» Drama » My One Day Notice, Milli-may skys [7 ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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Tammy's p.o.v.-

I slipped on my flats and grabbed my black leather jacket.I looked at myself in the mirror one more time before heading to the block.I walked to the door."Tamera?Where are you going?"My mother asked.

"I let out a irritated sigh.Im going to meet up with the girls."I said.

"And where might that be?"She asked her arms crossed.

Last weekend I was brought home by the cops.I didnt do anything wrong.We were just having fun at a party at my girl's house.Some neighbor of hers' called the cops.Those bitches."Ma im gunna be late...."I groaned.

"I dont care.Just promise me you won't get into trouble."She said.

"I promise...Now can i go?"I asked.

She nodded.

"Thanks."I said and ran out the door.

I closed the door to my friend Hidi's car."Finally."Hidi said turning on her car.

"Sorry.Hey girls."I said waving behind me to my other friends Jeslyn and Amber.

Hidi took off.

So are we picking Marissa up?I asked.

Nah she says shes got to help her mom unpack.Hidi said shaking her head.

Damn still?I asked.

"Yeah I know...She's been home for 3 weeks and she still hasnt unpacked everything."Hidi said rolling her eyes.

"Hey you guys...Has anyone else noticed that Marissa is blowing us all off for the last few days?"Amber asked.

Hidis eyes got wide."Amber's right!Thats it we're going over there!"Hidi said hitting her stirring wheel.

"You guys what if she's not lieing?"I asked."Lets just go to the block."I said.

Well whatever...Hidi said.


Marissa p.o.v.-

I turned my phone off after I texted my friend Hidi.I lay on my bed wondering what I was going to say to Melissa when she got back from her vacation.I didnt want to be her side kick in bullying people.That's not who I am.I should have never got invovled with her and made that group.I never wanted those girls to be mine and Melissa's puppets.Ive known Melissa and her family for 15 years.Our parents introduced us when we were one.So I kinda didnt have a choice to not be her friend.I dont know how im going to tell her im done or how she will take it.Melissa isn't the kind of person to just let things go.Ive been practicing all summer how I will tell her.I have two weeks left to make my final descion.I decided to tell her the day she gets back.Her first visit will be here I assume so what better time to tell her.

"Still blowing them off?"My mother asked.

"It's not like that...I just have things to do."I said walking to my bathroom.

"Mami you can keep blowing them off.Their your best friends."She said standing in the doorway.

"You dont understand mom."I sighed putting on mascarra.

"Well I would if you would open up to me once in your life."She said.

"Mom did you just come in here to fight with me or is there a reason?"I asked.

"I was just walking by and saw you looked kinda down."She said.

"Well I'm not but thanks for caring."I said.

She sighed and left my room.I heard the door bell ring."I'll get it!"I called and ran down the stairs.

I opened the door and to my surprise it was Melissa.She had a big smile on her face."Well are you just going to stand there or give me a hug?"She asked.

I gave her a hug."Omg like when did you get here?"I asked"I thought you weren't gunna be here until after the first week of school."I said closing the door.

"Yeah that was the orignal plan but I missed you so much I came early."She smiled.

"Yay..."I smiled fakely.

"Yeah so where's the girls.I got them presents."She asked looking around.

"Oh they're all at the block."I said sitting on the couch.

"And why arent you there?"She asked.

"Because I wasn't aware I had to be."I said.

"Marissa when I say look after the girls, I mean be the leader."She snapped.

"Well I'm sorry Melissa.I'm just not as good at it as you."I said.

She grinned."No I'm sorry darling.I shouldn't have pushed it all on you in just a short notice.Its very hard.Sorry."She said giving me a hug.

"So I've been wanting to talk to you about something for awhile."I said letting out some air.

"Can it wait.I'd really like to show you your gift."She smiled.

I nodded.Omg I was about to tell her.Just a few more minutes and ill tell her.She reached in her black and pink prada bag.She looked for a few minutes and then pulled out a little pink box with a white bow on the top.

"Here you go."She said handing it to me.

"You really didnt have to."I smiled.

"No you've been such a good friend to me all these years.I couldnt imagine life without you."She smiled.

I took off the lid and took off all the dark pink tissue paper off the object.It was a picture frame of me and Melissa when we were little kids.

"Do you like it?"She asked.

I nodded as tears came into my eyes.

"Oh don't cry."She laughed handing me tissue.

"Its beautiful."I said.

"Best friends before we could talk."She smiled.

"Yeah..."I said.

Okay this is going to be a lot harder then I'd expected...














Hidi's p.o.v.-

"So I got this new bag from the mall yesterday and I don't think I like it all that much anymore."Jeslyn said showing us her bag.

"Then just give it to Amber."I said rocking to the beat of the radios.

"Well I dont know about that."She fake smiled.

"Jes you just said you hate it.Give it to Amber now."I glared.

"Oh she really doesn't have to if she doesn't want to."Amber sighed.

"Amber shut up."I said and snatched the bag from Jesylns' hand.I handed it to Amber and smiled as Jeslyns' face fell.

"You won't miss it.Trust me it will be almost like you never had it."I smiled.

"Thanks Jes."Amber said.

Jeslyn nodded.

"Hidi!!"Some guy called.

"That's me."I nodded and walked away.

Hey.I hugged Isaiah,a boy from the popular guys group.

Damn girl...He bit his lip.

What?I asked flirtly.

You get hotter and hotter everytime i see you.He said looking me up and down.

Your crazy.I laughed.

Maybe but does a date with me to the movies tomorrow night sound crazy?He asked.

Yes.I blushed.

Great.He said.

So...I said.

I really want to kiss you right now.He said moving a piece of hair out of my face.

Well I dont mind.I blushed.

He looked past me and grinned.

Is that Melissa?!?!He asked and took off running.

I turned and he was right.There she was looking prettier then ever.

No fucking way.I smiled and walked toward her.

Isaiah gave her a bear hug.

Melissa!!Hey!!I said.

Just the person I wanted to see.She smiled giving me a hug.

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