» Drama » The life of the ICON's, julia [portable ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «The life of the ICON's, julia [portable ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author julia

The Life of the ICONs ch.1

Hey everyone!! I just wanted to say that there are some people at ICON that are rude in my story. They aren't like this in real life! Please don't hate and enjoy! =)

Characters: julia, vinny, nick, madison, louis, thomas, jason, mikey, nicolette, zan,Geo,Beth julian, katie, alexis, gianna, brittney, mikayla, sarah (more will be added later)

Vinny's POV:

Yes! Finally its March! We get to find out which dancers are getting picked to go to abdc. My heart was beating so fast I could of passed out. I hopped in the car with Alessandra and we picked up mikey, nicolette, jason, and julia. I don't know why but sarah doesn't like us too much so she went with her best friend mikayla.

Jason: whad up playyaaa??
Vinny: nothing much bro, I'm so excited for this I hope I get chosen!
Nicolette: Vin your an amazing dancer, I'm sure you'll get picked!
Julia: yeah seriously I'm so scared I want to be picked so bad!
Mikey: let's all "praise da lawd jesus" that we'll be picked.
*they all look at eachother and bust out laughing*
Alessandra: well guys call me if you need a ride

*they head into ICON*

Geo: ok everyone that is in company meet in zone 1 (that's the big studio at ICON if your wondering) and we'll be discussing big things, change into blue and white or silver please.

*all the girlz go to zone 2 to change*

Julia's POV: omg omg omg! This is actually happening! I'm so scared I don't think I'll be good enough.
Zan: I don't really want to leave nj for a few months so I hope I don't get picked.
Katie: zan! You have to try! We all love you.
Alexis: yeah I love you the most.
Britany: ok I'm freaking out, I still don't know what to wear!

*this is what they are wearing, I usually am going to describe instead of putting polyvore's*

Julia: white shorts with ICON on the butt, with a blue ICON shirt that hangs off the shoulder, white and blue knee high's, and white sneaker boots with a blue bandana tied around the leg.

Zan: blue shorts with ICON on the butt, a blue sparkly tank top, and silver nike's with blue thigh'high socks.

Nicolette: blue and silver icon crop top, silver shorts, with white and blue nike's

Gianna: white shorts, with a blue ICON cut off and a white tank underneath, white sneaker boots with blue laces and a red bandana tied around the leg.

Brittney: blue sparkly shorts, with a matching shirt, and white sneaker boots with a red bandana,

Alexis: silver shorts with a blue shirt that hangs off the shoulder, and the same sneaker boots as brittney but with silver laces.

Katie: ripped folded jean shorts, a shredded ICON tee and the same sneaker boots as brittney.

*back to the story*

Katie: we all look so good now let's all just straighten our hair.
*10 minutes later and there done*

??: well look who it is the ugly girlz of ICON

Who could that be? Stick around to find out!!

The Meeting

Gianna: mikayla why do you have to be so mean?
Mikayla: your just so ugly, all of you are. Me and sarah are going to make it and the rest of you can go cry in a corner.
Sarah: yeah seriously and you guys look disgusting, quit being slutty
Zan: sarah and mikayla just quit bothering us, out of everyone you two don't deserve to go to abdc.
Mikayla: shut up zan, you suck at dancing anyways.
Nicolette: then why did zan, katie, and gianna win ICON of the year?
Sarah: because geo and beth feel bad for them.

*all the girlz except mikayla and sarah walked to zone 1*

Louis: hey there sweet thang!
Alexis: louis I told you to stop calling me that
Thomas: brittney beth said to go to zone 2 and grab her duffel.
Brittney: ok, gianna come with me

*they leave to go get beth's bag.

Nicolette: guys let's go sit with everyone
Julia: ughh... I'm so nervous I'm going to lose it
Katie: julia your one of the best dancers just relax.
Alexis: ayoo Mara! Come over here.
Nick: what up ladyzz??
Nicolette: shut it mara your making us nervous.
Jason: julia did you bring your bags??
Julia: yeah and thanks again jason.
Madison: why do you need your bags?
Julia: my family is moving to detroit and they say its best for me to stay in jerzaaayy!!
Mikey: so are you staying at jason's?
julia: yeah because our parents are very close and have been close since they were kids.
Zan: at least you get to stay! I could never live without julia!
Julia: thanks zan!

*everyone takes there seats and the parents, geo, and beth come in*

Beth: thank you all for everything as you all know were having the kidz try out for America's best dance crew this year.
Geo: we will be having two crews compete, this is not going to be a matter of favoritism but we've been watching the kidz for the past couple of months. This is there last shot to show us any new tricks that make them deserve a spot.
Beth: crew #1 will consist of...

who do you think will make it in? And do you like the story so far??

the crews

The Crews

Beth: gianna please hand me my bag
Geo: beth can I please tell them! I can't stand waiting anymore
Beth: whateva geo take it away!
Geo: crew #1 is going to be katie fasbach, julian deguzman, gianna marretta, nick rubiano, alexis hargrave, john do'frino, nicolette fusco, britney joseph, and zan bongiovi.
Beth: crew #2 will consist of vincent castronovo, nick mara, louis dippipa, mikey fusco, jason smith, madison alamia, thomas miceli, and julia h-
Mikayla: what?? Me and sarah didn't get it? Uncle geo my dad said I'm in one of the crews.
Geo: sorry mikayla we chose people that will pick up on choreography its nothing personal again I'm so-
Mikayla: I'm telling my dad you guys all suck at dancing.

*mikayla and sarah storm out*

Beth: well congrats to all who made it, go home and get some rest, auditions are tomorrow. Everyone please wear your black ICON sweat pants and your matching t-shirts. Wear any type of sneakers.
Geo: we'll meet at ICON then we'll take a bus to new york where the auditions will be held.

*they did a photoshoot then packed up and went home*

--do you guys like it so far? And I'm not hating on sarah and mikayla, I did this randomly by picking cards for the mean people. Please give me your feedback it makes my writing stronger.


Publication Date: 11-26-2011

All Rights Reserved

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