» Drama » New Kings, Charity Oliver [top novels to read TXT] 📗

Book online «New Kings, Charity Oliver [top novels to read TXT] 📗». Author Charity Oliver

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Chapter 1: Want To Be Like You.

As a kid I never had a father figure, it was just me and my big brother Jaydan. He was my role model as a young child, I wanted to be just like him. You can always catch Jaydan wearing the lastest pair of sneakers, and he never left the house without a stack on him. Jaydan always kept himself clean, his body was covered with tattoo's, and had a mouthful of gold teeth. Everybody in my neighborhood feared my big brother, every girl wanted to fuck, and every kid wanted to be just like him, except for me I wanted to be better than him.


"Yo wake up." I told Jaydan while kicking his bed.


"Damn what the hell do you want Zaylin?" Jaydan asked in a irritated voice.


"Ma said you have to watch me today since school's out and she has to work." I repiled with a simile.


"Ok and Why did you wake me up?" Jaydan asked with his eyebrows raised.


We just stared at each other for awhile, until he realized I wasn't going anywhere. Jaydan sigh and pulled the covers right back over his head and went to sleep. I waited for a while until he was snoring a little then kicked his bed again.


"Yo wake up." I yelled madly.


"Bro hit my bed one more time I make sure you won't make it to your next birthday." He responed while still under the covers.


 "If you wake up I will leave you alone." I repiled.


Jaydan grabbed his pillow and threw at me as hard as he could, I ducked down just in time. Realizing that i wasn't going to get him up by kicking him, I left his room and ran into the kitchen. I grabbed a big jug and filled it up with water.


"Where are you taking that water boy?" My mom asked.


"Jaydan told me he need some water so I told him I could help." I quickly answered.


"Don't watse it ok?" She said.


I just shook my head yes, and walked down the hall very carefully making sure not spill a drop of water. Once i reached his room I slowly walked over to his bed and poured the water on top of his head. In that second Jaydan jumped out of bed screaming he was going to kill me. I ran out his room and headed straight for the kitchen, with my brother right on my trail. Once i saw my mom I ran straight towards her and hided right behind her. Jaydan tried to reach me but he stopped once my mom gave him the death stare.


"I dare you to put your hands on your brother." She said while crossing her arms.


"FINE, you let that punk ass boy get away with everything." Jaydan repiled.


"Don't you dare talking to me like that, and your going to watch your brother,and you better not touch a single hair on my child's head. You understand?" Mom asked while staring him in the eyes.


"Yea man, whatever." Jaydan repiled then turned around and start making breakfast.


"And Zaylin don't be starting any trouble." My said while kissing my forehead.


She got her keys then walked out the door. When she left Jaydan was just smiling and staring at me like he just won the lottery.


"Looks like you don't have any one to protect you now." Jaydan responded.


I quickly ran under the table just before he had the chance to grabbed my shirt,he grabbed my leg and I tried to pull away but it didn't work. Then I kicked him in the mouth, and when he let go I sprinted to my room and locked the door. I opened the window and jumped out of it, right when i hit the ground i heard my door open. I ran all the way down the street like my life dependent on it, I looked back and saw Jaydan right on my tail.I ran as fast as I could, but then I tripped and fell and hit my mouth on the ground. When Jaydan reached me he was holding out his hand laughing. He helped me up then once I had stood up, Jaydan pat my back then he punched me in my gut. I fell to the ground in pain while holding my stomach.


"Next time it will be your face." He responded with a grin.


A min later we heard sirens coming so we both ran back to the house just in case someone did call the police on us. Once we got to the house Jaydan fixed me and him some breakfast, and we ate in silence. After breakfast we both went into our rooms and got dress for the day. I wore all black with my white jay's. When i got done I went in to Jaydan's room, He was wearing a black shirt with red jeans, and had on a pair of black and red jordan's. I slipped in the back of the room so he wouldn't see me, I grabbed one of his chains and put one of them on.


"Little man what the hell you think you doin?" Jaydan asked standing right behind him.


"Umm... nothing." I stuttered.


"Then what the fuck is my chain doin round your neck?" Jay repiled.


"Oh I didn't know this was your" I lied. 


"You dont know. So what it just fucking thre it self around your neck?"


"I guess it did." I smiled 


"Are you really going to lie to me?" He asked with his eyebrow raised.


"I'm sorry man I just wanted to wear one of your chains."


"Look you my lil bro I will give you anything you ask for. But Just dont you ever fucking lie to me"


"Ok, I won't lie to you again." I responded.


I shook my head yes to let him know I understand what he said. He took the chain from around my neck and gave me his bigger chain. I similed at Jaydan. I told him Thank you then ran out the room to let him finish getting ready.After a few mins Jaydan came from his room with his keys in his hand. We walked out and locked up the house. Jaydan unlocked his Nissan GT-R and we both jumped in the car, once in the car I turned on the radio and blasted the music as loud as it can go. We both where rapping along to 50 CENT.




Chapter 2: Partner in Crime

 Jaydan told me he had some things to do, and that I could tag along only if was quiet and did everything he told me. I promised him I would behavior, only if he kept me entertain. Jaydan drove us all around the city doing pickups or drop offs. I even went with him during a meeting.In the meeting the girl said I was so handsome and she couldn't stop staring at me. She promised to partner up with my brother, only if I get to come to all the meetings for now on. Jay told me she only wants me there because I remind her of her son, but I think he just said that so I wouldn't want to come back. My brother shook her hand after she sign some type of paper and we both left.


"Well looks like I get to come with you more often." I said to Jaydan.


"No you won't." Was all he would say.


"Why not?" I asked confused.


"Because your education is more important right now so stay focus on that. And thats finally." Jaydan responded while gripping the wheel tigther.




"Look I dont care what the fuck you want. All I care bout is what i said, what did I say?" Jaydan asked.


I didn't responed, I was going to hold my ground. No matter what he did to me I wasn't going to back down. Even though he scared me right now I wasn't giving in.


"WHAT THE FUCK DID I SAY?" Jaydan yelled at me.


I flinched I knew that if I didn't responsed he would break me in half. One of the reason why everyone feared him was because he would pull the trigga on anyone who disobey him or disrespect him. And right now I was doing both of those to him. I felt the car jerk forward because of how hard he pressed on the  breaks. All i could hear was horns blowing at us because we stop in the middle of the streets. Knowing that he was staring at me I tried my best not to look his way.


"Zaylin, I'm going to ask one more time. What the hell did i say?" He asked me with his hand was under his seat.


"I'm not allowed to go." I whispered.


"Excatly I know what is best for you right now ok?" Jay said irrated


I shook my yes, afraid my voice would fail me. Jaydan press on the gas and we took off, I couldn't stop thinking that my own brother would kill cause of his rep. Right now the only thing to do was to take over my brother crown so I could become the New king of the city, and maybe then he would start to respect me more then he does now.

We pulled up in this empty warehouse outside of town. We both got out and these two guy's came up to us and started to check us for weapons. After we both pass the searched, we followed one of the guys to the main entrance. Jaydan kept walking when the guard stop, afraid that something would happen I hurried up and catch up with Jay.I saw ten guys laughing and talking when we enter a big room, they all start dabing or giving a sercet handshake of to Jaydan. Then it hit me we are where the magic happens, the heart of the streets. This is what we call the main trap house. I got so exicted that I started smiling so wide, one of the dudes saw me and he stop right in front of me.


"Why you smiling kid?" This dude asked me.


"I thought it was just rumors." I muttered. But he heared me and laugh


"Yo Jay." The dude said.


"Wassup CJ?" Jaydan asked.


" Is this the famous Zaylin?" CJ asked while looking at me.


"Yea that's my little bro, so don't fuck with him." Jaydan repiled harshly.


"Man nobody is going to touch him right boys?" CJ asked. All the guy's said yes or either shook there heads but nobody dared not to agree.


"So little man. You like what you see?" He said while opening his arms wide.


"Yea." I repiled.


"You want to join? Cause all you hav---" But CJ didn't have a chance to finish. Because Jay had punched him right in the mouth.


"He ain't doing shit and if I was you I would leave it like that." Jay said with venom in his voice. 


 Jaydan had grabbed me by my arm and forcefully pulled me out the room. Looking back CJ was holding his broke nose with blood all on his shirt. Jay kept guiding me throught out the warehouse until we reached another room.


"Stay here don't move." Was all

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