» Drama » Car Crash, Shaelyn Ray [epub read online books .txt] 📗

Book online «Car Crash, Shaelyn Ray [epub read online books .txt] 📗». Author Shaelyn Ray

The day Kaia and I,Hayley Grace,wrecked was a tragedy for us all.We were headed for New Mexico for no reason...well there was kind of a reason.I was mad at my step-dad for killing my mom...well he had killed many people.We were driving down a back road.I was applying an extra code of banana-fo fanna lip gloss so my eye's were off the road for awhile.Kaia was screaming but I didn't know why."WHAT!?"I screamed not looking back at the road.I felt her hand grab my banana-fo fanna lip gloss and throw it out my open window.I slammed the little compact-mirror closed.I looked up in-time to see the drop-off that would slam us into a rushing pit of water that would make us drift into the Pacific Ocean."AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"Kaia screamed.I slammed on the brakes but it didn't help."We're going to die."I whispered as the front off the car tipped over the edge."BUCKLE UP!!!"I screamed at Kaia as I grabbed my seat belt...But that didn't help.As we plummeted towards the water I cried really loud,louder than the water that was rushing below.I felt the front of the car hit hard rocks and I thought we'd hit the water...but it was the side of the cliff."OW!!!"Kaia screamed.I looked sideways at her.Her head was on the dashboard and blood dripped onto the floorboard."Kaia?"I asked."Kaia are you awake!?"I panicked."YES!!"she cried.I felt the car tip sideways."Kaia we have to climb out!"I demanded."NO!!WE CAN'T!!!!!!!!!!"she screamed.I felt the car lean forward and start falling again.The car hit something kind of hard,and then I heard a loud SPLASH!I looked out my open window and water started pouring in."AH CLOSE THE WINDOW!!"I heard Kaia scream.I tried but the water stopped me from succeeding."I CAN'T!"I cried.The water swooshed in and I unbuckled my seat belt.I climbed out the window.I swam to the surface and swam to a sturdy looking branch.I held on to it as I watched my car sink with Kaia still in it.Tears streamed down my face and into the water."AHHH!!!!!!!!"I screamed as I looked at my wrist.Blood ran off my wrist to the water and glass was in my wrist right where my veins were."AHHHH!!!"I screamed again.I looked up the side of the cliff and seen tons of branches sticking out of the wall.I started climbing.I reached the top and laid down just as that part of the cliff started to crumble."No...NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!"I screamed.The part of the cliff fell as I hung to one of the branches.My car was completely under water.I swam to where it had sunk and went under.I seen a blue Mustang at the bottom.I went back up,took a deep breath,and dove under to where I'd seen my car.I went to the passenger side window and knocked-out the glass grabbing Kaia's arm and pulling her out of the car.I swam to the surface with Kaia hanging from my arm.I climbed the side of the cliff.When I reached the top I pulled Kaia away from the cliff...She was dead.


Publication Date: 06-03-2011

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