» Computers » The Online World, Odd de Presno [simple ebook reader txt] 📗

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will send a periodic digest (weekly, monthly, etc.). To send a message to SOVNET-L, send to the BITNET address in column two above. Send to SOVNET-L@INDYCMS.BITNET

Review the following example. Most BITNET lists will accept these commands.

Example: Subscription to the China list

CHINA-NN is listed like this in the List of Lists:

CHINA-NN CHINA-NN@ASUACAD China News Digest (Global News)

Scandinavians may subscribe to CHINA-NN by Internet mail to LISTSERV@FINHUTC.BITNET . North American users may send their mail to LISTSERV@NDSUVM1.BITNET .

If your name is Winston Hansen, write the following command in the TEXT of the message SUB CHINA-NN Winston Hansen

When you want to leave CHINA-NN, send a cancellation message like this:


NOTE: Send the cancellation command to the address you used, when subscribing! If you subscribed through LISTSERV@FINHUTC, sending the SIGNOFF command to LISTSERV@NDSUVM1 will get you nowhere. Send to LISTSERV@FINHUTC.

Never send the SIGNOFF command to the discussion list itself! Always send to the LISTSERV.

Monitoring the action

THINKNET is an online magazine forum dedicated to "thoughtfulness in the cybertime environment." It brings reviews of significant and thought-provoking exchanges within our new electronic nation.

This electronic publication is free. If you're interested in philosophy, subscribe by sending a message through Internet to . Write the following in the TEXT of the message:

SEND THINKNET TO Your-Full-Name AT UserId@Your-Internet-Email-Address

Example: If your email address is and your name Odd de Presno, use the following command: SEND THINKNET TO Odd de Presno AT OPRESNO@EXTERN.UIO.NO

THINKNET is also available through the Philosophy conference on The Well, and on GEnie in the Philosophy category under the Religion and Ethics Bulletin Board. (Hard copy versions can be bought through THINKNET, PO BOX 8383, Orange CA 92664-8383, U.S.A.).

If you're on The Well, read the topic "News from Around Well Conferences" to learn about new developments. These are some mailing lists that may help you locate sources of interest:


Subscribe by email to LISTSERV@VMTECMEX.BITNET with the following in the TEXT of your message SUB NETSCOUT yourfirstname yourlastname This is where you can discuss and exchange information about servers, FTP sites, Filelists, lists, tools, and any related aspects.


Send email to LISTSERV@TEMPLEVM.BITNET with the text SUB HELP-NET yourfirstname yourlastname The list's main purpose is to help solve user problems with utilities and software related to the Internet and BITNET networks. The library contains several good help files for novice networkers. A great place for new Internet users!

Other sources available through the Internet

The Interest Groups List of Lists is available by electronic mail from . Send a message with the following text in the message body:

Send netinfo/interest-groups

Note that as of April 1993, the file was over 1,100,000 bytes in size. It will be returned to you in moderately sized pieces.

You can search the List of Lists by email. Say you're looking for a mailing list related to Robotics. To find out, send a message to LISTSERV@VM1.NODAK.EDU containing the following commands:

//ListSrch JOB Echo=No Database Search DD=Rules //Rules DD * search robotics in lists index search robotics in intgroup index search robotics in new-list index

Replace the search word 'robotics' with whatever else you may be looking for. The Usenet list of news groups and mailing lists is available on hosts that run Usenet News or NetNews servers and/or clients in the newsgroups news.announce.newusers and news.lists. The members of news.newusers.questions,, alt.internet.access.wanted, and readily accept your help requests. focuses on information about services available on the Internet. It is for people with Internet accounts who want to explore beyond their local computers, to take advantage of the wealth of information and services on the net. Services for discussion include:

* things you can telnet to (weather, library catalogs, databases, and more), * things you can FTP (like pictures, sounds, programs, data) * clients/servers (like MUDs, IRC, Archie) Every second week, a list of Internet services called the "Special Internet Connections list" is posted to this newsgroup. It includes everything from where to FTP pictures from space, how to find agricultural information, public UNIX, online directories and books, you name it. Dartmouth maintains a merged list of the LISTSERV lists on BITNET and the Interest Group lists on the Internet. Each mailing list is represented by one line. To obtain this list, send a message to LISTSERV@DARTCMS1.BITNET . Enter the following command in the text of the message:


InterNIC Information Service maintains an announcement-only service at called net-happenings. It distributes announcements about tools, conferences, calls for papers, news items, new mailing lists, electronic newsletters like EDUPAGE, and more. To subscribe, send a message to the LISTSERV containing this command:

subscribe net-happenings Your Name

InterNIC's automated mail service is at MAILSERV@RS.INTERNIC.NET. It allows access to documents and files via email. To use it, send email to the Mailserv with the word "HELP" in the subject field of your mail.

How to get more out of your magazine subscriptions

PC Magazine (U.S.A.) is one of those magazines that arrives here by mail. We butcher them, whenever we find something of interest. The "corpses" are dumped in a high pile on the floor.

To retrieve a story in this pile is difficult and time consuming, unless the title is printed on the cover. Luckily, there are shortcuts. Logon to PC MagNet on CompuServe. Type GO PCMAG to get the following menu:

PC MagNet

1 Download a PC Magazine Utility 2 PC Magazine Utilities/Tips Forum 3 PC Magazine Editorial Forum 4 PC Magazine Programming Forum 5 PC Magazine After Hours Forum 6 PC Magazine Product Reviews Index 7 Free! - Take a Survey 8 Submissions to PC Magazine 9 Letters to the Editor 10 Subscribe to PC Magazine

Choice six lets you search for stories. Once you have a list with page/issue references, turning the pages gets much easier.

PC Magazine is owned by the media giant Ziff-Davis. PC MagNet is a part of ZiffNet on CompuServe. So is Computer Database Plus, which lets you search through more than 250,000 articles from over 200 popular newspapers and magazines. The oldest articles are from early 1987. The database is also available on CD-ROM, but the discs cover only one year at a time. CDP contains full-text from around 50 magazines, like Personal Computing, Electronic News, MacWeek and Electronic Business. Stories from the other magazines are available in abstracted form only. To search the database, CDP, you pay an extra US$24.00 per hour. In addition, you pay US$1.00 per abstract and US$1.50 per full-text article (1992). These fees are added to your normal CompuServe access rates. ZiffNet also offers Magazine Database Plus, a database with stories from over 90 magazines covering science, business, sport, people, personal finance, family, art and handicraft, cooking, education, environment, travel, politics, consumer opinions, and reviews of books and films. The magazines include: Administrative Management, Aging, Changing Times, The Atlantic, Canadian Business, Datamation, Cosmopolitan, Dun's Business Month, The Economist, The Futurist, High Technology Business, Journal of Small Business Management, Management Today, The Nation, The New Republic, Online, Playboy, Inc., Popular Science, Research & Development, Sales & Marketing Management, Scientific American, Technology Review, UN Chronicle, UNESCO Courier and U.S. News & World Report. In the next chapter, we will present another ZiffNet magazine database: the Business Database Plus. Magazine Index (MI), from Information Access Company (U.S.A.), is another source worth looking at. It covers over 500 consumer and general-interest periodicals as diverse as Special Libraries and Sky & Telescope, Motor Trend and Modern Maturity, Reader's Digest and Rolling Stone. Many titles go as far back as 1959. Although most of the database consists of brief citations, MI also contains the complete text of selected stories from a long list of periodicals. It is available through Dialog, CompuServe, BRS, Data-Star, Dow Jones News/Retrieval, Nexis, and others. Say you so often get references to a given magazine that you want a paper subscription. Try the Electronic Newsstand, which is available by gopher or telnet to If these Internet commands are unavailable, try mail to

Finding that book

Over 270 libraries around the world are accessible by the Internet telnet command. Some of them can also be accessed by Internet mail. This is the case with BIBSYS, a database operated by the Norwegian universities' libraries.

I am into transcendental meditation. I'm therefore constantly looking for books on narrow topics like "mantra". To search BIBSYS for titles of interest, I sent mail to . The search word was entered in the subject title of the message. By return email, I got the following report: Date: Fri, 21 Jul 93 13:54:18 NOR From: GENSERV@POLLUX.BIBSYS.NO Subject: Searching BIBSYS Search request : MANTRA Database-id : BIBSYS Search result : 5 hits.

The following is one of the references. I have forwarded it to my local library for processing:

Forfatter : Gonda, J. Tittel : Mantra interpretation in the Satapatha-Brahmana / by J. Gonda. Trykt : Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1988. Sidetall : X, 285 s. I serie : (Orientalia Rheno-traiectina ; 32) ISBN : 90-04-08776-1 1 - UHF 90ka03324 - UHF/INDO Rh III b Gon

The Danish library database REX may be accessed through most international packet switching networks. Its Network User Address (NUA) is 23824125080000. When connected, enter RC8000 and press return. Press ESC once. The system will respond with ATT. Enter KB REX, and you're ready to search Dansk Bogfortegnelse since 1980, Dansk Musikfortegnelse since 1980, and ISDS Denmark.

BARTON is the library system of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Its database contains everything received since 1974 except magazine articles, brochures, and technical reports from sources outside M.I.T. Phone: +1-617-258-6700 (1200 bps). Press ENTER a couple of times to access the system. On CompuServe, there is a section for book collectors in the Coin/Stamp/Collectibles Forum, and a Weekly Book Chat section in the ScienceFiction & Fantasy Forum. In the Electronic Mall, you can buy books directly from Ballantine Books, Penguin Books, Small Computer Book Club, The
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