» Drama » Yours Truely, S.J [book reader for pc .txt] 📗

Book online «Yours Truely, S.J [book reader for pc .txt] 📗». Author S.J

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Introducing me

My name is Shapes Jaysum. Okay I know what you might be thinking, that my parents were probably on crack when they decided to name me but that isn't even the full story behind my name. My birth name is Siara Hope Jaysum. It's the name on my birth certificate and it's the name that my parents named me. So how I get stuck with Shapes you may wonder? Hmm.. Well that's a whole other story that you'll find out much later. Lucky you, I let you in on my complicated life and share everything with you, but just remember it's our little secret. Some people in my life you may like and some of which I know you'd absolutely hate. But that doesn't matter, once you're reeled in to my crazy life of drama, backstabbing, betrayal, and many other things, you'll absolutely want to scream. Kind of like I do myself. It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt, and believe me, someone always gets hurt. Just remember, not all stories have a happy ending. So with that being said; Welcome to My life.

Completely Exhausted

I stared at the black board in front of me while I tried desperately to keep my eyes open. I didn't get much sleep last night, and I guess that it was my own fault that I decided to stay up late and watch the desperate housewives marathon. I glanced at Jacelyn, who looked just as tired as I did and I wondered what her cause was.

I quickly pulled out my cell phone, trying to keep it out of Mrs. Derby's sight, and began to text Jacelyn.

Desperate Housewives?

I watched as she cautiously slipped out her phone from her pocket, and read my text. She let out a smile and then began to txt me back.

Ehh, really shapes? That lame show? Omg that is so not the reason. I just really hate this class.

I glanced up at Mrs. Derby, who was now reading from our Physics book. It's really a shame if you ask me, that everyone in the class could be texting and writing pathetic little love notes to each other and she didn't even notice. It didn't help much that she was way older than my grandmother, but she was also the complete push-over. I mean, can you blame me if I want to text in class? The lady was nearly out of breath just from reading two sentences. It was complete torture.

Whatevs, don't dare hate on my show. This class isn't exactly my favorite either. I'm practically thirty already.

Jace nodded in agreement as she read my text. Just as she was going to text me back, the bell rung and everybody leaped happily from their seats. I gathered my books and slipped them into my bag, as happy as I was that this class was over I was still suffering from total exhaustion. I headed out the classroom with Jace and we walked to our lockers. I paused, seeing that Mason was already there.

As you may have guessed, that Jacelyn Kizz is my best friend. Well, that's partially true. Jace is my beta, you know, the one in second place. But Mason Daze was my alpha, the bestest friend anyone could ask for. Eww, I know what you're thinking and that's so not the truth, I have a boyfriend ya' know. Mason and I have major history. Our parents have known each other since way before we were even born, and that may have something to do with us living right across the street from each other.

"You look awful." He greeted.

I rolled my eyes and carefully opened my locker. Once my books were in there, I quickly closed my locker and turned to look at him.

"She was up watching that stupid show again." Jace informed him, grinning at me.

It was like she wanted me to slap her across her pretty little face.

Mase laughed. "Huh, is that so?"

"Actually, Miss. Barbie, there was nothing else good on. so..." I folded my arms across my chest and let out a pouting face.

Jace stuck her tongue out at me and then continued on down the hallways. I didn't understand why everyone loved to hate on the desperate housewives. Some of the little sluts at this school were like them in some ways. Especially Jacelyn. Don't get me wrong and all, Jace is my B.F.F and everything, but she can be a little over the top when it comes down to it. My thoughts were suddenly interrupted as someone's hands connected with my eyes.

"Guess who?" they had said.

I smiled, knowing exactly who it was. Duhh, my boyfriend. I turned around and gave him a hug, oh how incredibly happy I was to see him.

Mase cleared his throat as a sign of disgust. "Well you two little love birds, I'm going to excuse myself from this... well, whatever this is."

He begin to walk away, but I grabbed his arm stopping him.

"You can't go anywhere, Mister. You have to take me home." I reminded him.

Okay, so I know you may think I'm rich and all and I should have my own car, but once again you've got it all wrong. Truth is, I am not all that rich, well.. just a little. But daddy won't let me drive alone until he's absolutely sure I won't drive into a brick wall or something, so until then I'm stuck driving around with my dear friends.

"I'll be waiting in the car." He freed his arm from my grip, and continued down the hall.

Alex "my boyfriend" was grinning at me wildly as if he'd just got some good news or something. I smiled. It was always nice to see him so happy because most of the time, he was always pissed off about something. I mean seriously the kid has got some serious issues, but I love him anyway.

I laughed. "What?"

He shrugged. "What do you mean what?

"Why are you staring at me all weird?"

It was the same stare he had when he told me that he loved me for the first time, the same stare he had the first time when I met him and nearly made a fool of myself by tripping over my own two feet, and the same stare he had when... well, let's just say I'm very familiar with that stare.

He continued grinning. "You just look beautiful as usual."

Okay so I blushed a little, but you totally would too! A nice guy stares at you like you're the only girl in the world and then tells you over and over how good you look... nope, it doesn't get better than that.

I smiled "Thanks."

I noticed Mason standing at the end of the hallway by the school exit doors, looking completely annoyed. He waved his hand when he noticed me looking.

I sighed. "I should go before he kills me."

I quickly gave him a hug and a kiss and made my way down the hallway and out the school doors. It was really cold outside, like really cold. I swear my skin was about to literally turn into ice. I mean, geesh! I hurried into the passenger side of mase's car, shivering as I did so. Mason noticed my shivering and quickly turned the heater of the car on.

Not Like Him

Mason pulled into the driveway of my house. My mom and dad's cars weren't in the driveway so I knew they wasn't home as usual. My Mom has worked at a fashion agency for years now and she absolutely loves it. Talk about amazing! And Dad, well my daddy is a lawyer. A very good lawyer, that is. He's known around town as one of the youngest most successful lawyers. Anyway, they're both always so busy with their jobs.

I glanced at Mase. "Going to Becca's party tonight?"

He sighed. "Why the hell would I go to Becca's party?"

I shrugged. "I dunno. I mean, I didn't even want to go either but Jace is dragging me along with her."

"Good for you." He mumbled.

I slowly got out of the car and then turned around to face him. There was something wrong but I couldn't really tell exactly what it was. Mason is never mad, I mean only rarely. He's Mayson, for goodness sake! Sweet, Kind, Adorable little Mason. It takes alot for him to get mad, like a whole lot. So when he does get mad, it's always best to stay away.

"Is everything okay?" I wondered.

He shrugged. "Whatever. I'll call you later."

I watched as he quickly drove out of my driveway and into his own. He climbed out of his car and walked to his front door. He gave one last wave to me before disappearing into his house. I couldn't believe him, I am his bestfriend. If something is wrong he should know that he could talk to me. I let out a breath and headed into my house.

I was really confused. Was it me or something I had said? Did something else happen? I had no idea why Mase was acting like this but I didn't like it all. I took off my jacket and hung it on the coat rack in the hall. Making my way upstairs and into my room, I quickly pulled off my clothes and went into the bathroom to take a shower. Yes... This is exaclty what I need at a time like this. Warm water is the perfect

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