» Drama » They Were Cruel., Saylor Slone Loggains [best fiction books to read .TXT] 📗

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What Happened.

She didn't want to move, they made her. Every night she would lay in bed questioning herself as if that day had been her fault. Nicole knew it wasn't her fault, or at least that's what they kept telling her over and over again. But why, why would God do something like that to her. She was a good kid, she was smart, and nice to everyone. It just didn't seem possible for this to be happening to her. She hated to think back to that day, it hurt. It felt like a thousand knifes stabbing into her back. She knew she would have to face it though. She has to grow up and she knows it...... It was a normal morning just like any other. She woke up to her squealing alarm clock that had always been on her nightstand every since she was a little girl. She pulled on a old pair of sweats and a t-shirt. She pulled her long blonde hair into a pony tail and was ready to leave. Nicole got up this morning extra early, today was the day to try out for cheer-leading. As she was heading to the door she kissed her mom goodbye and grabbed her bag and tennis shoes by the door. Lily was already outside in her car, waiting for her. Lily was Nicole's best friend. They had been best friends every since kindergarten, when Lily and Nicole were partners in a group activity. "Guess what? Will told me that he totally wanted to date you!" Exclaimed, Lily. Nicole has liked Will every since the 3rd grade. They have both grown up together and now they were both in the 10th grade. "Wow, Really?" Nicole, said. "Yes! I gave him your number!!" said Lily. "Thank you!!" ... "No problem." The girls pull up to the school and hop out. "Lets go to the gym to tryout, Nicole!" The girls walk over to the gym, there is a lot of girls in there. The sight of that gives Nicole goosebumps she doesn't really like the whole cheerleader idea, Lily was the one who thought it would be good for them. Nicole thinks back to walking in the gym, everybody was staring at her. She hated it. She remembered going in front of the judges and dancing, and she also remembered walking out and seeing her name on the list. It felt good to be involved in something. The rest of the day was normal she went to all of her classes just like normal, ate lunch with Lily just like normal and after school got on the bus just like normal. But something wasn't normal... when the bus pulled up to Nicole's house there was a black truck in the driveway. Nicole got up and headed to up to the porch steps, she slowly opened the door. Nicole walked in the living room, the lamp, and the T.V were on. Nicole figured her mom had, had some car troubles and probably have her boyfriend drive her home from work. She walked back to her bedroom, put her backpack and layed down on her bed. She was tired it had been a long day, before she knew it she was asleep... just until she heard a loud bang, she got up slowly. She looked around her bed to see if she had dropped anything off her bed. She didn't see anything so she figured her mom dropped something. Nicole layed her head back on her pillow, and that is when she heard the gunshot but not just one 3. She shot up and ran back to her moms bedroom, where she saw her mom laying in the bathtub hit in the head with something and shot 3 times in the chest. Nicole screamed but nothing came out. She turned around then saw him, it was.. her dad. She hadn't seen him since she was 10 years old. He reached out to grab her shirt, he was to late she grabbed her moms cell phone and ran, she ran out the door down the driveway and ran til she was sure he was no longer following her. Nicole went to one of her neighbors houses and told them what had happened. She sat inside there and called the police. In about 10 minutes 4 police cars pulled up into the neighbors house. Nicole walked outside, the police bombarded her asking her millions of questions.... Her head was burning and she felt like she was about to die. Nicole fainted, right there on the sidewalk. When she woke up she was laying in a bed, in a big room. "Were am I?" Nicole screamed! "Were am I?!?!" She repeated.


Publication Date: 01-11-2012

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