» Drama » The heartbroken murder, santa baby [beautiful books to read txt] 📗

Book online «The heartbroken murder, santa baby [beautiful books to read txt] 📗». Author santa baby

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The night before our anniversary I followed Eli wanting to surprise him with a little taste of what he would get all day, the next day. I thought he was going home, back to his place, he drove for a while though I knew getting to his place from his job wasn't a long drive so I just guessed he was taking the long way there, but instead he parked his Bentley in front of an unfamiliar house. The house was made of cement and red brick blocks, it had a nice roof top, like the one you drew in pictures when you were small, and a chimney so I knew there was a fire place inside. It reminded of an old cottage out of the story books I read as a kid. I parked my Jeep a few cars down with the house and his Bentley still in my view. Eli honked his car horn before getting out of his Bentley, the porch lights to the strangers house came on, the door open and then I saw her, the stranger. She had dark brown curls framing her light skinned face and green eyes. She wore a velvety red dress that hugged her curves making her breast and butt look bigger than what they actually were, she also wore black pumps that had red bottoms,they admittedly complimented her hairless smooth legs, I looked down at my own feet knowing we had on the exact same heels on. I watched as she approached my boyfriend, a smile on her face greeting him, wrapping her arms around his neck she hugged him tightly and laid a kiss on his dimpled cheek. The stranger led the way into her home and he followed. I watched from my Jeep as they disappeared behind the door, waiting in my Jeep I saw the porch lights go off and a soft light come on inside but the curtains blocked my view. Ten minutes passed then I saw the soft light go dark, I was expecting Eli to come out and say 'good-bye' to the green eyed stranger, to get back into his Bentley and drive off. Two minutes passed by but there was still no sight of Eli. I got out of my car and walked over to the house but instead of knocking on the front door I went around the side of the house and peeked through a window, the fire place was on although I couldn't see the light of it from my Jeep. In the home of the stranger it was the complete opposite of the way it looked outside. The walls were white like clouds, hanging above the fire place was a flat screen so big any man would love to watch the super bowl on it, the floor of the living room was covered in white carpet, one step above the living room a wood floor led to two glass doors with curtains on the other side, I thought it might be the den or study, the living room could be lit by a chandelier that's lights could be adjusted from bright to dull, a glass table lay on the white carpet between the fire place and two gray couches facing the fire place. On the glass table I saw two wine glasses with the red wine bottle next to it,even through I saw her lipstick on one of the glasses, they were still full of red wine. I heard a noise come from deeper within in the house so I crept around the perimeter of the house looking through windows as I went, I thought I saw a trail of clothing leading to the back of the house as I walked to the source of the noise. 'What?' I said to myself, I started thinking these crazy thoughts about Eli cheating on me with some cheap 'easy' whore but 'that's crazy he wouldn't, he just wouldn't' I thought to myself, I started having visions in my head of Eli and the stranger together, I denied it all and quickly pushed the thoughts away. I finally found the noise and then I saw them, she was on top of him, I then realized that the noise I was hearing was her moaning and that there was a trail of clothes leading to the back of the house, this room, her bed room. Time stopped for a few moments there was no sound in the world just silence, I started to hear the loud cracking and breaking of glass, I then saw my heart fall to pieces right before my eyes, then loud thuds of liquid started dropping, realizing that the liquid were tear drops coming from my dark brown eyes they quickly turned to ferocious anger. The world soon came back to me, I took another glimpse at them still in the same position, I ran back to the place where I saw the window that revealed the kitchen, before climbing through the window I took off my heels not wanting them to hear one sound, once inside I searched for the biggest knife I could find, 'found it !' I whispered excitedly, I crept around inside her home looking for the room I saw them in 'found it' I said again and crept inside. They were in a different position when I found them, he was on top of her, I saw her legs wrapped around his waist, her grabbing on his muscles. I eased into the candle lit room, that's when I learned her name, Angel. He spoke her name through his moans, I sneaked up behind them, although she didn't see me, must have been having too much fun, too bad she didn't know what was coming for her. I put a gag on both their mouths simultaneously, that's how close they were, the gags were dish rags out of her kitchen and I got the anesthesia that soaked the dish rags out of her 'under the sea' themed bathroom. I got the braided rope and duct tape from a hiking gear laying in the hallway. When Eli and Angel awaken, Angel lay naked on the bed, I could feel the terror, see it seeping from her eyes as I looked down upon her . Poor Angel couldn't even yell for help,duct tape covered that pretty little mouth of hers and it was impossible for her to move, her arms bound at the wrist and legs tied together at the ankle. My wonderful boyfriend Eli sat in a nice comfy chair in her bedroom, his wrist taped to the arm rest, his legs taped together at the ankles and his mouth taped shut. I choose her first I wanted him to watch her life being taking away and quite frankly to watch her heart being broken...... literally. Blood stains the walls and floor. I have committed the crime of love or passion as 'they' say . The scarlet red soaked my purple lingerie, bathes my Carmel shade skin and washes my jet black hair as it drips and pours from the ceiling, feeling warm and sticky. I slit her throat and stab her over and over watching the life drain out of her body with each penetration. My blood stained teeth showed as I smiled down at her lifeless body. I cut out her heart and stomped on it, walked all over it and crushed it but finally I broke it into one million pieces, as she had helped him do to me. The pieces lay there on her bedroom floor. I looked at my beloved Eli, his eyes, how dare he look at me with fear in his eyes now.
''Eli don't you dare, don't you dare look at me with those terrified eyes''
Nothing not even a muffle.
'' I loved you, I love you how could you do this to after all we've been through together ? Years Eli years, you just had to go and ruin it didn't you? Well since this is your last conversation just answer me a few questions''
I walked towards him and sat on top of him, my legs over his, I snatched off the duct tape making him wench in pain, he didn't yell nor scream for help he didn't even call me crazy for what I was doing to him and his secret lover. So I started with my first question, the most important one.
"So how long has this affair been going on between you two ?"
Eli surprisingly responded to my question and says
"Before you and I ever started dating"
"Hmm interesting and where did you guys meet ? May I ask ? Oh of course I can I'm the one on top of you with the dagger and your tied down to a chair" I said teasingly
"Angel and I have been together for a very long time, we grew up together and fell in love we've always had a secret relationship through all of her lovers and all of mine, you are the only girl I've been with who ever found out"
"So why all the heartbreaks ? Why did you have to rip out my still beating heart ? You chewed it up and spit it out like poison in your mouth, why not just get married to the little slut ?" His eyes turned angry with tears, then he responded
"Even though we loved each other very much we couldn't keep our eyes off other people so we have gone through our love loving each other and fucking other people"
"I see, you wanna know something Eli ? If you would have told me the truth the first moment we began to be serious it would have been okay I would have not been hurt but no you just had to break my heart, you see this lingerie and these heels that you picked out I'm wearing it for you, I followed you tonight I wanted to fucking surprise you but I guess you had your own little surprise waiting for you huh ? Never mind it's a little too late for all of that now isn't it love ?
I gave him a long hard kiss, her blood smeared on his lips and cheeks mixing with his tears, I licked off his tears and her blood with my tongue. I put a new piece of duct tape on his mouth without him even resisting me.
"That was the last kiss you'll ever have, the kiss of death"
More tears started running down his cheeks
"oh baby don't cry you two will be together soon and hopefully rot in hell together as well, oh by the way sweetheart did you know that the human heart can still beat for six whole hours after being cut out of the body ?"
I stabbed the knife into his chest making sure it wasn't fatal, I wanted him to suffer to go through a painful heartbreak, I started carving around his heart, his chunk of flesh fell from his very well alive body. I looked up at his tears and snot covered face feeling no remorse. The clock stroked midnight.
"Happy anniversary" I said ripping out his still beating heart.
Blood skirt out of his cold blooded body making new patterns to the ceiling. I tried to put it in my mouth, whole, I felt the pulse of his cold heart against my teeth but couldn't fit the heartless bastard's heart in my mouth so I ripped it in half putting both halves in my mouth one by one but instead of spitting them out, I chewed and swallowed, a little of his cold heart dripped out

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