» Drama » Promise, Mercades Licht [fiction book recommendations TXT] 📗

Book online «Promise, Mercades Licht [fiction book recommendations TXT] 📗». Author Mercades Licht

Chapter One

My name is Ginger Sans and as with my name I am a ginger. People say redheads have tempers, that they have no soul, that there evil, that they are cursed and back in the old days they were accused of witchery. I can for a fact say that I am not evil, I'm 100% good and I don't exactly have a temper, I'm not a witch that I'm a aware of, but I can say that I'm cursed. Cursed with bad Karma. My sister and I made a pact when we were little, that if we did something that accidentally injured the other person, that we would give an oath to do something for the rest of our lives if we were the cause of the accident. With my bad luck, I had to promise all the time.

And then a really bad accident happened and I was sort of the cause of that, and it put my sister in a coma for a few days. At first everything was okay, my sister was a player and the most popular in school and I like one of the guys, couldn't get a boyfriend because they only thought of me as a sister, but my sister got every guy she wanted,  even the guys I had feelings for and would never get.

I wish I wasn't cursed with this bad luck streak that I have going on, if it wasn't my fault my sister wouldn't of been badly hurt, making me have to swear to an oath that I might not ever pay off because of my stupid-carma ideotic mistake. Because of it I might not ever be able to fall in love since apposed from my sister, every guy I've dated and started to think I might have found the "One" until he meets my sister then that unfortunate thought flight right back out the window, where it should have stayed.

The "Family ruiunion" with my sister meeting my boyfriend almost always has the male lusting for her, with her long dark blond hair, tane skinny figure, pretty lips that draws all males to have to stare at them (I've noticed), pretty high cheekbones, light green eyes, and the way she likes showing off her body so much has almost every male and lesbian population staring at her with lust as she walks by.

Me, I don't like dressing up and making myself look pretty just to make guys want me (the few times I've tried it, it just didn't seem to matter to my friends, I was still there sister.) A different apperance doesn't change your personality. I can't get a guy that I like to drule over me or to even like me and think of me as more than a sister. Yes, I've gotten a few boyfriends but they where just blind dates I've gone on because of my brothers from another mother because they know about the Oath and want to try to make me have a happy relationship that ends well instead of bad. It no use though, either the guy doesn't like me that way and wants to be another "Brother" or he does want to date me just to try to gives us a chance and see where it leaves, or he meets my sister and wants her (which I let him go without a fight because its no use to try to stop them) or the Oath comes into play. 

Like I said, my sister always gets what she wants. Including the guys.


5 Years Ago


"Brittaney! Come on we need to go!" I shout to my sister over the really loud music as I grab a hold of her arm and start pulling her away from the guy she is curently locking lips with and grinding against. I barily surpress a heave as I pull her along with me.

"Ginger, let me go! I'll see you in the morning!" Yells Brittany as she trys to escape my grasp and go back to the guy she was dry humping just a few moments ago. I don't release my hold on her even when she digs her nails into my skin. I feel a sticky liqued start to trickle down my hand, but ignore it as I manurvour us through the crowded house to the front door.

I'm jerked to a halt when someone yanks from the other end. I jerk around to see the guy that was trying to get it on with my sister just moments before I jerked her away.

"Hey baby! Where you think your going?" He hallors to Brittany when she couldn't hear him the first time over the loud pounding music, pulsing through the speakers.

"No where!" Brittany yells back as yanks me with her so she closes the gap between her and Tall dude. When I jerk her back torwards me and try to tell her that its time to leave, Tall Dude grabs my wrist and sqeezes. My hand starts to ach and I clench my teeth when I feel a sharp pang go up my arm but I keep my grip. My sister smiles drunkenly at me as she whispers something to Tall Dude and what ever it was it made him squez my wrist harder. My hand grows numb and I fight to keep my grip on my sister, when Tall Dude suddenly jerks my hand to the side and then back making me cry out and let go of my sister and cradle my right hand to my chest. I wiggle my fingers a tad bit and hope that he didn't break my wrist.

I hear a giggle and look over at my sister and see the blond guy has grabed her by the ass and pulled her against him and then they lip lock. I try in vain to pull my sister away from him (being the only one sober sucks when the only person you know at a party is drunk and doesn't want anything but sex.) After a brief whisper from her to him, I see the blond guy let go of her and thinking that Brittany reluctantly told him to had to go, I start to pull her with me through the see of drunken bodies when out of no where a hand comes into contact with my face, jerking it sideways, backing me up a few inches into a couple where I bounce off the male and fall to the floor.

Pain hits me, not so much from the slap as from the person who delivered it. I look up at my sister when she walks torwards me, even if I wasn't on the ground she would've still toward over me (I may be older, but I always seem to be the youngest compared to her.) She sqates down to my level and yells, "Your my sister, your supposed to act like my friend not my boss! Our parents are dead because you and you seem so happy about it too! You need to learn how to stay out of my afairs and leave my damn ex's alone, I'm done letting you have my left overs! Now leave before I have him do the same thing to your other hand!" This last part she yells with a tilt of her head towards the Tall blond.

Scared I scramble backwards on my one good hand and try to pick myself up off the floor. After a few attemps I get up, craddling my right hand, and take off running in the opposite direction. I don't get very far before someone sticks out their foot and trips me, knocking my feet out from under me to were I crash to the floor. I throw both hands out to catch me as the ground rushes up to meet me and then cry out when smack the ground with my right hand. Instead of trying to get up I just lay there, folding into myself and craddling my right hand to my chest as I sob.

The people around me make a small circle, but, it was like they didn't see me, even though they made a small space around me. Sobbing, I lift my head up a bit and stare at me sister, but she's already resuming what she was doing before. Closing my eyes I let the tears fall and try not to make a sound.

What feels like a few hours, which must've only been a few minutes, I feel strong hands slid under the back of my knees and the other around my waste and lift me up. Not opening my eyes to see where the person is taking me I just bury my face in the crook of his kneck and clutch at their shirt as I sob. The person sits down in a chair somewhere (or its a couch) and wraps their arms tightly around my, cradling me close to thier chest. I feel my hair being brushed aside and then cheek brushes up against mine and a voice starts to whisper soothing words into my ear.

Even though I already assumed it was a guy I get confirmination when I hear his musculin voice whisper to me that everything is ok, that he won't let anything bad happen to me. I know that what he says is a lie, but its comforting hearing the words.


Publication Date: 08-18-2015

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