Monsters Die, Kaylyn Gregory [management books to read TXT] 📗

- Author: Kaylyn Gregory
Book online «Monsters Die, Kaylyn Gregory [management books to read TXT] 📗». Author Kaylyn Gregory
Chapter 1: The Start
I was very young child when something snaped in me. Growing up I was an only child because my dad killed my mom and got away with it when I was only 4 years old. My fater was an very abusive father I don't know how he got away with all the bad crimes he did but he managed. Sometimes I even wonder how my mom loved him enough to marry and have a kid with him. My mom was asweet caring woman if she was still alive she would have taken me fare away from him to find a better father/husband. I only know this because thats what their last fight was about that was before my dad killed her.
I remember exactly every word and every little sound even the weather outside what I was wear and whet my looked like after it happen. All she could do was stand tall and tell him "She means the world to me and I will die for her safty I won't let you hurt her as long as I live. I packed her things with mine and I'm leaving tonight!" Thats when he pulled the knife holding it to her neck she didn't yell or fight back at all she just stude there. I fell to my knees in front of her and began to cry my father yeled saying "Shut up you little bitch or your next!" I stoped yelling and cring but tears still rolled down my check. He slit her neck and she fell to the floor. I cwaled over and grabed her holding her in my arms. Last thing she said to me was "stay strong my wonderful daughter you are pretty and someday you will find someone that will love you enough to take you away from this awful man." Thats when she died in my arms her body ran cold as she bled out. Thats when my dad pulled me away from her. he put her dead body in a garbage he tied it off and draged it to the garage putting her in the back. I got in the back to hold her in my arms as we drove deep into the woods. I watched as my dad baried her. That night he sat me down giving me a long lecture on how I could never tell anyone.
A week later he started leving me home alone as he went out and got drunk he would come back with one or two girls a night. I could hear them through the walls as I tried to sleep. I would go to school and when I came back he would asked me if I said anything to anyone. When I did't answer because I was to scared to say a word he would pick me up by the collar of my shirt and shake me until I told him and after I told him he would drop me and say "Good you better not tell anyone or I will kill you like I did your pathetic mother." I would run to the corner of my room. I would pull my knees up holding them as I bary my face and would cry quitly.
I was never allowed to have any friends growing up. I never saw any of my family because my dad told them that we moved to Japan. I would call them sometimes without saying anything about it to my dad. I tried to stay quiet but my dad would find. when he found out he would come in and when he did I would yelled hoping my famliy on the phone would do something. All they did was call back so my dad would changed the number for every phone in thte house.
Chapter 2: Life
At school I would be known as the quit emo girl. People would pick on me and I would tell my dad hoping he would do soemthing but he never did he would just yell at me saying "Stop being a lttle pussy either beat them up or don't say anything!" When I was 14 and going into highschool I saw a group of emo kids. They tried talking to me but I didn't talk back. Until the day they helped me with a group of popular kids that messed with me. When they did one of the boys in the emo group picked me up and ran. When he stoped running he put me down thats when I yelled at him saying "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DON'T EVER TOUCH ME AGAIN!" When he caught his breth he said "Join our group you will fit in with us and we will protect you from anyone that messes with you because we stick together like a pack of wolves. Also I'm sorry for running off with you like that it was apart of our plan." I stod quit thinking about it and the next thing that came out of my mouth was "If I join will you be able to protect me from my dad?" He looked at me the look he gave me was a puzzled look that was when he said "What do you mean?"
I said "Never mind forget I said anything." I tried to walk away but he grabed my arm and said "Yes we can but tell me why do we need to protect you from your dad shouldn't your mom do that?" I had a hard time trying to say what was on my mind but it finaly came out as "You have to promise not to tell anyone about this but my dad killed my mom when I was 4 and he told my whole family that we moved to Japan. He abuses me everyday for no reason he's a monster!" He huged me tightly as I began to tear up and he told me "I promise not to tell anyone and I promise I will do everything I can to protect you from him." The other emo kids ran up and when they came to a stop the first thing out of their mouths was "Did she agree to join?" He looked down at me and I looked back up at him saying "Yes I agree to join and be part of your pack." He stoped huging me as he said "My name is Jhonny and these are the emo kids that make up our pack" He pointed to a girl with black and pink hair and a septum saying "This is Stacy." He pointed to a boy with spiky blue and black hair and snake bits saying "This is James." than he pointed to two more boys one with white hair and the other with black saying "these are the twins the one with black hair is Liam and the one with white hair is Bran. Whats your name?" I looked at Jhonny "My name is Kaylyn it sucks I know don't remind me." The twins got down to my sizes as they both put one of their hands on both of my shoulder and said "Kaylyn listen her that is a wonderful and lovely name unlike Stacy." The both laughed and Stacy said "Hey!" and slaped them both than looked at them saying "Don't listen to them Kylyn because half the time they don't know what there talking about. But you do have a wonderful lovely name. Now can we go to the den?"
"Ya sure comeon Kaylyn" Jhonny said as he he got down. I asked "What are you doing?" he looked back at me and said "Get on my back and I give you a ride." I got on his back and he stud up and started to walk. We got to the place they call the den and it was just the basment of Jhonny's house. Everyone else left and went home but I stayed and talked to Jhonny but I ended up crashing. When I woke up Jhonny was staring at me I jumped and said "what are you looking at?!?" He looked at me and said "Your so adorable when your sleeping I just couldn't help but star at you." I got up out of the bed and grabed my things "Well thats not the point my dads going to kill me when I get home!" Jhonny grabed me by the shoulders turned me around and staerd into my eyes as he says "I'll never let that happen I'll talk to him if you want me too?"
Jhonny walked me home that morning. When we got there my dad was sitting on the front step waiting. When we got closer he stud up and I hid behind Jhonny for safty. "Where the hell have you been Kaylyn?!?" my dad said. Than Jhonny told him "I''m sorry sir but she was at my place hanging out with our friends and she crashed it was an honest mistake." My dad said "I don't fucking care now can you step away so I can see her." I clinched Jhonny's shirt he looked at my dad and said "I'm sorry sir but I can't do that she's holding onto my shirt." My dad walked around to Jhonny's side and looked at me to say "Kaylyn you better let go of this mans shirt and come in. Now you have a chosie you can go in on your own or I can drag you into the house." I let go and walked to my dad "I don't wanna go in side." My dad slaped me and Jhonny yelled "THERE WAS NO NEED FOR THAT YOU ASSHOLE WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" My dad pulledme into the house and said "I'm her father and I never wanna see you around here ever again!" and slamed the door.
Love himChapter 3: Love him
When he slamed the door he turned to me and said "If I ever see that boy again I'm killing him and you too." I ran to my room at sat in the cornor with the lights off and the window covered. I didn't cry much my eyes teared up but when they did I said to myself "Be strong one day he will die you must not cry."
The next
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