» Drama » Riding through the gates, Taylor Campbell Black [best novels for students .TXT] 📗

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-Riding through the gates
(Revised Version of The Skater)
The year was 1966, 19 year old, Alfred Roman Campbell, was the most popular and respected Skater in Ireland. He was very wealthy, with good luck, good looks, and good friends; ok I think you get it by now that he had good everything. Did I ever tell you how he became so popular? Never mind it now that’s a whole different story for another rainy day. Let’s go back to the story. Alfred didn’t really have the best childhood growing up. On a vacation to Vegas with his father, they went out for dinner and when they were leaving the Rock&Roll diner. These two black gang bangers shot one bullet at the father and he went down they took his money and said, “That’s what you get for what you did.” Alfred’s father later died that night. Alfred and his mother inherited four thousand dollars a month. Alfred didn’t know what they meant by, “That’s what you get for what you did.” Alfred didn’t really have a religion so he called himself an Alfredist. Which is the religion of Alfredism, in Alfredism, he believed nothing. Just live each day until you die. He a smart kid with great grades until he was a freshman, his mother died from drugs and alcohol. After her husband died she did all sorts of drugs, like coke, marijuana, sniffy jiffies, sally sallies, conk conks, junkie jankies, Charlie Charles, even drugs that I didn’t even know existed, like hbana Joannas, chunkie bunny’s, and gangana lamas. He quit school and lived with his best friend Christopher Kringle, who was a sex addict. Now let’s start the story. It starts with a skate park that Alfred was in. He was skating when he met a twelve year old punk who getting all of the attention, and was apparently a better skater than him. So he went up to him said, “Get your baby little punk ass out of my skate park you little piece of shit and never come back”, but what he actually said was, “Hey, you’re a great skater. How old are you.” That’s good that what he said was actually what he said, because if he said something different that would have changed his whole life. “My name is Carlos Ford, I’m twelve years old, and it’s nice to meet you. Do you want to be my friend? “Sure I would love to be your friend”. Alfred looked very happy with his new friend, but he wasn’t he was actually scared that the kid might steal his mojo, and he was also a little jealous of him. Alfred asked him if he wanted to learn some tricks from him. The kid said “Sure”. Alfred was always patient with Carlos no matter how hard it was to teach him. When Carlos tried to do a trick he would always say “Like this, like this”. “Is this how you do it”. Carlos was a great model for Alfred, and Alfred was a great Role Model to him. They soon became best of friends. They went to church together, watched movies together, and you know hung out with each other. On one Friday I believe the year was 1966, and there were going to see a movie I forgot what the title was, but it was a big deal because many people were excited about it. After the movie they were walking home. They saw police driving fast and there were many of them. One police car stopped and the police officer told them, “You guys better get home soon, and when I say soon I meant fast.” Alfred asked “what’s wrong”. The police man said there was a robbery, and shootings, and rape going around. So the police man asked them for a ride and they accepted. On the way home they were talking and laughing and having fun, just at the last turn a bullet flew through the air and went through the window. The police man went out, and he was shot in the neck immediately. The robber who was believed to be black went into that car and this is what happened. “Yo white ass kid what’s Yo name.” I’m Albert, and I’m nineteen years old sir.” So the robber told them to give him money so they did. Than they left. A cop later killed all of the criminals and gave them there money back, and gave Albert, and Carlos a huge palace to live in, and they all lived happily ever after. THE END.

I wish it was the end, but I’m sad to tell you that this story isn’t like the happiest little elf. It is full of misfortune and sadness all around. Anyways back at the place where they were robbed this is what really happened. The robber got the money left told them to stay put, and went talking to another one of the criminals. “Yo what should we do with these little pieces of shit?” “I don’t know you got yourself into this.” “Just don’t kill them let them be free.” “If you don’t give me your money I’ll shoot these kids” So he did. Except that he only shot Carlos and it hit him in the neck from thirty-five feet away. Oh yeah all of the criminals ran away. They were told not to call the cops. They waited in that car for hours. Than it started to rain. As Carlos’s dying body laid in Albert’s arms, Carlos said something. “For if I die remember me, not in tears and sadness, but in Joy and happiness, and for all the fun we had together.” “I never really had a brother until I met you, I love you.” “And I love you little bro.” “Just please don’t die on me, please.” “You know something, I’m not scared to die, even though I’m fourteen and that’s young this could be my time it just could be.” There is still one good thing about this, I’ll be home soon, I’ll be riding through the gates of heaven and I’ll be with you someday, just like I’ll be with God soon.” I’ll be riding through the gates, the gates of heaven.” “He’s not going to make it, he’s not going to make it” “We did surgery and tried to remove the bullet but it was jammed deep in the esophagus we can’t get it out” “Were sorry, so sorry” “We tried” The tears of sadness fell from the eye of Alfred. Alfred remembered all of those memories he had with Carlos. All the movies he watched all the songs they sang together, and especially the words he said when he tried doing a trick that Alfred taught him, “Like this, like this.” “Is this how you do it?” Just at that second he remembered what Alfred said to him recently. “For if I die remember me, not in tears and sadness, but in Joy and happiness, and for all the fun we had together.” He was still sad but he remembered even at the last seconds of Carlos’s life, that Carlos would soon be riding at the gates of heaven. Riding through the gates, the gates of heaven.
Carlos ended up dying that night, while Alfred was praying with him. Even though it was sad, Alfred knew that Carlos was in heaven, happy as can be and in no pain. Well that’s the end of the life of Carlos. Those are all the facts of this story. I know all these facts because I was there I was at every event that was motioned. Yes, I was there, I was there I was Alfred.


Text: 2012
Publication Date: 03-17-2012

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To my friends, and family.

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