» Drama » If Only, Amani Grace [e reader books txt] 📗

Book online «If Only, Amani Grace [e reader books txt] 📗». Author Amani Grace

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My name is grace i live with my mom and her husband brad and my half sister mona. They got married about 4 years ago and after a year into marriage my mom got pregnant and gave birth to my sister mona. At first i wasnt happy about any of this, but who cares no one of course. But my question is What happens when all your dreams are taking away from you. what happens when you wake up and your all alone no is there to help you......well this is my story lets start from the beginning when all hell broke lose.


Police and ambulance sirens were all around me i didnt know what was going on. Hello someone help please help.... ma'am you are going to be ok we are here to help you said a police officer. when i woke up I was at the hospital. Hi dear said a nurse how are you feeling. Whats going on i asked how did i get here. Well dear you were in a car crash. Was i alone i ask no you were with your mom. i tried to sit up were is she? I'm sorry to tell you this but she didn't make it. I started fading away before i know it i was at home in my bed. I got up and ran to my mothers room, but she wasnt there. I heard a voice down stairs so i ran to the living room only to find my step father and other people that i guess my mom knew. When they realize that i was in the room they came to me and ask me how i was feeling ( I was just in a car crash and i just lost my mother how do you think i felt.) Im ok i said and then walked away. I saw mona my baby sister walking around in the kitchen I walk over to her and picked her up (of course she was only 3 so she really didnt have any idea what was going on.) hi Gracie (she was the only one i would let call me that) yes i answered...when is mommy coming home. I explain to her that mommy went to heaven and that we would see her soon.
Days went by then months and things still wasnt back to normal. summer was almost over and school was to start back next week. Grace GRACE get your lazy butt out of bed called brad. Im in the shower i yelled well get out and get down here!! he yelled back. Fine!! I turned the running water off grabbed my towel and got dress. On my way down stairs I peeked my head in mona's room she wasnt there so she most of been down stairs. Before I could get down stair brad came to the stairs and yelled at me again. why do i have to make you breakfast i asked him because i said so he replied. Of course because you said so I said under my breath and before I knew it i felt a hard sting on my cheek I fell to the floor.

This wasnt the first time that he hit me it was just the first time he hit me in front of mona. I turned to look at her and she burst into tears. Before I could get up to comfort her he already had her in his arms. Sweetie dont cry grace wasnt being a good girl so she had to get punish. I stood up and took her away from him. Are you ok she asked in her adorable litle voice that made me smile. Yes sweetie im ok. Can I help you make breakfast she asked yes you may I told he. After breakfast Mrs. richardson from next door came over to pick mona up for their day out, and brad went to work so I was alone in the house. Time to clean up I looked around since brad doesnt clean up behind his self and mona is only three there is alot to do. I started with the laundry then the bathroom, brads room, monas room then the living room and the kitchen. After that its time to start cooking roast beef and potatoes ummm my favorite. By the time the house was clean and dinner was cooked I only had an hour to rest before brad came home. I decided to go up stairs and relax. Grace get down here we need to talk. I turned over looked at the clock 4.30 on the dot he is never late. GRACE GET DOWN HERE. I climbed out of bed and ran down stairs this better be important. What!! I asked still sleepy. He turned and looked at job cut my hours so you are gonna need to find a job and help around the house. Fine! Where do you suppose I look at I asked. The store down the block is hiring so start walking down there and get the job he said. As I walked down to the store I wondered why was the store hiring they dont get much people in the store. At least if I get the job im only 2 mins away. When I entered the shop I could see a guy who look like he couldn’t be older than 18 or 19 he had dark brown wavy hair that he had in a tight pony tail he was really cute. He looked right at me, hi my name is Aaron, how may I help you. I couldn’t help but smile my name is grace I heard this place was hiring. Oh ok well if you wait one minute I will go get the manager. He then walked away but returned a minute later with this older looking guy he looks like he could be brads age. Hi he said so I hear you’re looking for a job. Yes I am I told him. Well can you work a cashier and stock the counters. Yes I can I told him. Ok well you can have the job I need you to fill out these papers and then you can start tomorrow. After filling out the papers I walk back home all I could think about was how cute the guy was. He probably doesn’t even find me attractive. When I walked inside I could see mona’s bag on the floor. Mona I called, she leaped down stairs yes she said. Hi sweetie how was your day? I said. It was great im hungry she said. I looked at her and asked daddy didn’t feed you. No she said he went out and left me here he said you would be back soon. WHAT!!! He lefted you home alone by yourself. I could see that I scared her….im sorry im not mad at you im mad at daddy I said while picking her up and walking to the kitchen. I made her a plate washed her up and put her to bed. On my way down stairs the door opened and there was brad. I gave him a evil look and said how could you have left mona here alone. I had to go out he said, I could smell the alcohol on his breath. You got to be kidding me was yu drinking!! You lefted your daughter home alone to go drink. It happened so fast I didn’t even see him come up to me and hit me. I put my hand over my face as I saw him coming to give me another hit this time it was harder. He began to kick me and punch me and yelled this will teach you never to question me again. Daddy mona called daddy what going on. I looked up to see mona coming down the steps I tried to sit up fast but it hurted. It was dark but I could see her reaching the bottom of the step. Brad turned on the light and went to pick her up. Why is mona on the floor she asked. She fell honey he said. I looked at her and tried to hold back the tears my body was killing me. Oh is she ok. She asked. Well are you? brad asked knowing that I wasn’t ok. Yes I managed to get out im ok. Come on sweetie let me put you back to bed. Ok she said. As they walked up the stairs I tried to get up… it wasn’t easy I climbed up stairs and walk to the bathroom I looked in the mirror and saw that my eye was a little swollen I lifted my shirt and could she marks where he kicked me at. I walked over to the bath tub ran the hot water took off my clothes and sat in the tub. All I could do was cry I closed my eyes and wondered did my mom have to go to this I also wondered how was I suppose to go to work like this tomorrow.

Chapter 2
Beep beep beep…I got up and turn my alarm clock off. I was up all night putting ice on my face, so I didn’t get much sleep. I walked to my bathroom and looked in the mirror, the swelling went down a lot thank God, but it was still bruised. I start work at 9 am and it was 7:30. I walked over to mona’s room but she wasn’t in there I then went to brad’s door to see if he is in there but he wasn’t. I walked down stairs and they wasn’t there I guess he went to work and she went next door. I walked back up stairs turned the shower on and got in. After the shower I got dress went to the bathroom and put makeup on to cover the bruise. I then looked in the mirror, even though I looked like I was ok, I felt weak and beat up. I guess it was because I was weak and beat up. I walked down stairs fixed me some cereal and walked out the door. It only took me two minutes to get there. When I walked in Aaron was already there, hi its grace right, yes I said back. Ok well all you need to do today is ring people up. I will handle the heavy stuff he said. Ok I said with a smile. As the day was going by only about 20 people came to the store so me and Aaron spent most of the day talking. So what school do you go to he asked. Harris high school I answered and you I asked. Im out of school he answered. How old are you I asked. Im 19. Oh okay im 17 I said back. Ok. So what do you do for fun we said at the same time and laughed. Wow I thought to myself this is the first time I laughed in a long time since my mom died. I go out and hang with some friends he answered and you. Well I don’t really have time to have fun since my mom died I had to take on a lot of responsibilities. Oh wow im sorry to hear about your mom. Its ok I said back. So its just you and your dad…he asked. No its me my baby sister and my step dad. Oh ok. Yea. I looked at the time it was time to

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