» Drama » Little Liar, Nicole Steele [best romantic novels to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Little Liar, Nicole Steele [best romantic novels to read .txt] 📗». Author Nicole Steele

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Chapter 1
Meeting Again
“Why are you late Ms. Halliwell?” Miss Beckon asked. I thought really hard for an answer she hasn’t heard yet, “I…I...was getting my homework out my locker, but it was jammed,” That should cover me for not having my homework and for being late, I thought. She nodded and I went to my seat.
During class my best friend Prue passed me a note asking me why was I late this time. I wrote back that I would tell her later. After that class was really boring, like always. When class was over, I met with Prue at my locker, “So?” she looked at me with curious eyes, like always when she wants to know about anything. “I was with Seth again” I replied with a sigh.
“Wow,” she said while I was getting my things, “does he ever get tired of you? I know I do,” We started walking down the school steps and then a car came screeching to a halt on the curb. I stared with excitement. In the front of the car was Seth, “What would two young, gorgeous ladies say to a ride home?”
I stared at Prue, and she nodded, “We would love to get a ride,” We walked up to the car and he unlocked the doors. I sat in front while Prue sat in the back, “Who would like to get dropped off first?” he stared at both of us and then Prue answered, “I would like to,” Seth started the car and we drove out the school parking lot. The whole ride to Prue was silent. After we dropped off Prue, Seth stopped the car two blocks away from my house. “Why are you stopping,” I asked. He leaned towards me and kissed me gently on the lips, “You know why,” he said. When he leaned in for a much deeper kiss, my phone started to ring. “Hello,” I answered.
“Hey sweetheart,” my mom said, “When will you be home?”
“Um…” I motioned my hands to tell Seth to get to my house, “I’m like two blocks away from the house. Why?”
“Oh, well someone’s here to see you.” she answered, and then added, “Well, I’ll talk to you more when you get home,” then she hung up. Seth turned onto my street then pulled into the driveway. I unbuckled my seat belt and got my book bag. When I put my hand on the car handle Seth held my chin and kissed me. It was nice, but not the same as the first time we kissed. When Seth let go of my chin and stopped kissing me I smiled then got out the car.
As soon as I enter the house, I heard voices in the living room. “You two have grown up way too much,” I identified one of the voices as my moms, “You won’t believe what you see of her now,”
The other voice (which was husky, so I knew it was a boy) replied to her comment, “Well, I hope it’s not a big difference. I also hope she acts the same,”
My mom chuckled, “Oh no, she has changed drastically. She dresses and acts different,” When my mom said that, I entered the room, “Hey mom, whose this?” The boy in the chair stood up and I couldn’t believe who I was looking at. “Eeeeeep!” I screamed. I ran up to him and gave him a hug. He picked me up and spun me around. “I can’t believe you’re here,” I said with excitement when he put me down, “How long are you staying? Why are you back? Why didn’t you…”
“Alex, stop with the questions, catch your breath,” he said with a chuckle. I closed my eyes and breathed in an out, and then opened them again. I still couldn’t believe I was looking at my best friend, Stefan.
We were best friends since kindergarten. The first day we didn’t even notice each other, not even glances. Then, the next day we ended up trading our lunches. I don’t know how or why, we just started being friends.
“So how you been?” I asked.
“Good,” he replied, “What ‘bout you?”
“I’ve been great. So, why are you here?” I asked. We both sat down on the couch. My mom went in the kitchen to make us some snacks, “I’m actually moving back,” he answered when my mom left the room, “and one of the reasons I came back was to see my best friend,”
“Is there another reason?” I asked. I wanted to regret that question, but it was already out. I knew his second reason wouldn’t be any of my business, but I’m a curious person. And there probably isn’t a second reason. “Well…” he hesitated, (I knew I should’ve asked that question) “I can’t tell you that…..yet. But I will, just not now,”
“K,” I replied, “So, where are you going to school at?” Another stupid question, why don’t I just put tape over my mouth and let him do all the talking. “I’m going to school at Eagle High. I heard it was a nice school with a high education standard,” he said.
“Yeah it is. I go there; it’s a really good school. There’s always something goin’ on there. I love it and I think you will too,” I said, “You wanna go out back? It’s practically still the same,”
He got up from the couch and replied, “Sure, why not,” We both walked out to the back patio. The sun was shining brighter than it did earlier, making the pool shimmer like there were tiny glass beads filled it to the rim, and to me that was a good sign. We sat down on the lounge chairs by the pool.
“Where did you go when you left?” I asked.
He turned to look at me, “If I knew you were gonna bury me in questions I wouldn’t have come here. But, if you must know, I went to Chicago. When I first got there I hated it, but that was ‘cause I didn’t know it, but after staying there a while I kinda enjoyed it,”
“Awesome,” I said, “Did your parents ever tell you why they left?”
He turned away from me, “They didn’t tell me until I was twelve. I didn’t understand or accept it ‘til I was fourteen, now I'm sixteen,”
"I know how old you are, our birthdays are in the same month,” I got out my seat and sat next to him. “What was the reason? You don't have to tell me but.....I would really like to know," I asked. I need to ask my mom what she did with that tape. I waited a few seconds, but he didn't respond, "C'mon," I said nudging him in the side, "it can't be that bad, “He got up and walked over to the edge of the pool. I really need to learn to keep my mouth shut. I got up and walked slowly over toward him. "I don’t really want to talk about it right now. Has anything new or interesting happen in your life?" He asked turning around, almost bumping into me.
"Not really," I said, "except.....well you really wouldn't care,"
"Actually, I kinda would care, “He replied, "You’re like a sister to me, you could tell me anything and I would totally care,"
I laughed at that, "I don't think brothers would care 'bout who their sister goes out with,"
"Well, I'm a different type of brother. Plus, I gotta pound some sense into the boy to make sure he doesn't break your heart, "He said pounding his fist into his hand.
I laughed and punched him in the arm, "If you do that I wouldn't talk to you for the rest of the time that we know each other,"
He stepped closer to me and said with a devilish smile, "Really?"
"Really," I replied crossing my arms over my chest. Then all of a sudden he scoped me up in his arms and held me hovering over the pool. "You wouldn't dare," I said.
He smiled, "You wanna bet," I shook my head. "If you want to be dry and on land, you have to take back what you said,"
"Only," I replied, "If you take back what you said,"
He sighed, "Ok. If I take back what I said you'll take back what you said?" I nodded my head. Instead of taking it back he dropped me into the pool. I came up and saw him laughing. "Ha-ha, now can you help get out of the pool," I said. He extended his hand; I grabbed it and pulled him in. We stayed in there for a while, splashing each other, which is really weird because we were dressed in clothes. After a while we got out and dried off. "I should be going. Moms probably getting' tired since I left her with all the unpacking," He said.
I made a frowning face and replied, “Stay a bit longer. We could watch a movie or something. Can't your dad help your mom?"
He shook his head, " My dad's out looking' for a job and plus my mom is gettin' too old to be doing things all by herself,"
I sighed, "Your right, you should get back. But, I wanna go with you," He thought about me wanting to go and he made a funny thinking face, and then said, "Ok, but there is a lot of stuff to unpack and we kinda got a big house. And it might the rest of the day," I shrugged.

When I got home, my back was aching in pain and any time I tried to relax my shoulders it felt like an electric shock coursing through my entire body. I went upstairs -which I did with a groan in each step because I was running up and down stairs- to take a hot bubbling bath. I know what you're thinking, why would a teenager be taking a bath? Well, here’s the reason, I had a long day, so bug off!
After my long, lovely bath I went through all the stuff on top of my dresser to look for my scrap book of me and Stefan. I always keep that scrap book in a special place, which is where I keep all special things. Or maybe it wasn't on my dresser, but in my desk. I went through all the drawers and checked everything that looked like a scrap book, even though I know what the scrap book looks like.
Stefan and I decorated the book together when we were seven. We had divided it into four squares. I had one square, he had another and we decorated the third square together. We used the last square to glue the funniest picture we ever had. We had to make another scrap book because we both wanted a scrap book of our own.
I couldn't find it on top of my dresser or in any of my desk drawers. The one place I have to check now is my closet. But I never go in there. Anything that I put in there never comes back out. Like lame costumes that my mom and dad pick out when they don't take me, but I don't have that probably anymore-thank god- because I don't trick or treat anymore. I opened up the closet and was shocked at what I saw: A huge pile in the middle of the floor. At the instant my eyes saw how enormous that pile was I knew it would be a long night. But instead of getting on my knees and digging through that fat pile, I

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