» Drama » Starts With J, Sonia Ferguson [free novel 24 .txt] 📗

Book online «Starts With J, Sonia Ferguson [free novel 24 .txt] 📗». Author Sonia Ferguson

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Her breath is heavy, her face is wet with tears and she has a dieing friend at her side. All the times they've spent together, all the memories the shared and all of the times they were there for each other, would all end if they can't escape.

Mya can't bare another person dieing due to Mya not being able to breake the barrier between the inside of a cage to the outside world. Holly, her friend, would die if she didn't get out. In one day, Mya watched her four friends escape, without being able to take Mya with them, a girl having her blood sucked out then die, twelve girls beaten to death then draged out by dogs, ten girls raped and is now watching her friend die -the whole time without being able to close her eyes, a man enjected a drug into her making her not be able to blink.

Mya looks down at Holly. "Mya, will I..." she's cut of by screeming -which is normal for them. Mya seems to know what she was goimg to say. "I don't know... I don't know... But what I do know, is that we will get out alive." Mya says. "I won't let you die."

She senses his presence in an instance, she turns around to find Jack, a six foot eight man -about twenty nine years old- with short brown hair and a scar from his eye brow to his uper lip. "Oh, so you think you can escape, well let me assure you, she's gonna die, so will you."

The anger rises in Mya. "You bastard let us out!" she yells with no thought. Two men walk into the room. One of them, Bill, was holding a knife and some rope, he has an evil you-look-tasty smile on his face which makes Mya gag. The other, Trenten, was waiting for the orders from Jack.

Jack gets closer to the cage and slams his hand on it making Mya jump. "Whats rule number one?" he demands to know. She doen't answer. With everything he has done to her that day, anger has filled up inside her, this is just making it worse. "Never call me names." he says for her. He opens the door of the cage and Mya freezes. Last time he did this he killed the person next to her.

She would not let that happen. Trembling, Mya has the courage to stand. An aching pain shoots up Myas side which makes her screem. She had forgoten, she was stabed a day ago and she was still recovering.

"Ahh, the sound of pain feels good in my ears." he says with an evil smirk. "now which one shall i finish off first? How about Holly? That sounds good ri-"

"No take me first. The one you kill first always leaves the other one safer and very much alive." Mya says. Holly looks at my and gives her a you're-crazy look then tears fill her eyes.

"And who told you that?"

"Nobody, I learned because you have done that to me many times and i always come ot alive, very much alive." All fear disapears when Mya hears a soft siren coming from outside. It suddenly stops. Jack didn't hear it? Mya thinks to her self. 

"Good, you finally realize something. If you wanna die so soon, fine, these screems I would like to hear." She looks at Holly. "Can you stand?" she asks softly with a forced smile. "

"Yes, but... I won't let you die, I won't let you! I... Ouch!" she shouts.

"Seems your friend knows what she's saying. You wouldn't sacrifice your self for your stupid-ass friend, would you?"

"She's not stupid and she's not just a friend!" Mya shouts in anger. "She's like a sister to me and I would let my self die for her to live!"

Mya, steps forward and punches him in the face. Then again, then a slap in the face, then shoves him. She swings her fist again and her catches it, twists it, punches her in the gut and grabbs her by the hair.

"Now do you wanna give her up or go through more pain?" he says. She has very little tears to give, but they still come. "I'd rather die a thousad times than have her die even once on my choise!" she shouts. "Take me and let her be!"

She looks him in the eye. "I swear you will pay for all you have done. I'm not scared of you, or your gang, let me assure you that.' She lied. She is scared -very scared- of Jack and his 'gang.' You willl be the one to die in the end of all this." 

"Or so you may think, but no I won't die." he grunts.



He Came Back

 “Hey Josh. What are you doing here?” Mya asks. “Oh I’m just wondering, Brandon is moving into one houses on pine street and he’s spending his first day today and he and I are going to hang out tomorrow. So can we hang at your house?” he says.

"Are you serious?" she asks.


"He told you. All he said to me is that he's moving  to house neer by. He said it's a suprise." she says.

"Mya," he snapps his fingers in her face. "Question."

“ Oh yeah. Sure why not.” Mya says with excitement. “So we’ll come at ten o’ clock. See you tomorrow Mya.” he says as he starts to ride his bike. “BYE!” Mya yells to him. He waves and disappers down the road.

It's about thirty minutes later and Mya goes outside and sits on the her rope swing.

She starts playing her guitar. "A drop in the ocean, a change in the weather. I was praying that you and me might end up together. It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert. But I'm holding you closer than most, cause you are my-" she sings with her guitar.

"Heaven." she finishes saddly.

"It's been a year, but your voice hasn't changed." Brandon says.

"Brandon!" she says as she throughs down her guitar -gentaly- and runs to him. She jumps in his arms and they twirll.

"I've missed you so much." she says.

"I've missed you too." he says as he sets her down.

"What made you come back?" Mya asks. "I missed you all." he replies. "I'm sorry, but can't stay. I came to say hi, but I will see you tomorrow. Okay? Oh and I love that song." he says. "Okay, bye." she says. "Bye." he says and walks away.

“I wonder what they want to eat tomorrow. I guess we’ll just have pizza.” Mya says aloud.  As she goes to let her cat out something catches her eye. A note of some kind, she picks it up and reads it aloud:

“I know you, you know me. you better watch your back Mya because when I get my hands on you   I will hurt you, you’ll never get away and I will have the other three. Oh and when I have you, do what I say or else..."

“Sincerely, You Know Who...”

She drops the note run and gets her phone and texts Josh to get here A.S.A.P. She sits there thinking that could never happen and someone is trying to trick her, there are so many doubts.  Josh walks in shuts the door and says, “I got your text, so what do you need?” She goes to the table and gets the note. “Read this. I found this on my coffie table.” she says as she gives it to him. He reads it quickly. “That’s creepy. You need to do something about this Mya-” “It’s probably a joke and its not creepy, plus I can’t, if I do I’ll have to move away, and you know how much I love it here. Please do not say anything...  For me.” he interrupts.

 “Fine, but you are spending the night at my house just to be sure its not Jack because he escaped from jail two days ago.” he says. “Fine."

They go to his house and make up an excuse to his mom and she seems to believe them. They go up to his room and start talking. “I don’t really see the meaning of this. I can protect myself and you know that, remember when your cousin attacked me. I got out of there alive. You know I’m strong.” she says. “Hey don’t you remember when-” Josh says as Mya interrupts. “Don’t even bring it up, I’ve changed since then, you’ve changed since then so why bring it up. You know I hate that story.”

He looks down at her and says, “I’m sorry, okay I shouldn’t have brought it up. Here lets do something else.” She looks up at him and smiles. “Lets practice our self defense.” she says. “Okay... I’m a person who grabbed from behind, what do you do?” he asks whille he does it. Mya does the things shes supposed to do and says them aloud. “Elbow you in the gut, punch you in the face, turn around and flip you over and run away.” She goes and sees if he’s okay and trys help him up as he pulls her down and hugs me and says; “Correct.”

They do that for a while and then they practice punching and kicking. “Bam, I knocked you on the ground within 15 seconds.” she says. “Only cause I let you.” he says. “No, you’re just saying that, so I won’t make fun of you.” Mya says to him. “Josh! Mya! Its time to go to sleep, its 11.” His mom says. “Okay Jenifer.” Mya says as they go to his beds. "I'll take the one pulls out from the bottom." Mya says. "Okay" he responds. Josh goes in his bed and closes his eyes but Mya waits for a little to close her eyes.

 Its thirty minuts later and Mya makes sure he’s asleep and she leaves to her house. She goes to her room, gets her cat and puts her in her bed. Mya pets her cat and sings to her.

“You wanted my love, so I gave my love to you. You wanted my heart so I gave my heart to you. You wanted me so I gave my self to you. Yes you... The one that I'm singing to.” She stops, goes to her bed and goes to sleep.

Mya wakes up the next day and her cat is on her chest meowing . “Okay Lucie I’m up, here I’ll feed you.” Mya goes in the kitchen gets Lucie’s caned food, puts it on a plate. Mya takes a shower then when shes finished, she gets the video games set up for the boys.

Shes looking for the remote when she sees two notes, the one from yesterday and another. She grabs them, gets a box and labels the box “The Note” then puts the notes in. So if I find any more notes, she’ll use them for something. She thinks to her self.

She looks at the clock and its 9:45 and says aloud "Gurr. I have things to do instead of goofing around." She brushs her teeth, gets dressed, then brushs her hair then puts it

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