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to invent will cost you millions. The great investment right now is learning how to develop a product. If you learn how to develop products, you can use websites like or to have your product developed. Digital products are what is in demand and someone who can generate them will also be in demand. Travel bags and cases will also be in demand, for in a world of colonization, one travels for days. Motorcycles, jeeps and cars built like the Lamborghini for high rates of speed will be desired.
Information systems will also be vastly available. Businesses who can use their Information sources as a reference will surely be notable in the future. Information systems can be generated to program hardware to behave in certain manners. An autonomous information system will have the opportunity to enlighten and surprise. Those that are near this evolution of colonization are China and Korea. America does not even come close to the technology needed to corner the market on autonomous vessels. America is in a position that it has to be left out of the futures new quest for an income, America as a government, not its citizens. The American government practiced hoarding information so much that an interesting event called, "Quantum Money", will disrupt censorship and the choice of the commoner to access vital information faster then you can dial 911. Having this technology at your finger tips places one in an position where as the American government is challenged to under mind its citizens frequently. But because of the numbers involved, that which will take advantage of quantum money, the American government will find it hard to place an individual citizen in harms way. But during a recession, judges needs funds. When judges need funds, cops are instructed to up their quota on citations and convictions. This is what happened in America. If you are someone who is easily made available to be taunted by the standard cop in America and you posses anything of value that represents knowledge, you will be targeted. Money will be your only refuge and security will be a must. The Obama Administration allowed $600m to be taken illegally from the U.S. Treasury in the end of year of 2010. Japan announced at least on one of America's public broadcasting stations that they witnessed the crime. Obama spoke on the matter and issued the statement that the crime that was committed was not done so for the economy. However, it was just a day before where as Obama asked China to raise the value of its Yuan by one. China refused, but if had done so, America would have made far more money then they are now on the stolen $600m that is still floating around as American funds, collecting taxes via every hand it is exchanged from, for simply being placed in society. Inflation will also play a role in multiplying how much money will be made of those stolen funds, but if the government did not steal the money for the economy, then it had to do it for the government. Just like the government will rob itself, it will rob its citizens, ask me, I am a target.
Surely you have to be interested in technology. Today there is the need to be identified and separated. For this, there are tactful and strategic tattoos. They work like horoscope tattoos that read your future or the future of the event or item you have a horoscope tattoo of. These horoscope tattoos will spark the creation of force fields. Hoarding the technology to know where someone can stand safely during a major disaster can be useful. Imagine if what you saw in your horoscope daily, where to find money, was accurate and reliable. Synthetic thinking machines have been used to define the possibilities for humans in an human designed environment. As though a computer could have done it better and now we are counting on the machine to point out our loop holes and weak spots. Artificial thinking machines may also use the zodiac and calendar system for identifying people and their purposes. Mass production of such devices may change our view of psychic abilities. They may exist as machines that has yet to been given the ability to be mobile. These may be prototypes of the machines that will be used to integrate with humans. Most machines will be constructed to observe, simply because humans still want to hoard knowledge and feel that owning a robot or computer gives them the advantage over anybody else, rather then allowing the autonomous machine the full ability to think and act on its on.
Integration with autonomous machines and vessels will encourage the working world to think about how challenged they are daily. Machines will demonstrate a system of organization and promptness. Reading and writing will be the astonishment of the abilities of our new machines and their ability to translate and express will be needed to advance our world's societies. One may harbor the thought of the resurrection of the Chinese and Egyptian dynasties, due to the information that is written through out America as forbidden or blackballed. There is a Chinese man suing Obama now simply because Obama refused to allow him to harness energy. Obama said its a national security threat. If one had to take that information and interpret what is being said, would you question if your indeed a hostage or not. So what if you want to improve the quality of life for you on country, via another one. Why should America stop one from using capitalism to support one's true home and source of interest. Is Obama saying the Chinese individual just does not posses the particular security clearance, or is America up to its usual and just wants to recon property to include the kind sir's very own idea. America may use the idea to fund its own country and find that China is in a rush of a hurry to take advantage of what America actually has to offer, due to availability of its citizens, not so much the government. America is in dire need to raise capital, so America will spear no punch to keep an income flowing for itself. Most likely since America practices censorship, it will delay the exchange of others, no matter the cost or injury, thru cyber attacks. I have already been hit by this I was using Hotmail to communicate with a man is Saudi Arabia. The man was interested in purchasing a patent from me. He afford me $25m, but there was a clearance fee because he wanted to send the money in cash. But he also afford to pay the clearance fee. How great. The kind sir asked me to open a pay pal account and he would then send me the money to pay for the clearance fee and then the shipping company would deliver the cash in two days. Well after I signed off the email account to open a pay pal account. I completed all of pay pal needs, only to attempt to return to my email account. But when I attempted to open my email account, I was denied access. The prompt kept issuing a warning that my password was incorrect and that I no longer had access to that account. I thought how great. I finally got the account back over a two month period, but low and behold. Every indication of the conversation was missing. What are the chances that this would happen. Are the Internet police most favorable to deny a citizen large sums of cash, simply because of their profile? Is this right? Or is this just the American way. For future references, always write down important email addresses. Do not rely on you computer, like I did to keep personal tracking of who you communicate with. I agree one should not have to do so, being aware that it is so easy to let the computer to just save the information, but this is just a loop hole that America uses and in the situation where like I, you could stand to loose millions, once is enough.
With that of colonization will come the flying automobile. If you look at the design of America's current traffic system, a well designed flying vehicle can occupy the space available above the vehicles that exist as our transportations systems today. I have a design of my own and what I am experiencing is a quest to self organize and produce in the field of communication, transportation and exchange. I said earlier that colonization was due to arrival of the internet communication systems involving L.A.N., M.A.N. and W.A.N systems. These system will dominate an area for its host and act as a palace for its inhabitants. With the power of robotics, they will most likely be used for security and protection. With everything in the security field targeted to be autonomous, where will the Black man or woman work. Blacks will eventually use their determination as individuals to survive as a race, although they never try, but unity is in the future for Blacks, considering if they do not posses the ability to secure a large income to support their own palace, they may have to continue to serve their reputation as scavengers and looters. This during a time of colonization will make traveling dangerous. Anyone that is a scavenger during colonization will simply be a thief. Thieves will reside outside the care of an autonomous residence and without the power of autonomous machines, their exchange system will have loop holes and weak conditions. Strong communication established from one colony to the next will also be an issue in the future. One may think about devising a separate communications system for communication outside the palace sources. At least if this is done, one organization can be used to deal with long distant communication systems to integrate with one another. This will allow a separate long distance communications system that will allow a stand alone palace to disconnect from the world and do it bidding all on its own, besides regular internet connections. But this is all in preparation of WAR.
War in the very near future will put China and Asia up against China enforced by America to improving on the standards of aircraft performing the task of securing a single pedestrian, due to the expectations of America, British and Russia as a coalition to extort funds in exchange for security from their very own helicopters with the ability to survey an individual citizen as though operated like an automobile armed with an police officer. This technology will be governed by Britain and enforced by America while supplied by Russia. They say all is fair in love and war, but to tell you the truth, I don't love Americans, I prefer Orientals. Personally I have developed one model of an Fighter Jet Helicopter, with three different options of Autonomous Life source codes. It is easy for me to identify that one P.M.C.P.U.(Psychologically Modulating Central Processing Unit) is for under water and air travel to include space, another P.M.C.P.U. is for an autonomous vessels personal communication with devices pedestrians may carry and the third P.M.C.P.U. is for communication between the autonomous machines and trafficking laws. I believe a true autonomous vessels with the capability to evolve of instincts will naturally start a war where the common man wants too, but has not the means. An autonomous machine or craft, however, may just be the addition to our world, forcing us to move on to either die or live through the progression in favor
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