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the solid-hoofed steeds should clash in the road, and overturn the well-joined chariots, and they themselves should fall in the dust, while contending for the victory. And him yellow-haired Menelaus, chiding, addressed:

"O Antilochus, no other mortal is more pernicious than thou. Avaunt! for we Greeks untruly said that thou wast prudent. Yet not even thus shalt thou bear away the prize without an oath." 753 Thus saying, he cheered on his steeds, and spoke to them:

"Be not kept back, nor stand, grieving in your hearts: sooner will the feet and knees grow weary to them than to you; for they are both deprived of vigour."

Thus he spoke; but they, dreading the exhortation of their master, ran more fleetly, and became very near the others. But the Greeks sitting in assembly, 754 beheld the steeds, and they flew along, raising dust over the plain. Then first Idomeneus, leader of the Cretans, distinguished the horses; for he sat outside the circus, very high up, on an observatory; and hearing him, being far off, encouraging [his steeds], knew him. He also perceived a remarkable steed outstripping, which in every other part indeed was chesnut, but in its forehead was a white round spot, like the moon. And he stood erect, and delivered this speech amongst the Greeks:

Footnote 753:(return) "Videtur proverbii loco dictum in eos, qui non facile, non sine gravi labore ac difficultate consequi possent, quod peterent, sive qui rem valde difficilem peterent."--Ernesti. Footnote 754:(return) See note on vii. p. 129, n. 2.

"O friends, leaders and chieftains of the Greeks, do I alone recognize the horses, or do ye also? Different steeds indeed appear to me to be foremost, and there seems a different charioteer; but those [mares] which hitherto were successful, are probably hurt upon the plain somewhere: for surely I first saw them turning round the goal, but now I can no longer see them, although my eyes survey the Trojan plain as I gaze around. Surely the reins have fled the charioteer, and he could not rein well round the goal, and did not succeed in turning. There I imagine he fell out, and at the same time broke his chariot, whilst they (the mares) bolted, when fury seized their mind. But do ye also, standing up, look, for I cannot well distinguish; it appears to me to be an Ætolian hero by birth, and [who] rules amongst the Argives, the son of horse-breaking Tydeus, gallant Diomede."

But him swift Ajax, the son of Oïleus, bitterly reproached:

"Idomeneus, why dost thou prate endlessly? 755 Those high-prancing mares run over the vast plain afar. Neither art thou so much the youngest amongst the Greeks, nor do thine eyes see most sharply from thy head: but thou art always prating with words. Nor is it at all necessary for thee to be a prater, for others better than thou are present. For the mares of Eumelus are still 756 foremost, which were so before, and he himself is advancing, holding the reins."

But him the leader of the Cretans, indignant, answered in turn:

"Ajax, best at abuse, reviler, but in all other things thou art inferior to the Greeks, because thy temper is morose; come now, let us stake a tripod 757 or a goblet, and let us both appoint Agamemnon, the son of Atreus, arbiter, which horses are foremost; that paying, thou mayest learn."

Footnote 755:(return) " άρος implies habit, as in i. 553, particularly in connection with a verb of such import, as in xviii. 425."--Kennedy. Footnote 756:(return) This is implied in περ. Footnote 757:(return) "Ut supra, xxii. 254, erat ἐπιδόσθαι, pro δόσθαι μάρτυρας ἐπί τινι χρήματι, sic nunc τρίποδος περιδώμεθα est δώμεθα ὅρκον περὶ τρίποδος, quem pœnæ loco daturus erit uter nostrum temere contenderit."--Heyne.

Thus he spoke; but swift Ajax, son of Oïleus, immediately rose to reply in harsh words. And now doubtless the strife would have proceeded farther to both, had not Achilles himself risen up, and spoke:

"No longer now, O Ajax and Idomeneus, hold altercation in evil, angry words, for it is not fitting, and ye also would blame another, whoever should do such things; but, sitting down in the circus, look towards the steeds, which themselves will soon arrive, contending for victory; and then will ye know, each of you, the horses of the Greeks, which are second, and which first."

Thus he spoke; but the son of Tydeus came very near, pursuing, and always drove on [his horses] with the lash across the shoulders; whilst the steeds were raised up aloft into the air, quickly completing their course, and the drops of dust kept always bespattering their charioteer. The chariot, adorned with gold and tin, rolled on close to the swift-footed steeds; nor was there a deep trace of the tires behind in the fine dust, but they, hastening, flew. But he stood in the midst of the circus, and much perspiration exuded from the steeds, from their necks and chest to the ground. But he himself leaped to the ground from his all-shining chariot, and rested his scourge against the yoke; nor was gallant Sthenelus dilatory, but he eagerly seized the prize, and gave the woman to his magnanimous companions to escort, and the handled tripod to bear away; whilst he himself unyoked the steeds.

Next to him Nelcian Antilochus drove his steeds, outstripping Menelaus by stratagem, not indeed by speed. Yet even thus Menelaus drove his swift horses near; but as far as a horse is distant from the wheel, which, exerting its speed with the chariot, draws its master through the plain, and the extreme hairs of its tail touch the wheel-tire, but it rolls very near, nor is there much space between, while it runs over the vast plain; so far was illustrious Menelaus left behind by Antilochus: although at first he was left behind as much as the cast of a quoit, yet he quickly overtook him; for the doughty strength of Agamemnon's mare, the beautiful-maned Æthe, was increased. And if the course had been still longer to both, he would surely have passed him by, nor left it doubtful. Meriones again, the good attendant of Idomeneus, was left behind a spear's throw by the illustrious Menelaus, for his fair-maned steeds were the slowest, and he himself least skilful in driving a chariot in the contest. But the son of Admetus came last of others, dragging his beauteous chariot, driving his steeds before him. But him swift-footed, noble Achilles seeing, pitied, and standing amongst the Greeks, spoke [to him] winged words:

"The best man drives his solid-hoofed steeds the last. But come, let us give him, as is right, the second prize; and let the son of Tydeus bear away the first."

Thus he spoke; and all approved as he ordered. And now truly he had given the mare to him (for the Greeks approved it), had not Antilochus, the son of magnanimous Nestor, rising up, replied to Achilles, the son of Peleus, on the question of justice: 758

Footnote 758:(return) Not "with justice," as the translators, following the Scholiast, have interpreted δίκη. That would have required σὺν δίκη, as in Soph. Antig. 23.

"Ο Achilles, I shall be very indignant with thee, if thou fulfillest this promise; for thou art about to deprive me of my reward, considering these things, that his chariot and fleet steeds were injured, he himself being skilful; but he should have prayed to the immortals, then would he by no means have come up driving the last. But if thou pitiest him, and it be agreeable to thy mind, thou hast much gold and brass in thy tent, and cattle and maidens, and solid-hoofed steeds are thine. Taking from these, give him afterwards even a greater reward, or even now forthwith, that the Greeks may applaud thee. This, however, I will not resign, but let him of the warriors strive for her, whoever wishes to contend with me in strength of hands."

Thus he spoke; and swift-footed, noble Achilles smiled, favouring Antilochus, for he was a dear companion to him; and, answering, addressed to him winged words:

"O Antilochus, since thou now biddest me give something else to Eumelus from my house, this will I indeed accomplish. I will give him the corslet which I took from Asteropæus, brazen, around which there is entwined a rim of shining tin; and it is of great value."

He spoke; and ordered his dear comrade, Automedon, to bear it from the tent: and he went and brought it to him; then he placed it in the hands of Eumelus, and he received it rejoicing. But Menelaus also arose amongst them, grieving in his mind, vehemently enraged with Antilochus. Then a herald placed the sceptre in his hands, and ordered the Greeks to be silent; and then the godlike hero spoke:

"O Antilochus, hitherto prudent, what hast thou done? Thou hast disgraced my skill, and injured my steeds, driving thine before them, which indeed are greatly inferior. But come, ye leaders and chiefs of the Greeks, judge between us both, and not for favour; lest some one of the brazen-mailed Greeks should say: 'Menelaus having overcome Antilochus by falsehoods, came off, leading the mare [as a prize], for his steeds were very inferior, but he himself superior in skill and strength.' 759 But come, I myself will decide, and I think that no other of the Greeks will blame me, for it will be just."

"O Antilochus, nurtured of Jove, come hither, I pray, as it is just, standing before thy horses and chariot, and holding in thy hands the pliant lash with which thou didst formerly drive, touching thy steeds, swear by earth-encompassing Neptune, that thou didst not willingly impede my chariot by stratagem." 760

Footnote 759:(return) Cf. vers. 571, sq. Footnote 760:(return) See ver. 441.

But him prudent Antilochus in turn answered:

"Have patience now, since I am much younger than thou, O king Menelaus, and thou art older and superior. Thou knowest of what sort are the errors of a youth; for his mind is indeed more volatile, and his counsel weak. Therefore let thy heart endure, and I myself will give thee the steed which I have received. And if indeed thou demandest anything else greater from my house, I should be willing to give it immediately rather than fall for ever, Ο Jove-nurtured, from thy good opinion, and be sinful towards the gods."

He spoke; and the son of magnanimous Nestor, leading the mare, placed it in the hands of Menelaus; but his 761 mind was cheered 762 as the dew [is diffused] over the ears of growing corn, when the fields are bristling. Thus indeed, Ο Menelaus, was thy soul in thy breast cheered; and speaking, he addressed to him winged words:

Footnote 761:(return) I.e. Menelaus. Footnote 762:(return) Or softened, melted. See Heyne.

"Antilochus, now indeed will I cease being enraged with thee, for formerly thou wert neither foolish nor volatile; though now youth has subdued reason. Avoid a second time overreaching thy superiors; for not another man of the Greeks would have easily appeased me. But thou hast already suffered much, and accomplished many deeds, as well as thy good father and brother, for my sake: therefore will I be persuaded by thee, supplicating, and will give the mare also, although being mine; that these too may perceive that my soul is never overbearing or unrelenting."

He spoke, and gave the steed to Noëmon, the comrade of Antilochus, to lead away; and then he received the shining goblet

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