» Drama » You Were The One, Ashleigh Corbett [ebook and pdf reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «You Were The One, Ashleigh Corbett [ebook and pdf reader .TXT] 📗». Author Ashleigh Corbett

The Start of it All

I'm sitting on my cold bedroom floor crying and thinking of the start of it all.Where did i go wrong?Where did we go wrong?Whats happening to us i mean me?I'm going to tell you from the start now pay very close attention because it's very confusing.It started about 5 years ago I was in third grade.I was sitting in class waiting for recess to start today we had 3 hours of recess since it was the end of the year.My teacher told us that we have to be carefull playing on the playgroud since some stupid kid broke his arm the day before on the monkey bars.Then we all ran outside,everyone gunning for the last swing and little me sat down on the steps waiting for my best friend Carly to come outside.This guy Logan cane up to me and asked if I have ever kissed anyone (in this time everybody was cussing and kissing) I said no and why.He was like "come over here for a sec Gwen".I ran around the tall ass building we both sat on the back porch of the unfinished part of the school he grabbed my waste,pulled me closer and leaned in.By that point I had no clue what life could be like if I hadent did the impossible.We started to kiss I mean kiss kiss full on lips and tounges it was so exciting I wanted more but i'm glad we didn't i was only 8 even thought i've had my period by then.I ran back aroud the building to find Carly looking for me everywhere i told her to chill i just had my first kiss.Carly was pissed she yelled saying "girl you are to young to be kissing boys we are only 8 we still have stuff to learn!".She's got a point but still I know all I need to know I have an older sister who back then was 14 and she told me everything.Logan came over to me and said "you ran away what you didn't like it".I loved it Logan so does that mean we are? "yeah it does" logan said.I went with Logan and Carly to the 3 remaining swings but since Logan decided to go tell his budds we were a 'thing' he pasted up his offer so instead i got stuck swinging next to Owen the big fat boy.He pissed in his pants when he saw Logan come this way wow what a fucking loser.We swang if thats a word for a little while longer and then here comes Logan she pulls me up to his friends to comfirm the kiss i was like yeah we kissed and then i walked away without a care in the world.Two weeks past and me Logan still going out and it was the last say of school and he walked me to my bus."bye sweetheart i love you.""love you to Logan".I got on my bus waved goodbye to him.Two years later i'm 10 in the fifth grade,loving Logan still,he has beautiful brown eyes that go on forever.The school stayed as is so it was still not finished by not finished i mean our school is huge but there is an abandoned part that needs fixing to match the other part of the school.All the kids say its haunted well who gives a fuck i think its pretty damn kool!Logan came up to me and said "lets go down to the abandoned part of the school.".Of course we went I loved it down there.We walked there and skipped the rest of our classes.Logan said "lets go to an old kidergarden class room".I had know clue why at first then we got there.It looked the same since the last time i went in their,I saw some nap time matts laying in the bigger half of the room they looked comfortable.Logan snagged some strawberrys for me I love strawberrys.


Publication Date: 04-14-2013

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