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with blood and dust; although before this it was not permitted that [this] helmet, crested with horse-hair, should be contaminated by the dust; for it protected the head of a godlike hero, even the venerable forehead of Achilles; but Jove then gave it to Hector to wear upon his head; but his destruction was near. But the long-shadowed spear, great, sturdy, pointed [with brass], was utterly shattered in his hands; whilst the shield, which reached to his heels, with its belt, fell to the ground; and king Apollo, the son of Jove, unbound his corslet. But stupor seized his brain, and his fair limbs were relaxed under him, and he stood astounded. But a Trojan, hero, Euphorbus, the son of Panthous, who excelled those of his own age in the spear, in horsemanship, and in swiftness of foot, smote him close at hand with his sharp spear, in the back between the shoulders. For even before this he had hurled twenty men from their horses, at first coming with his chariot, learning [the art] of war. He [it was] who first hurled a weapon at thee, O knight Patroclus, nor did he subdue thee; for he ran back, and was mingled with the crowd, having plucked the ashen spear out of thy body; nor did he await Patroclus, though being unarmed, in the fight. Patroclus, however, subdued by the blow of the god, and by the spear, retired into the crowd of his companions, avoiding death. But Hector, when he perceived magnanimous Patroclus retiring, wounded with a sharp spear, went through the ranks near him, and smote him with his javelin in the lowest part of the groin, and drove the brass quite through. Falling, he gave a crash, and greatly grieved the people of the Greeks. As when a lion presses on an unwearied boar in fight, and they twain, high spirited, contend upon the mountain tops for a small rill, for they both desire to drink, but the lion subdues him by force, panting much; so Hector, the son of Priam, in close fight with his spear, deprived the gallant son of Menœtius of life, having slain many; and, boasting over him, spoke winged words: Footnote 544:(return) Swam round, probably from exhaustion. Celsus; i. 3: "Si quando insuetus aliquis laboravit, aut si multo plus, quam solet, etiam is qui assuevit...... oculi caligant." The affection is well described by Cælius Aurol. Chron. i. 2: "Repentina visus tenebratio, atque nebula, cum capitis vertigine."

"Patroclus, doubtless thou didst think to waste our city, and to carry off in thy ships the Trojan women to thy dear father-land, having taken away their day of freedom,--infatuated one! But in defence of these, the fleet steeds of Hector hasten with their feet to war, and I myself, who avert the day of slavery 545 from them, am conspicuous amongst the war-loving Trojans in [the use of] the spear. But the vultures shall devour thee here. Unhappy man! Nor indeed did Achilles, although being brave, aid thee, who remaining behind, doubtless enjoined many things to thee, going forth: 'Do not return to me, O equestrian Patroclus, to the hollow barks, before thou rendest the blood-stained garment around the breast of man-slaughtering Hector.' Thus, doubtless, he addressed thee, and persuaded the mind of foolish thee."

But him, O knight Patroclus, breathing faintly, thou didst address: "Even now, Hector, vaunt greatly, for Jove, the son of Saturn, and Apollo, have given thee the victory, who subdued me easily; for they stripped the armour from my shoulders. But if even twenty such [as thou] had opposed me, they had all perished here, subdued by my spear. But destructive fate, and the son of Latona, have slain me, and of men, Euphorbus; whilst thou, the third, dost despoil me slain. Another thing will I tell thee, and do thou ponder it in thy soul. 546 Not long, indeed, shalt thou thyself advance in life, but death and violent fate already stand near thee, subdued by the hands of Achilles, the blameless descendant of Æacus."

Footnote 545:(return) So ἐλεύθερον ἧμαρ in ver. 830. Thus ἀνάγκη ἀμφίπτολις, "slavery caused by the capture of a city," Æsch. Choeph. 75. Footnote 546:(return) This prophecy of the dying Patroclus seems to have attracted the notice of Aristotle, if we may believe Sextus, Empir. adv. Phys. ix. p. 553: "Οταν γάρ, φησίν, ἐν τῷ ὑπνοῦν καθ' ἑαυτὴν γίνεται ἡ ψυχή, τότε τὴν ἴδιον ἀπολαβοῦσα φύσιν προμαντεύεται τε καὶ προαγορεύει τὰ μέλλοντα' τοιαύτη δέ ἐστι καὶ ἐν τῷ κατὰ τὸν θάνατον χωρίζεσθαι τῶν σωμάτων." He then refers to the similar example of Hector prophesying the death of Achilles, xxiii. 358, sqq.

Him then, having thus spoken, the end of death then overshadowed. But his soul flying from his members, departed to Hades, bewailing its lot, 547 relinquishing manliness and youth. But him dead illustrious Hector addressed:

"Why now, Patroclus, dost thou prophesy cruel destruction to me? Who knows whether Achilles, the son of fair-haired Thetis, stricken by my spear, may not be the first to lose his life?"

Footnote 547:(return) See my note on προῖαψεν, II. i. 3. and Heyne.

Thus having spoken, he extracted the brazen spear from the wound, pressing on him with his heel; and thrust him prostrate from the spear. Then immediately, with the spear, he went against Automedon, the godlike servant of swift-footed Æacides, for he was anxious to strike him. But the fleet immortal steeds, which the gods bestowed on Peleus, splendid gifts, bore him away.



Euphorbus, attempting to despoil Patroclus of his armour, is slain by Menelaus. It falls to the lot of Hector, but he retires on the approach of Ajax. Being rebuked by Glaucus, he returns, and a fierce contest is renewed over the body of Patroclus. The chariot of Achilles is bravely defended by Automedon, but the Greeks at last begin to give way, even Ajax being seized with consternation. Meriones and Menelaus, however, succeed in carrying off the body of Patroclus, although the Greeks are completely routed.

Nor did Patroclus, subdued in fight by the Trojans, escape the notice of the son of Atreus, Mars-beloved Menelaus; but he advanced through the foremost warriors, armed in glittering brass. And round him he walked, like a dam around its calf, having brought forth for the first time, moaning, not being before conscious of parturition: thus did yellow-haired Menelaus walk around Patroclus. But before him he extended his spear, and his shield on all sides equal, anxious to slay him, whoever indeed should come against him. Nor was the son of Panthus, of the good ashen spear, neglectful of blameless Patroclus, fallen; but he stood near him, and addressed warlike Menelaus:

"O Menelaus! son of Atreus, Jove-nurtured one, leader of the people, retire, and leave the body, and let alone the bloody spoils; for not any of the illustrious Trojans or allies smote Patroclus with the spear in the violent conflict before me. Wherefore permit me to bear away the great glory amongst the Trojans, lest I should strike thee, and take away thy sweet life."

But him yellow-haired Menelaus, very indignant, addressed:

"Father Jove, certainly it is not fitting to boast inordinately. Not so great is the might of a panther, nor a lion, nor of a destructive wild boar, whose most mighty courage rages in his heart, violently in its strength, as much as the sons of Panthus, of the good ashen spear, breathe forth. Nor did the might of horse-breaking Hyperenor enjoy his youth, when he reproached me, and withstood me; and said that I was the most reproachful warrior amongst the Greeks; nor did he, I think, returning upon his feet, gratify his dear wife and respected parents. Thus certainly will I dissolve thy strength, if thou wilt stand against me. But I advise thee, retiring, to go back into the crowd; nor do thou stand against me, before thou suffer any harm: for it is a fool that perceives a thing when it is done." 548

Footnote 548:(return) Cf. Hesiod, Opp. 216: αθὼν δέ τε νήπιος ἔγνω. Plato, Sympos. p. 336, A.: Ἀλλ' ἀπὸ τῶν ἡμετέρων παθημάτων γνόντα, εὐλαβηθῆναι, καὶ μὴ, κατὰ τὴν παροιμίαν, ὥσπερ νήπιον, παθόντα γνῶναι. Æsch. Ag. 177: Τὸν πάθει μάθος θέντα κυρίως ἔχειν--καὶ παρ' ἄκοντας ἤλθε σωφρονεῖν. See Proclus on Hesiod, Opp. 89.

Thus he spoke, but persuaded him not; but he answering, spoke:

"Now indeed, O Jove-nurtured Menelaus, shalt thou make atonement for my brother, whom thou hast slain, and [over whom] thou speakest boastingly; and thou hast widowed his wife in the recess of her new bridal chamber, and caused accursed mourning and sorrow to his parents. Certainly I should be some alleviation of woe to them wretched, if indeed, bearing back thy head and armour, I should place them in the hands of Panthus and noble Phrontis. Nor shall the labour of valour or flight be untried or invincible any longer."

So saying, he smote [him] upon the shield equal on all sides, nor did the brass break through, for the point was bent in the stout shield: and Menelaus, the son of Atreus, next made the attack with his brazen spear, having prayed to father Jove. He smote him upon the lowest part of the gullet as he retired, and he himself forcibly impressed [the spear], relying on his strong hand; and the point went quite through his soft neck. And falling, he made a crash, and his armour rang upon him. And his locks, like unto the Graces, were bedewed with blood, and his curls, which were bound with gold and silver. And as a man rears a widely-blooming plant of olive, fair budding, in a solitary place, where water is wont to spring 549 up in abundance, and which the breezes of every wind agitate, and it buds forth with a white flower; but a wind, suddenly coming on with a mighty blast, overturns it from the furrow, and stretches it upon the earth: so the son of Panthus, Euphorbus, skilled in [the use of] the ashen spear, Menelaus, son of Atreus, when he had slain [him], spoiled of his armour. As when any mountain-nurtured lion, relying on his strength, has carried off from the pasturing herd a heifer, which is the best; but first he breaks its neck, seizing it in his strong teeth, and then tearing it in pieces, laps up the blood and all the entrails; whilst around him dogs and herdsmen shout very frequently from a distance, nor do they wish to go against him, for pale fear violently seizes them: thus the soul of no one within his breast dared to advance against glorious Menelaus. Then indeed the son of Atreus had easily borne off the celebrated arms of the son of Panthus, had not Phœbus Apollo envied him, who immediately aroused Hector, equal to fleet Mars, against him, assimilating himself to the hero Mentes, leader of the Cicones; and addressing him, he spoke winged words:

"Hector, now indeed thou art thus running, pursuing things not to be overtaken, the steeds of warlike Achilles; they indeed are difficult to be managed by mortal men, or to be driven by any other than Achilles, whom an immortal mother bore. In the meanwhile Menelaus, the warlike son of Atreus, protecting Patroclus, has slain the bravest of the Trojans, Euphorbus, the son of Panthus, and made him cease from impetuous valour."

Footnote 549:(return) This perfect has much the same usage as ἐπενήνοθε, 219.

Thus having spoken, the god on his part again departed into the labour of the men; but heavy grief oppressed Hector as to his dark soul. Then, indeed, he looked around through the ranks, and immediately observed the one bearing away the famous armour, and the other lying upon

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