» Drama » To Be or Not to Be, Amethyst Bronx [the unexpected everything .txt] 📗

Book online «To Be or Not to Be, Amethyst Bronx [the unexpected everything .txt] 📗». Author Amethyst Bronx


It was the 53rd century. Angels flew around in the same graceful manner, sprites ran making their usual mischief, and love archers swooped about, shooting their weapons into the hearts of the unexpected. Unicorns galloped through colorful waterfalls with pure, sparkling water. Skeletal horses did nothing, as usual. Any magical creature you could think of and much, much more had been brought back to life in the new world, resurrected by the Whiz Bang.

The Whiz Bang was a sort of magical earthquake, that Mother Earth, or Gaea, saw forth ridding every part of her where humans inhabited. This way, she slowly began building up and regenerating small pieces of ancient, powerful magic. She summoned and gathered, and finally, in the 51st century, it just exploded. Like the Big Bang, but more...mystical. Because of that Whiz Bang, as it was later called, streams of magic shot out of every part of Mother Earth, and those whimsical streaks mingled and mashed, and forced out beautiful, wonderful things, while yet others became disatrously evil and dark.

But because of the great changes the new world gave its inhabitants, no one ralized that a big chunk of the magic was missing....

Queen Hailey

"Order, ORDER!!" Queen Hailey Heather Holly Hennrietta Smyth pounded the hilt of her black silver, exquisitely carved sword on the floor. The impact on the hard, marble floor sent a vibration through the nearly empty hall. As small as the place was, only the front row was completely occupied. She hated to admit it, but her kingdom was losing power.

Queen Hailey, or Hailstorm, as she liked to be called, lived up to her name. She was a cold and pitiless ruler, staring at her small, depleting city, once vast and glorious, with faded, gray eyes. They where like an empty town after a storm, lost, lonely, and motionless. There was no feeling. She hadn't felt anything for a long, long time. Her jet black hair, once long and shiny, hung around her face in an empty curtain.

She also missed her daughter, Raven. She too, was gone, like everything else that the Queen holded dear. Was her kingdom going to dissapear next? She had decided a long time ago that she would fight to the death for her country. But her people where already dying, and she wasn't. Perhaps she was still alive for a reason.

The Queen faced her audience with faded eyes. In a low and monotonous tone, she began her weekly reports. "Thirteen more have died, please stand by to hear the names, which you probably know already. Then I won't say them. Mr. Morrinson has not decided to come, please check his house and the river for any signs of death or suicide. The StarMappers, my trusted astromomers, have spotted a new sudden growth on the Starblock."

The Starblock was the clump of magic Gaea had released.

"It seems," she said, ignoring the growing confusion in the crowd, "that it has been dubling, then tripling, and quadrupling."

Here, she stopped, finding it harder to speak.

"And we concluded that apparently, it has been feeding off the souls of our dead."

It's Small World After All

"Don't be suprised. You all have sensed the sudden change of your strength. But i guess I should even out the lovely atmosphere in here with yet MORE awful news."

She lifted her pale bony hand and dragged it through the air as if erasing bad luck. Swirling bits of silver flecks spun into a hyptonizing dancing square. As the Queen spoke, they arranged themselves into a picture.

At first glance, the picture could have seem like a grainy video, one of those that gives you a massive headache. But as the picture zoomed in to reveal a small planet, the citizens of Wits End couldn't help but think it was a picture of comfort. They needed to know that life outside in other worlds was continuing, that they still had hope.


Publication Date: 06-18-2012

All Rights Reserved

To: Albert and Meg

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