» Drama » Madness, LEnka Filicka [read aloud books txt] 📗

Book online «Madness, LEnka Filicka [read aloud books txt] 📗». Author LEnka Filicka

Chapter 1

Sadness... Madness... Crying.....

One bad decision and all we ever wanted is gone.

"Carly" i heard someone calling. I was covered all in blood but i didn't feel the pain. ....after that i fell down.

When i woke up i was in a hospital. Everyone was in white suits. Going up and down the hall. I couldn't move with my legs I was like paralyzed. This numbness was driving me crazy....

i wanted to ask what happened but my mouth didn't let me....Oh what is going on ? i asked myself i was anxious i knew this isn't good at all.

"Carly. You are in a hospital. You had a car accident."

"She won't answer you. No use." said man in white suit.

Mum.... Where is Peter? Why isn't he with you?

"She must rest. She is very tired and it will last time till she is able to go home"

I was left alone in a room. not something i was used to....

I started to wander ....back to times when i was still dating Peter.

"You look beautiful. Don't put that make up on pls"

"I must be pretty or you will find a replacement"

"I will find the replacement if you put on that make up "

"Honey. Don't make decisions for me. I m old enough to know what's best for me."

" I was thinking about us a lot." said he.

Oh no he wants to end this. I should have pay attention ...

" Carly? Are you ok? you look pale."

" I'm fine. Go on. PLs"

" i wanted to ask if... you know we know each other for quitte a long time... and i was thinking maybe you should move in... it's best for both of us..."

I was relieved....hmm being histerical ......again....

"Oh i dont know what to say... i must think it over at first. "

"I know. If you think i push you into something you don't want. It's not like that...."

" i don't want you to feel forced to do ...anything " he added.

"I'm fine. Peter. I just need a little time. That's all."

"I love you so much. When you aren't with me... I miss you so much.. that would be great living with you."

Dusk fell down and i was getting sad and sadder. I was lonely without mum, Peter or anyone near me.....

The day has come and i was still in same room. Nurses taking care of me. Feeding me. Cleaning me. Same routine all over again. I was getting tired of it. I wanted to cry but i dare not.

" Carly why are you crying?"

I was crouched upon sofa and hugged my knees. When he came in, i lifted my head. He came near me and dried my tears.

"My dog passed out. He was sick ...."

"I'm sorry. I'll buy you a new one."

"i don't want a new one. I want her....."

"Look. I'm here for you. I know what it's like. Time will heal the ache. Believe me. "

I couldn't sleep. Again. Oh God. Help me. Pls.....

This room was a really scary place for me. I didn't feel very comfortable in it.....

I missed my teddy ..Peter... mum everyone...

Fear ..... Fear of unknown overcame me....Creature with red eyes watching me ....

right in the corner... getting closer.... and closer....suffocating me ... paralyzing me..

I wish someone could help or save me. Anything. I would make anything to have Peter near me.

The sun beams illuminating the room. Sky was blue and temperature very high. I didn't know if i was ever going to speak or move my body again. The new day has come and i was helpless. Peter won't stay with me. He needs healthy, young woman. Woman that will bring up his children. Woman that will kiss him or talk to him. I won't ever be that woman to him. My life has changed. I'm different. I know that i'm left in this world alone. In the world of loneliness, damnation.....Nothing to be said or done.... It's the end for me....

"Carly .. Darling. Don't put your feets on the table pls."

Always commanding me. That's her. I thought to myself. She never express her feelings as if she was strained by some unvisible force. She's cold like ice, distant like sky above me. Only thing she ever cared about was her dog or work. She works as real estate agent. I always tell her to spend more time with me and Tom.

" Mum i was thinking ... maybe we should go on trip to Rome" i started " you know...we haven't been there for like ages..."

" I don't have a time for this...not right now... I got some work to do....i'm sorry "

"Fine" said I. I was angry but didnt want her to notice that.

I must not give up... never give up... I heard voice saying....

I felt someone touching my hand. I opened my eyes. Peter was sitting on the bed and talking to me. How i wish i could speak out and tell him i'm sorry for everything that happened between us.

" I'm here for you. I will always be here with you. I know you can hear me. I love you so much. This is just a temporary situation. Doctor said that there is a chance you will be normal again. You must rest a lot."

"You remember when we met for the first time?" said he with anxious look on his face. He was not like this. It wasn't him. He used to be so carefree, optimistic. Man that was near me has changed so much.

It was 5th May 2005 when i met Peter for the first time. I was sitting on the bench, reading newspaper. Sun was shining and i had days off. People passing by. Smiling.... Frowning...

Hurrying ... not to miss their chance for something new....Everyday is like that.....

When we have everything we crave for more... and in the end we find ... we don't want that all....because it all doesn't mean anything....when we don't have anyone to share our happiness with. I was the richest woman in the world. I was daughter of billionaire....I was used to live in comfort .... in a golden cage....

I couldn't go out without permission of my father and without security. My life was like that i was watched all the time.

"Hi. I'm looking for GoldenStreet. Do you know where is it pls?"

" Hi. I can show you. My name is Becky ."

"My name is Peter. Nice name... Becky"

" Thanks."

" Why are you looking for this street?"

" Friend of mine lives there. He got married and i decided to pay a visit to them."

"That's great. Friend like you are precious." i said." It's here you go straight and you will find it."

I couldn't take my eyes off him. He was so attracting and hot man.

" I was thinking Peter... are you free this night?"

"Hm ... i will watch tv ....cook dinner.. hm you asking me on date?"

said he and his eyes lighted up suddenly.

"No. I just can't cook very well and i want to eat something delicious finally."

"I bet. That's the only reason why. heh"


Publication Date: 09-28-2015

All Rights Reserved

This is my first book written in english . I dedicate it to all people.

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