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Terra’s Wolf

By: Ash D. Knight

"Mother, may I please go for a walk?" Sixteen-year-old Terra Silver-owl asked her mother from the doorway of their small cottage. Terra waited patiently as her mother considered her question.
"Yes, you may, as long as you promise not to stray far from the village." Her mother allowed, brushing back a wisp of pale blond hair that had escaped her un-tidy bun.
"I promise mother, I will not stray any farther than The Pond." Terra promised, hastily braiding her long auburn hair. Her dark green eyes showered her sincerity over her mother.
"Alright, my daughter, you may go. Be sure you are home for supper, your father will be home soon as well.
"Yes, mother. Good-bye." Terra closed the wooden door lighly behind her and made her way quickly out of the village. Less than a mile or so into the forest was a beautiful pond in a lovely clearing a few miles outside Creed Castle. Terra grimaced at the reminder of the Creed family.
The Creeds were a powerful and rich family who felt them selves to be above the company of the villagers. They were constantly in the company of the King and Queen and their children. They lived in an abandoned castle a few miles outside of the clearing. Lord Creed and Lady Creed had three sons, Henry, Walter, and Randell. Henry was training in medical, Walter was rumored to be the drunken one of the bunch, and Randell was supposedly being trained to take over after his father died.
But, that was just it, it was all rumored. No one had actually seen the Creeds except for their servants, and their servants preffered to stay tight lipped. So no one knew what was fact and what wasn't, Terra pointed out to herself, trying to stay on nuteral territory. For all she knew the Creeds could actually be quite nice.
She stopped her inner babbling as she came into view of the pond. The Pond was named such because it was a pond, but it was also rumored to be the very pond that the King and Queen had met at. The Pond was a perfect circle with a few rocks here and there, a lily pad or two, and a tree stump that was at the very edge.
Terra walked to the stump and removed both of her slippers, lifting the edge of her dress up she rested her bare feet in the water. Terra sat in silence for a long time, thinking about her father and how his buisness was in danger, and would have stayed longer, but a wolf walked out of the trees and Terra froze in the process of dipping her right foot in and out of the pond.
The raven black wolf was big, with fur that looked as soft as silk, but an aura with that of a warriors. The wolf had eyes the same enchanting blue as the pond, and teeth as white as the moonstone than dangled from a long leather tie around Terra's neck.
The wolf made it's way to the pond and sat, sparing inches between itsself and Terra. It faced her, staring intently into her shocked eyes. Watching it so closly she could have sworn the wolf was grinning at her!
"Hello, who are you?" The wolf asked her pleasently, its voice as fine as silk but as rough as leather.
"Terra, and you are?" She asked, acting as if she had conversations with rouge wolves constantly.
"My friends call me Rand, and may I ask what you are doing near my pond, sweet Terra?" The wolf asked, as pleasent as any prince.
"I am sorry if you are confused, Rand, but this pond belongs to no one. It is not on Creed land, nor is it on the villages land. And you are a wolf, therefor you can not own a pond." Terra said sweetly, smiling slightly at the shocked look in the wolf's eyes.
"My sweet, I am not the confused one. This pond is in my hunting grounds, therefor, it does belong to me. I would be willing to let you have it for a price though." He explained, regaining his composure quickly.
"Oh? And what might this price be, Rand?"
"A kiss."
"A mere kiss? For such a lovely pond? Oh, but I couldn't. You see, I don't believe this pond is truly yours, so why should I pay you a toll for spending time near it?" She said, glancing at him like she was calm, but her insides still screamed at her to jump up and run in the opposite direction.
"Oh? You do not believe me? Well, how shall I proove it, Sweet? What do you wish for as proof?" The wolf asked, seeming to raise a brow and chuckle at her abundently shocked stare.
"I will not pay your toll." She said finally, realizing defeat, and hating it.
"Fine, two kisses."
"Why you insolent animal!"
"Shall I make it four then?"
"No! Fine, you win, I'll pay your toll of a kiss."
"Two, actually. You lost the privelage of one when you argued with me." The wolf said slyly.
"Two! Fine, but you have to leave as soon as I give them to you." She ordered, no longer pretending to be calm. She knew her face was red with anger, and her hair was coming out of it's braid.
"Deal. You must close your eyes though, my sweet. No one must see my human form. No clothes and all that."
"Fine." She snapped, closing her eyes and puckering her lips in impatience. She felt a ripple in the air, felt cool winds blow, and felt a human presence.
Before she could give into temptation and peek at her mystery toll taker, she felt full male lips brush lightly against hers, questioning. She answered automatically, pressing her lips harder against Rand's. She felt him shudder slightly before he slipped his arms around her waist and kissing her hungerly. She felt her hands roam up his strong arms and around his shoulders.
He pulled back slightly, taking a breath before returning her kisses once more. She had no idea of how long they kissed, and lost track of the number of kisses by the time it hit ten, and she was sure she had goofed up the count even then. Suddenly he pulled back, gasping for breath just like Terra.
She opened her eyes, hoping to catch a quick glimpse of her mystery wolf, but he had already changed forms.
"I don't suppose you liked my kisses very much did you, Sweet Terra?" He asked darkly, staring at her, his eyes full of laughter, were darker than before and his breathing more heavy.
"Actually, for a wolf, you're not a half bad kisser, Sir Rand." She said to the wolf, smiling slyly. "If it weren't for the fact that you are in wolf form I'd probably still be kissing you."
She saw she had shocked him and laughed darkly to herself. She stood slowly, slipping her shoes back onto her wet feet, and began to walk away. His voice stopped her in her tracks.
"Come back tomorrow." Was all he said, before disappearing into the trees.
Terra stood alone in the clearing for a moment more, remembering his kisses. She quickly decided he was trouble, and she was looking for just that. T-r-o-u-b-l-e.
She loved the idea, all of it. Especially the part that concerned his lips against her own.

A mile or so away, headed for Creed Castle, Randell Creed reflected on the young girl named Terra. She was young, barely seventeen, where he himself was closing in on nineteen, and fast. He didn't like the idea of fast on that subject.
Terra was young, but mature. She had a very adult aura about her, it warned that she was one female to be reckoned with. She would rather have kicked him between his legs instead of paying his toll, he thought with a smile, that was, before he had actually kissed her.
He had enjoyed the experience himself. His hands had fit perfectly on her slim hips, covered by a dress a shade darker red than her lovely auburn hair. Her waist was small, and his arms had easily fit around her. Her lips, so soft and full, were like a silken rose. Soft but not yeilding, and that jaw of hers, how it had clenched when he had raised there stakes, he remembered with a dark chuckle.
He made his way up the steps of the castle, and transformed into his human form, ignoring the gaping female servants, and slipped into his royal blue robe. He smiled when he saw his brothers, and grimaced at his father, smiling once again at his mother.
"Rand, where ever have you been all this time darling, I thought you said you were merely going to that pond of yours."

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