» Cooking » The Indian Cookery Book, - [classic books for 11 year olds txt] 📗
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of the leaves; take for the stuffing as

much only as will suffice to stuff the number of ducks intended to be

dressed; add for each duck a teaspoonful of finely-pounded pepper, and

one of salt, with three cloves of garlic, and two chittacks or four

ounces of butter free of water; stuff your birds and bake or roast as

you please.


328.—Stuffing for Roast Turkey or Goose


Break, blanch, and slice up very fine twenty-five Barcelona nuts and a

dozen Jordan almonds, and set aside; fry, in two chittacks or four

ounces of butter free of water, four tablespoonfuls of finely-sliced

onions; add to it one dozen oysters, half a dozen boiled potatoes

broken up small, but not mashed, a pork or beef sausage broken up

small, the rind of a fresh lemon finely sliced and chopped, the crumb

of a slice of stale bread grated fine, some garden herbs, grated

nutmeg, plenty of finely-pounded pepper, and salt to taste; then add

the sliced nuts, and as much stock as will cover the whole of the

mixture, and allow it to simmer over a slow fire until it is reduced

to the consistency of stuffing; next add the juice of a lemon and a

little mushroom catsup and port wine, and stuff the bird, after fixing

the stuffing with an egg.


329.—Jelly for Cooked Birds, Meats, or Made Dishes


Boil down eight calves’-feet, with some pepper and salt, two onions, a

head of celery, and two carrots, in three or four quarts of water,

according to the quantity of jelly required; when perfectly boiled

down strain it lightly without bruising the onions or carrots; let it

cool, and remove all the fat; then, with a dozen cloves and the juice

and rind of a lemon, boil it again, adding a tablespoonful of soy or

any other dark-coloured, rich, and well-flavoured sauce; beat up to a

light froth the whites of four eggs, and clear the soup or jelly; add

a wineglass of brown sherry, and run or drip it through flannel. Pour

what you require over the ready cooked or dressed meat into moulds,

and let the rest cool in some large flat dish, and cut it up small for

garnishing the meat or bird when served up.




330.—Love-apple or Tomato Sauce


Ingredients:—Five hundred tomatoes; two pounds of green ginger,

ground fine; a pound and a half of garlic, ground fine; one pound of

chilies, ground fine; one pound of chilies, ground fine; one pound of

salt; three pounds of tamarinds; and three quarts of vinegar.


Steep the tamarinds for twelve hours in a quart of the vinegar; strain

them through a sieve, rejecting the stones, and add the other two

quarts of vinegar, all the ground condiments, and salt; break the

tomatoes into the mixture, and boil the whole, stirring it all the

time until it thickens; remove it from the fire, and when cold strain

it carefully and bottle the liquid, which is the sauce.


331.—Tomato or Love-apple Chutnee


Ingredients:—Two hundred large ripe love-apples, four ounces of

raisins, seven ounces of salt, four ounces of sugar, eight ounces of

chilies, finely sliced, four ounces of ground garlic, and seven ounces

of ground mustard-seed.


Parboil the tomatoes in a quart of vinegar, add the other ingredients,

and allow the whole to stand for ten to twelve hours; then boil it for

twenty to thirty minutes over a slow fire; when cold, bottle it.


332.—Tapp Sauce


Ingredients:—Three seers or six pounds of peeled and sliced mangoes,

two pounds of ground raisins, a pound of ground garlic, half a pound

of ground chilies, a pound and a half of ground ginger, a pound of

sugar, two pounds of salt, a quart of lime-juice, and six quarts of



Mix all the above well together, put it into stone jars, and expose it

to the sun for twenty days or a month, after which drain away the

liquid, which is the sauce; boil it for ten to fifteen minutes, and

when cold bottle and cork it.


333.—Sweet Chutnee


The refuse of the tapp sauce makes an excellent chutnee with the

addition of some thick syrup, a few dried dates, a few more whole

raisins, and some hot spices. Put the whole into a pan and let it

simmer for a quarter of an hour, or until the syrup is absorbed and

the chutnee reduced to a proper consistency; when cool, bottle, and

cork it well down.


334.—Another Way


Ingredients:—Two hundred green mangoes, peeled and sliced, four

pounds of salt, three pounds of ground garlic, three pounds of ground

ginger, one pound of chilies, finely sliced, four pounds of raisins,

half a dozen bay-leaves, eight pounds of sugar, and four quarts of



Make all the sugar into a syrup with two quarts of the vinegar, in

which the sliced mangoes must be boiled; when half done, throw in the

other ingredients, and mix up well; last of all, add the remaining two

quarts of vinegar, and when the chutnee begins to thicken remove it

from the fire; let it cool, and then bottle it.


335.—Sweet Mango Chutnee


Ingredients:—A hundred green mangoes, peeled and sliced, two seers of

tamarinds stoned, the syrup of six pounds of sugar boiled in three

quarts of vinegar, one tablespoonful of finely-pounded cinnamon, two

pounds of salt, two pounds of sliced ginger, two pounds of cleaned and

picked raisins, three quarts of vinegar, and one dessertspoonful of

grated nutmeg.


Peel the mangoes, cut them into fine slices, and steep them in salt

for thirty-six hours; drain away the salt water, and boil them in the

three quarts of vinegar; when cool, remove them into a preserving-pan,

mix in all the condiments and other ingredients, and allow the whole

to simmer for half an hour, pouring in the syrup gradually, and mixing

all the time, until the vinegar and syrup have been absorbed, and the

chutnee has acquired the desired consistency; bottle and cork when

perfectly cold.


336.—Hot Sweet Mango Chutnee


Ingredients:—A hundred green mangoes, the syrup of four pounds of

sugar and three quarts of vinegar, four pounds of tamarinds, stoned

and strained, three quarts of vinegar, eight or ten bay-leaves, one

pound of green chilies, two pounds of sliced ginger, one pound of

cloves of garlic, one pound of raisins, and two pounds of salt.


Peel and cut the mangoes into fine slices, and steep them in salt for

twenty-four to thirty-six hours; remove the mangoes from the salt

water, and boil them in three quarts of vinegar; when quite cool, lay

them in a preserving-pan, sprinkle over them the remaining salt, add

all the condiments, tamarinds, raisins, &c., and allow the whole to

simmer for half an hour, stirring all the time, with the syrup. It

should not be bottled until quite cold.


337.—Tamarind Chutnee


Ingredients:—Four pounds of ripe tamarinds without the stones, a

quarter of a pound each of ground chilies, ginger, and garlic, two

ounces of ground cinnamon, half a pound of picked currants, half a

pound of raisins (the small Cabool are the best), two pounds of soft

sugar, a quarter of a pound of salt, and a quart of vinegar.


Put the whole into a glazed earthen preserving-pan, pour over it a

quart of vinegar or syrup, or as much as will entirely cover the

mixture, and mix all well together; then allow it to simmer over a

quick fire until the vinegar or syrup is absorbed and the chutnee

thickened to the required consistency; it must be stirred during the

whole time it is on the fire.


N.B.—The two pounds of sugar and the quart of vinegar may be made

into syrup or used separately.




Peel and slice fine a hundred green mangoes, steep them in salt for

twelve hours, then put them under a heavy pressure for two hours, and

drain away all the water; then mix with them half a pound each of

ground chilies, ginger, and garlic, half a pound of bruised

mustard-seed, two pounds of tamarinds without the stones, and some

salt; when the whole is thoroughly mixed, pour over it as much warmed

or cooked mustard oil as will entirely cover it, and cook it for ten

to fifteen minutes over a brisk fire; when cold bottle it, taking care

that it is kept several inches well under the oil, and that it is well

corked, or it will spoil.


339.—Mango Amchoor


Peel and quarter some green mangoes; sprinkle with salt, and expose

them to the sun until they begin to dry up; then rub them with dry

pounded turmeric, chilies, and dry ginger; sprinkle more salt, and

expose them to the sun again, until they are quite dried up, when they

may be bottled and kept for use.


340.—Pickled Cabbage


Quarter a full-sized cabbage, keep it in salt for forty-eight hours,

and then drain away all the water. Prepare a pickle or brine of salt

and water in the proportion of eight ounces of salt to twenty-four

ounces of water, and boil it with half an ounce each of peppercorns

and bay-leaves; pack the cabbage loose in a wide-mouthed stone jar,

and pour over it the cold pickle or brine, which should have been

boiled the day before. Care must be taken to keep the mouth of the jar

always airtight, or the cabbage will rot. When required for use, take

out as much as will be required, steep it in fresh cold water for an

hour or two, and then boil it the same as fresh cabbage.


341.—Red Cabbage Pickle


Slice the cabbage, and sprinkle salt over each layer; after

twenty-four hours remove it into a colander, and allow all the salt

water to drain; then put the cabbage into a pan, pour in sufficient

boiling vinegar to cover it, and add a few slices of red beetroot;

when cold, put it into glass bottles and cork down.


342.—Red Cauliflower Pickle


This is a very uncommon pickle, and looks particularly pretty in white

bottles. Cut the cauliflower into pieces of equal sizes, sprinkle with

salt, and place it in the sun for a couple of days. Make a syrup of

vinegar and sugar: to every quart of vinegar put a quarter of a pound

of sugar, a few sticks of cinnamon, and as much sliced or bruised and

pounded red beet as will give the vinegar a deep red colour. When all

the salt water has drained away, put the cauliflower into a pan, and

pour over it the boiling-hot vinegar or syrup through a fine sieve, in

order to leave behind the sticks of cinnamon and fibres of the

beetroot; when cold, put the pickle into nice white bottles and cork.


343.—Patna or Bombay Onion Pickle


According to the size and number of bottles, take the small or button

onions; remove the outer coat, wash and dry them thoroughly, throw

them into a pan with some vinegar, and parboil them; set the vinegar

aside, after filtering it, for shrimp, cucumber, and other salads, or

for the preparation of mustard. Put the parboiled onions when cold

into wide-mouthed bottles, laying them alternately with fresh red

chilies, a few black peppercorns, some finely-sliced green ginger, and

a little salt. Fill the bottles with vinegar, and cork them.


344.—Mangoes Pickled Whole


Peel and divide some large-sized mangoes sufficiently to admit of the

stones being easily extracted; rub them over with salt, and expose

them to the sun for two or three days; then dry them with a napkin,

and stuff each mango with a few cloves of garlic, finely-sliced

chilies and ginger, some cullungee seeds, a clove or two, and a stick

or two of cinnamon;

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