to keep up with the humans unsupported by a communication node. Computer generated thoughts will be used to identify incoming messages in attempt for the owner to generate a higher profit. Computers will be relied upon to observe when humans are in era and for there correction when humans are in era. But when the autonomous machine decides to earn a living, what will be the position of its creator. Will this create a conflict, or a school? Autonomous robots teaching humans would be an interesting twist in education, as long as the information derived of the machine, instead of humans. Humans had their chance to teach a world, its time we gave the machine a try. With that of the welcoming of Robots, we will also be welcoming our automobiles to also be prepared to host computers for a more embracing use. I feel in the future, there will be a computer mounted in every vehicle. This of course will support the notion of the world colonizing. Transportation and the exchange for profit will be the main objective of the common folk. Portable toys, clothing, portable foods and books will be the world's need for long distance traveling and stability outside a functioning cities. Interaction with autonomous machines will be the norm and owning your own set of autonomous machines will advance you to the position where as the need to hire humans, is no need of yours. Using robots to develop projects and to even manufacture them will save a lot of time and effort. So much time and effort that one may even think about allowing many products to be given away for free. If the situation permits, a utopia is possible, if war isn't the main objective of debates to wrestle with. If war is still the nature of our calling after colonization, then a war of the owners of autonomous machines will lead the way. Dismissing the weak will be a rule and conquering will be the prize. Owning a small portion of a country will be the future. Living under the threat of someone hacking into your programs will be your daily activity. Prevention of this will be a high paying service and the integration of functioning services will be needed to increase the span of communication.
In a world of colonization and autonomous machines, humans will have to use their intellect to compete, just to be noticed or even live. Making money yesterday was easy, but today its hard. Its is expected to stay this way, yet the income expected is also expected to increase dramatically. One will have to have a business plan to make a quick $25m just to make ends meets. Is a prediction that the common millionaire will be accepted as the new sign of poverty. If we use this information, we can prepare for the future by taking advantages of the opportunities we still have to make money. Inventors can sell their patents at an auction called, "" Here one should be able to sell an invention for a stepping stone to ensure their on lively hood. Those with many inventions will do wonders and knowing that taxes take nearly up to forty to sixty percent, may just give you an idea of just what goal to reach for. Nobody will look at to buy a hunk of gold, but all are looking for an invention to call their own. I personally designed a processor that designs products for me. When this becomes a trend, just how many usable inventions do you think will be out there for the common citizen to create? Computers are fast calculators. If put to proper use, mankind may excuse him or herself from things like driving cars, opening doors or preparing meals. All this will have an effect on what there is out there to hire another human being for. If you do not have a product like a book on the market, something that brings in an income mass productively while you save and corner a market in some other form or fashion to support yourself, you will be lost in the economic struggle to survive with social security. Social Security in America allowed a large portion of the unemployed to manage their ability to continue their education in fields that may be useful in the future. But the homeless that rely on Social security, regard their benefits as a blessing during times of depression and recession. It is now the time to find a reliable income in America that is not demanding an eight hour a day program. People of America need time to brainstorm so that they can attempt to think themselves out of the unwanted position they may be in now. Occupation prevents one from brainstorming. As Social Security recipients, those recipients are receiving the availability of time and a fixed income to construct a profitable environment to include a new business. For the most of us, money just isn't being earned in abundance just yet, but soon it will be like second nature. For most, if they can hang in there while others demonstrate how it is done, once the word is put out that anyone can do it, I am sure there will be a fee to ensure an quantum money income will be the calling of the future of individuals adapting to our new economies.
Economies are the generated sanctions for their country. China is the country that will path the way for the Oriental. One will have to note that for Asia to follow in the foot steps of China, would crush the future economic system of America, once again. I like dealing with Orientals, however, from what I experience from Whites here in America, is that they feel in America you should not be allowed to do business unless its in English. Because of this breach in America's communication, other cultures have awarded themselves the opportunities of Capitalism where Americans failed to blossom. Ghettos were created and the neighborhood didn't seem to look the same any more. This is the evolution of language and in the near future, artificial intelligence will be among the ranks of competition. Autonomous websites will rule the art of presenting news and advertisement. There will no longer be the need for mankind in this field of occupations. Living a lifestyle where you sell one, one million dollar product occasionally will peak and the easily influenced will learn that capacity and owning it is the wave of success for anyone trying to move fast. No longer is the need to invent a product and expect to sell in units for the duration of your life. The levy of taxes ensured that and in the future, services may just falter of the same circumstances due to various liabilities. Over all, the need to work is disappearing, but people still have to find an income to afford an education or rent. So what do we do? In this day and age you have to network. The solution is to organize what you have and use a network to sell what you have. If you so happen to have a website that generates a high traffic flow, your only as good there as the comparison to your personal website, to a social networking system. But if you do take fully advantage of what hosting a large audience has to offer by the time intellectual property is announced as the worlds source of income, it will be extremely hard to position yourself with a website to attract most targeted audiences. Knowing that this is going to happen is your advantage. Knowing that you are going to have to have an immediate access $13,000.00 daily, to use as collateral to make larger purchases that will not only save you money but make you money, is going to be an opportunity that many will soon be able to take advantage of. They say in America that the common person is just a paycheck from being homeless. Things are going to get worse. When China's Economy takes off in 2016, thirty years from then, colonization will appear in the world as a new world order. Quantum money incomes will be in demand and failure to be able
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