Rakia && Rakelle, Nayy Delesa [cheapest way to read ebooks .txt] 📗

- Author: Nayy Delesa
Book online «Rakia && Rakelle, Nayy Delesa [cheapest way to read ebooks .txt] 📗». Author Nayy Delesa
[ 12 Years Earlier )
RaKelle and Rakia sat on the dirty mattress in the abandoned house alone , The place was dirty and infested with insects and sometimes rats . They sat alone in the dark crying , They cried for many different reasons . They were hungry , dirty , and alone . They didnt know where there mother was but that wasnt unusual , Their mother is a crackhead and she leaves them very often for weeks at a time . Every time she leaves she says " Stay here , Momma will be back " And each time she comes back she always has a different man with her ..... Rakelle is 7 yrs old but she is very grown up for her age being that she takes care of her 5 year old sister Rakia . As they sat in the dark place trying to fight their hunger Rakia begins to throw up . Rakelle holds her hair and rubs her back until she gets it all out . When she does , She wipes her mouth on her sleeve and lays her head in Rakelle 's lap .
" Kell ? Is momma ever coming back ? " Rakia asked with sadness in her small voice .
" I dont know Kia i really dont know " Rakelle answered her .
" My stomach hurts Kell "
" I know so does mine "
Rakelle knew that they couldnt fight their hunger much longer and she had no clue when her mother was coming back so something had to be done .
" Come on Kia " Rakelle said pulling her off the dirty mattress .
" Where we going ? "
" To get some food "
" But Kell Momma said to never leave if she isnt with us "
" Look Kia , Momma aint here now so im in charge And i said lets go "
" Okay "
Rakia grabbed Rakelles hand and they walked out of the abandoned house and to a corner store , Where RaKell tried stealing some chips for them but got caught and the police was called . They were taken into Child Protective Services . The social worker took them into two seperate rooms , Which they thought was only temporary , They never thought they would be split up for good .
Chapter 1 : RaKia 's Troubled Ways .
Rakia looked over herself in her full length mirror she had on some super short shorts and and black tank top and some black flip flops . She put her long black hair in a ponytail and headed to school . Rakia is now 17 and lost in a big world trying to find her way . She hangs with the wrong people and slacks in school . She has been living with her foster mother Diana since she was 5 years old .... So when she got to school she walked over to her friends Trisha and Dre . They were both smoking a blunt outside the school .
" Hey Kia ! " Trisha said .
" Hey yall " Rakia grabbed the blunt from Dre and took a few hits .
" Damn Kia , Fuckin up the rotation " Dre said and laughed ."
" Shut up Dre " Kia said .
Dre was really attracted to Rakia but she wasnt into him like that because a part of her didnt want to be with his bad boy type because deep down she knew he was no good .
" Aye yall wanna skip school ? " Dre asked .
" Shit im down " RaKia said .
" Well yall go by yall selves i have to go stay in school today the principal called my mom and yall know how she is " Trisha said .
" Yeah we know , Well go to class we ah catch up with you later "
" Okay bye yall "
Trisha walked inside the building , And RaKia and Dre walked the opposite way to Dre 's house , When they got there they sat on the couch and chilled .
" So Kia why do you be putting up this wall whenever i try to talk to you ? " Dre asked .
" Because i dont like you like that "
" Damn ma , You had me thinking me and you was gone be together " He said and laughed .
" Ahaha shut up Dre "
" Sike naw , But foreal whats up with you ? "
" What you mean ? "
" I mean like i been knowing you for over 3 years now , But i know nothing about you , You never talk about your life "
" Thats because my life is complicated "
" Well Kia everybody 's life aint all peaches and cherries "
Rakia looked down and played with her necklace , Which was a 15k gold necklace that said Kell on it .
" Who 's Kell ? " Dre asked .
" My sister "
" Sister ? I didnt know you had a sister "
" Thats cuz i didnt ever tell you "
" And why is that ? "
" Becuase .. "
" Cuz why ? "
" We were split up when we were young and i never seen her after that i dont even know if she 's alive or safe "
" Damn ma , You never ask you foster mom if she knows anything about your sister ? "
" Yeah , But she alwyas beats around the bush or says she desnt know anything "
" Oh thats fucked up Kia , Why 'd yall get split up ? "
" Long story rather not talk about it "
" Okay ma , But im sure your sister is somewhere safe "
" Yeah i hope so "
Rakia laid her head back on the couch and let the weed take over her mind , She didnt want to think about her past life it hurts too much .
Chapter 2 : RaKelle 's Life .
RaKelle sat on her queen sized bed and played with her necklace around her neck which said Kia on it . As she twirled the chain in her hands her cell phone rang . She looked at the screen and saw it was her so called boyfriend Anthony so she ignored the call . Anthony and RaKelle have been dating on and off for a few years , But Anthony is a cheater and a liar . He cheated on RaKelle a few times and she forgave him time after time because she felt in her heart that love was strong and it would keep them together through anything . But now she is getting tired of his bullshit and so she is thinking of calling it quits . Her phone rang again and this time it was her friend Paris .
" Hey girl " Rakia said as she answered .
" Heyy what you doing ? " Paris asked .
" Nothing avoiding Aj 's no good ass "
" Ahaha , Aye we need a night out "
" Yeah we do ! "
" Tonight its a party you down ? "
" Yeahh bitchh you know it , They doing ID check ? Because you know we too young "
" Ahaha i know people who know people so we good "
" Okay cool "
" K so ima pick you up at 10 "
" Okay later "
" Later "
RaKelle got up off her bed and headed to the bathroom to take a shower , She is now 19 years old an just graduated high school and moved into her own house . She used to live with her foster parents but she was happy to move out because they never got along ..... After showering she put on a pink and gray leopard print tight short dress with some gray and pink shoes . She put her long black hair into some curls and put on some makeup , And was ready to go . As she was putting on her jewelry her cell rang it was Anthony she sighed and press talk .
" Hello ? " She answwred .
" Yo Kell wtf i been calling and texting you all day . Where you been ? "
" I been minded my business something you should try "
" Really Kell ? "
" Yess really Aj ! Im tired of your bullshit , The cheating the lying all of it ! Im sick of it ! And so im going out to night with my bad bitches and we gone do us , And ima find a nigga thats worth my time unlike your broke sorry ass ! So dont call or text me no more cuz im through with your no good ass "
RaKelle hung up on him and threw her phone in her purse it was time for her to live her life for her .
Chapter 3 : You Need To Make Some Changes ! .
RaKia opened the front door as quietly as she could . It was 3 am on a school night and she had been out all night . She tried to get in the house without waking up her foster mother Diana but she was unsuccessful . Diana was sitting on the couch waiting for her . RaKia rolled her eyes at the fact that she was in for another lecture . She took a seat on the love seat and waited for Diana to start yelling .
" Where you been RaKia ? " Diana asked calmly .
" Out with friends "
" And by friends , You mean that no good crew you hang with ? "
" Yes them "
" Look RaKia im not going to yell because it seems like when i do yell you dont listen so ima tlk to you like an adult .... You need to change RaKia because this path you going down aint gone lead you no where but to jail or the grave . Honey you are so smart and intelligent but you make poor choices i want so much more for you but you gotta want it for yourself you got to want to change . You can be anything you want to be in this world but you choose to throw your life away , And let me tell you something the road you going down will only end in destruction . "
As Diana spoke to her RaKia 's eyes filled with tears , She wanted to change she just didnt know how . She wanted to be better she didnt want to end up like her birth mother she wanted to be better than that because thats what RaKelle would have wanted .
" Im sorry Diana " RaKia said through tears .
" Baby dont tell me your sorry , Just show me you can turn your life around "
" I will , Im gonna do better from now on . "
" Good now go on to bed you got school tomorrow . "
RaKia walked up to her room and laid in her bed , She reached under her pillow and pulled out the old ripped picture of her and RaKelle .
" I miss you Kell " RaKia said out loud and kissed the picture .
She cried her self to
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