Angels On Earth, Daisuke :) [best e reader for android TXT] 📗

- Author: Daisuke :)
Book online «Angels On Earth, Daisuke :) [best e reader for android TXT] 📗». Author Daisuke :)
~How the 4 Great Angels came to be~
All of the Angels were created for good, until Lucifer made a third of the congragation of angels bow to him so he became the Abiss, so The Black Wings was created to serve him and the others, Golden Topaz, Sapphire, Ameythst and Fiery Ruby wing, were made to replace Lucifer. The Eternal Guide was made to help the 4 Great Angels, but was sealed by The Black Wings a century ago, but was released by a male possessed by the Ameythst wing and Fiery Ruby wing. And the 4 Great Angels sealed the Black Wings, But....
Two years earlier, the 4 Great Angels had fought against the Black wings, in order to keep peace, making it the most violent day in history.
~Two Years earlier~
"The Black Wings." Dainiel said sternly to the other 3 Angels, "He is unsealed again."
"No, we can't let him join us. He'll make us demonic and controlled by the Abiss. We have to stop it!" Sapphire said with such strength that the other Angels had to agree. They nodded
"Let's go, time is running out." Israel concluded
"Yep, even as a Theif, I must help to stop it." Enoc said as he spread his black wings, the others spread their wings and began to soar through the pitch black sky. Just then an earthquake shook the Earth and sky, making the angels hit the Statue in the middle of the city.
"Ugh!" Sapphire shouted as she smacked into the statue and while falling
"Sapphire!" Dainiel shouted to her as he swooped up to grab her. "Are you ok?"
"Yes, but-" Sapphire was interrupted by Enoc
"Hey! Here he is." Enoc grumbled as he darted toward Krad, the Black Wings. "You think we are going to leave you here unsealed and alive?!?"
"Oh, really, my Dark friend, why don't you come and join me again?" Krad said slashed into Enoc's chest
"VIOLENCE IS NOT TO MY TASTE, KRAD! AND FOR YOUR INFORMATION, THE ONLY ORDERS I TAKE ARE FROM MYSELF!!!" Enoc said as he punched him, but got slashed into again
"That's enough!"
"I had ENOUGH OF YOU, KRAD! YOU DESPICABLE DEMON!!" Sapphire shouted as she crashed into Krad, but fails to knock him down and gets yanked and banged by the hair onto the Black Wing's Statue. "DAMNED...!" She said as she passed out and fell to the ground.
"Oh, I can seal you as well, my love. I see now. You peeps want to seal and destroy me, but I guess I'm too strong, even for my twin." He smirked
"LOL If I could believe that, Krad." Israel said in reply "We shall seal you!"
"If that could ever ha-"
Just then Dainiel crashed into Krad, combining to make a beam of light, then crashing into the Black Wings
"You have had enough play time, now let's get serious. Shall We?" Dainiel said, grinning with anger
"That's- not- f-air!" Krad struggled, "Y-you- were- m-m-made- to- fight!"
"No, there is a difference. You are a demon and we are Angels. Got it? Good."
"Well, don't because you are going to-"
"To what?"
"Seal all the others as well!" Krad said taking off Dainiel and crashing into him again and into the others as well. "You are going to get sealed as well!"
He said the final words and accidentally sealed himself
Jetzt versiegeln alle diese Engel für zwei Jahre , bis die Zeit abgelaufen ist!
"NOOOOOO!" Everybody shouted and all the Angels and Demon were sealed for 2 long years....
Chapter One- Meeting a Strange Family
~Nagato's POV~
Hello! I'm Nagato Honda and I'm 16, my mother died 2 weeks ago and my father died when I was one year old, but he died of pneumonia. I did not know him so much and I only have a picture of him. I live in a tent because when my mother died, I was kicked out of her house, so basically I must survive in a tent in which I work to buy food. I had some soup and was off.
"Well I'm off!" I tell the picture of my mother as if she where still alive and there. I head to Shanghai High School, one of the best. Yup.
"Yes?!" I turned around rapidly.
"You should wait cuz we go to the same homeroom, you remember?""Emiko yelled.
"Oh! Yeah, sorry Emiko!" I responded
"Don't Worry, I'm used to you doing that, and where's Saki?"
"I'm here." Saki said calmly.
"Oh, now we can go to homeroom together!" I said joyously!
So we went to homeroom in which we were almost late but we made it on time when they were about to do a roll call. We sat all together because we love to chat!
"Ok let's see who's her-"
"SUMINASEN! SENSEI!!!!!" Shouted a boy from across the room, we call him "Saheara'
"Yes, Saeheara?!?"The teacher said annoyingly, "I never get to finish roll call?!? Let me guess you have to go to the bathroom?!? Correct?!?"
"YASSS!!!!" Saheara yelled
"Then, GOOOO!!!!"The teacher yelled back, she sighed "Well, now I will call roll, Emiko Uochan,"
"Lisa Hiwikari"
"It's Here NOT Her'," She let out a Sigh,"Ok, Saheara went to the bathroom."
"Daiki Souma"
"Satoshi Souma and Sebastian Souma"
Another burst of SQUEALS
The room went silent.
Her face was on fire, her ears were letting out steam, a true thing to see in the morning. You can tell she did not have her coffee.
She let out a Sigh of Anger.
~Later That Day~
At 4:00 PM, I let out a sigh of relief but I still have to go to work, so I can go to school, because when my mom was alive she paid school for me but now I must work to pay. It's really entertaining.
"Man. Work for that girl always gets easier everyday." The other employees say always when I work because I run around from place to place and all they can do it stand and watch me.
About a hour later, I leave work to go to my tent, believe me that's my fastest day at work ever!
"Man, I think I'm lost," I hevaly huffed up the hill,"I think I took a wrong tur-"
I gasped, "Such a lovely home! These are the zodiac ornaments and the 4 great angels!"
"Yes, they are."
I swiftly, but scared turned around to see a light brown haired, adult male.
"W-wh-o are you?!" I whispered/yelled
"Why I am sorry if I startled you, young lady, but my name is Shitan So-"
"Forgive my cousin here," Another voice said,
"That hurt ya know!" Shitan said annoyingly, I looked behind him to see Satoshi Souma!
"But I think I don't need to present myself but my name is Satoshi Souma (he has aquamarine eyes with grayish-blue hair), what is your name?"
"Maybe I can tell you that, Satoshi. Her name is Nagato Honda, age 16, in 10th grade, born on May 22, living in a tent on the hill and her mother, sad but true, had died two weeks ago. Am I correct, Miss Honda?"
"Daiki Souma! (He is a ruby-haired male with ruby red eyes, so handsome)Y-yes, you are correct, how d-did you know that?!?" I said flustered
"I always say this, I know what I know, Miss Honda." He said in a smooth voice,
"That sounds quite rude, Master Daiki and Master Satoshi. Forgive me for interrupting your conversation."
"Sebastian Souma!" I said, even more flustered by their politeness and stalker-like knowledge.
"Honey, you are so adorable in that uniform!" Said a high-pitched and cheery voice. I turned around to see a silver-haired female with emerald eyes, so beautiful, almost inhumane. She wore a black, purple and white dress, like a maid's dress.
"Um, sorry if I sound rude but, what is your name?" I almost screached.
"Oh! Sorry 'bout that, sweetheart! My name is Toa! And Yes, I'm the family maid!" Toa cheered with pep
"Ah, how d-did you know I w-as going to a-ask t-t-that?!?" I wondered by shouting confused-like.
"Oh, I'm the Eternal Guide! But I like to be called Toa and Daiki found me all alone and he brought me here, so I decieded, since he helped get out of an old statue, to become their maid!"
What a Strange Family!
Chapter Two- A Landslide
"Would you like anything to drink, Miss Honda?" Daiki said, making me like melting butter with is soft voice.
"Don't let his voice trick you, he is vicious, hateful, despised by us Souma's" Satoshi said with a hateful hiss.
"That's enough, Master Satoshi, maybe you need some rest. Your room is clean." Said Sebastian. He let out a sigh. "He is only stressed from the test, ignore him for now." Satoshi stormed to his room, stomping angrily
I have never seen Satoshi like that, he's always so kind at school, he sounded so hateful when he talked about Daiki.
"Are you ok, Daiki?" I asked him with consern
"Yes, don't worry about me, Miss Honda, he does that many times. So what would you like to drink? We have cold water, coffee and tea." He said with a normal talk but more cheery
"Oh, I would like some tea, please!" I said happily! He giggled
"Ok, Miss Honda! Since you are so enthusiastic, what would you like to eat? It is 5'oclock and I bet-" My stomach grumbled before he could finish his sentence.
"You are hungry coming from work. Am I right?" He said, chuckling.
"Yes, um, do you have a restroom?" I said nervously, trying not to pee on myself (I know you are thinking TMI WOMAN!)
"Yes, we do, Miss Honda. Let me show you where it is." Said Sebastian, in a butlerish way, "Follow me, please." There was this door in which Sebastian typed in a code for it to open. When that sliding door made out of silver opened, I saw this huge hallway with marble flooring and many huge doors made with beautiful wood and at the end of the hallway was a stair case.
"I know, this is a huge house." Sebastian said as we walked down the hallway
"Um, Sebastian?" I asked, pondering
"Yes, Miss Honda?" He said with a smooth tone of voice, for the first time.
"Um, are you the Souma butler?" I asked, nervously, thinking he would say, That is none of your business.
"Yes, even though I am Daiki's younger twin." He responded cheerfully, smiling humbly
"Really? Because Daiki has ruby-red hair and you have smooth black hair!" I shouted back
"Ah, Daiki got his ruby-red hair from our grandfather and I got my black hair from my father." He said truthfully and still
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