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Purity's Death

Super heroes are the people that hide in the ordinary world. They are hunted while trying to protect the innocent. So when people wonder why they hide behind a mask, I would like to know why you would hunt somebody who has protected the innocent.
My life is nothing out of the ordinary but some may say I’m a little different. For example I like to read comic books, my brother disappears a lot, I get into a lot of close accounts with death, and I’m a girl. My life really begins to change when the Red Scarred Knight kidnapped me for the 18th time. (See, a normal life, I guess?)
I woke up that morning to my brother baking breakfast. This indeed was a very rare thing. I ate freshly made pumpkin pancakes with a glass of milk. He had a call on his phone and left a few minutes later to as he put it, “Take care of business.” So I left the house a little while later to go to school. Living with my brother is always hard because we have no parents and he is only 19 while I am just 15. I was walking to school when someone hit me over the head.
I woke up gagged and tied up in what looked like a scarlet dungeon. I knew I was in the Red Scarred Knight’s lair. I was actually not that scared because like I said earlier this was the 18th time this has happened. (You know you have to hand it to villains they always do seem to find the perfect damsel in distress and they are quite persistent on using the same one.) Now to tell you the truth I had a feeling that the reason I was kidnapped so much had to do with my connections to the White Purity. The thing was that I was hoping I was wrong. So to be clear I am not another one of those dumb blondes. You got it!
The Red Scarred Knight was pacing. To tell you the truth he had no patience. Which I thought would have made a terrible villain. I tried to talk but then I remembered that I was gagged. The Red Scarred Knight heard me gagging and went to untie me. Like I said earlier he has kidnapped me before so he knew what would make me angry and being gagged was one of them. As soon as he untied me I screamed in his face, “If you ever gag me again I will kick you where it really hurts,” and I really would.
After a few more minutes White Purity came in and of course heroically said, “let the girl go and I’ll go easy on you.” In reply the villain answered by taking his sword out and placing it on my neck. I then, always having something to say, called out, “Can one of you possibly get me an excuse for missing first period this has been the 18th time you made me miss math class. Don’t I get some kind of reward for being your oh, so, annoyed student in death like situations for as long as you two decide to fight.” I got no replies on that.
This time was different from usual. You see usually a group of animals or sharp and heavy things on a rotating pole would threaten me. This time though the Red Scarred knight was threatening me himself. The sword was cutting my throat a little more deeply now and my blood dropped onto my arm. You know how they say your life flies by when you come close to dying, well it has never happened for me. Then all of a sudden I passed out.
This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder. You see I have never passed out from seeing blood before, I have seen people die in front of me and I’ve seen my own blood from bloody nosebleeds. I have even thrown up blood before, (don’t ask) but I still never passed out.
When I woke up I was on the ground covered in blood and across from me was White Purity on the floor. I could see blood seeping away from him and I could see that his mask was off. It was there that I wished my brother Matthew was in a safe job but my gut was right Matthew was the White purity. As my eyes kept adjusting to the light I noticed I was untied and the Red Scarred Knight was dead.
My brother though wasn’t dead, yet. He was barely alive when he called out my name. “Cathleen,” he whispered while struggling to breathe, “look for the note.” He died, I knew that but I screamed anyway, “where?” There wasn’t a light in his eyes. I picked him up and got stabbed by a single thorn still on his body while carrying him home. I pretended to be my brother and called myself in sick. Funny thing, I actually started feeling that way.
When I got home I placed him down on the couch. Then I did something I swore never to do. I went to the computer and I did something I haven’t done since the school incident. I hacked, right into some government info. My brother was his regular self now minus the living part and that’s when I remembered what he told me before he died. So I tore my house apart to find this note. I found it and left the house with a fake, but realistic version of a dead me inside the house too.
Then I lit my house on fire and left. As I turned the corner I could hear someone screaming near my house. I knew I would never turn back but it hurt to feel that all the things I owned, all the things that made me, well me was burning down to ash. To bad I’m now dead, I thought sarcastically, because I’ll never get that date with Kevin now. By the way, eww, gross!
The note was a piece of paper that had a miniature map on it with directions to his secret hideout. Well it led me to some dumpsters. Good thing the note had the way to get in on the back of the note or I would have never gotten in.
Well, let me interrupt right here and tell you about the school incident. It started with a dare. You see I love a good dare no matter how much trouble I could get in for doing it. Any way three years ago I got dared to sneak into the principal’s office and hack into his account and change every personal thing added to his computer. I was able to sneak in easily because our school didn’t have the money to pay for all the safety cameras. Once in I changed everything on the computer, I am a great hacker there hasn’t been one thing in this world that I couldn’t hack into so far.
Sadly I didn’t realize that one of the personally added programs was government related. Let’s just say our school got a new government security hall monitor and school assemblies every week because of that little incident. Jeez, I just can’t help wandering what was on that file I deleted. Anyway, let’s see, I left off at, oh, I know the dumpster. I tapped the dumpster twice and blew it a kiss. Weird, I know, and then the dumpster dissolved and then I got pulled through the ground. I was sliding down something and I didn’t like the fact that I didn’t know what. When I landed I decided that I would test that out. Sadly though I had a bigger problem in my hands.
I landed right in my brother’s secret hideout headquarters, which would have been cool if there hadn’t been about a hundred traps and guns and other dangerous items pointing towards me. I guess he forgot to write that on his note. Good thing I took gymnastics and dance and basically any other sportsy like thing. Well, let me tell you this if my brother was still alive I would kill him. Mainly because all that weaving and ducking was just to test me. Once I got to the screen a video started playing.
On the screen was my brother and he was talking throughout the whole video. So, to make this easier on you and me I'm just going to write it all down at once. "Cathleen if you are watching this that means that I have died and you are next. Our parents loved each other very much. When they went to the doctor’s office to see pictures of us something happened. You see father brought mother a rose and radioactive rays from the x-ray machine or something, zapped it, like that. Any way when mother smelled it she pricked her finger sending the radioactivity to the baby.
The doctor noticed this and he told them to repeat that again if they ever have another baby. Our parents agreed, but when they had their third child they didn't want their kid to be different and so they took the chance. Unfortunately our mom died giving birth and that baby died in the hospital. Father keeps busy as an U.P.S. worker. He can't bear to see us... well; you because it reminds him of mother and that hurts him. He pays for anything you need even if you are supposedly dead. All you need to do is ask by sending him a letter with rose petals inside. I hope you make all the right choices, love your brother." Well I guess that is why I feel strange whenever I am by roses. That also would explain why he dressed up as a white rose. Actually not the white part but I’m guessing that he did that because he believed deeply in purity and white kind of means that. I guess it's time for me to choose what I'm going to be doing with my life now. First though to test that thing I slid down. (Well, whatever I left of it)
turns out I slid down the inside of the stem of (yes you guessed it) a rose. The questions I now wished I could ask him was why did I get stabbed by one of his thorns and what should I do now?
That is where my life changes. That is when I become totally abnormal. That is when I face fate and destiny. Sadly though this is where I decide a darker path, a path that starts with a super hero.

I Only Accidentally Impersonated You

You see I really, really, really love comics. Especially since they are true. For me though my favorite super hero of all times is Spider-Man. So the best way for me to honor that would be becoming his sidekick. (Hey, I do need

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